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Kirk Cameron Thinks Women's Purpose Is To Please Husband


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More "words of wisdom" from Kirk Cameron


During an interview with the Christian Post this week, evangelist Kirk Cameron said that no matter how wives are treated by their husbands they should be submissive and stay in the marriage because God commands it.

“Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband,” Cameron said before claiming that women should know their role so that the marriage can succeed. “When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage.”

In other words, even if she is being beaten daily by her husband and treated like a slave, a wife should always remain submissive and basically let her husband do whatever they want without consequence. And it’s all because the Bible says so according to Cameron.

“A lot of people don’t know that marriage comes with instructions,” he said. “And, we find them right there in God’s word.”

And the article goes on to talk about our favorite PP

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This doesn't surprise me in the least. I hope every last one of his 6  kids rebel and don't look back. But I know that won't happen. At least one will be a perfect Cameron Clone.

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Kirk Cameron is a piece of shit. :my_dodgy: I'm not shocked about this but at the same time, it's just so icky! 

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Church and state twisted what Cameron said. I read the original article and while I don't agree with it all, it's MUCH different than what was supported


From the article:

Cameron continued by explaining that a downfall for some in contentious marriages is that they tend to blame their spouse for their marital problems instead of taking blame for their own faults.

"What most people do is they try to blame their spouse and say, 'Hey, I would be a great husband if it weren't for my wife.' 'We would have a great marriage if it wasn't for my husband,'" Cameron explained. "This talks to the importance of getting your own part right. There is only one person on the whole planet who you can change and it's not your spouse."

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 Kirk can blow a banana out his ass.  Sanctimonious tool.  



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3 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Church and state twisted what Cameron said. I read the original article and while I don't agree with it all, it's MUCH different than what was supported


From the article:

Cameron continued by explaining that a downfall for some in contentious marriages is that they tend to blame their spouse for their marital problems instead of taking blame for their own faults.

"What most people do is they try to blame their spouse and say, 'Hey, I would be a great husband if it weren't for my wife.' 'We would have a great marriage if it wasn't for my husband,'" Cameron explained. "This talks to the importance of getting your own part right. There is only one person on the whole planet who you can change and it's not your spouse."

He said the other stuff too, though. They didn't twist his words, but I do agree that they went pretty far with what they claimed his words meant. Edited to add: thinking it through, I guess they didn't go that far after all (see last paragraph of post). 

I haven't been able to find anything directly quoting him about what a wife should do if she is being abused. I found at least one article where he clearly states that the husband is wrong for intimidating his wife physically or otherwise, that the man is sinning, but he does not say what the woman should do in response. 

That's why people find it concerning when he says the wife ought to respect and honor her husband, which is her part in the marriage, because each person should fill their part "no matter how their spouse is treating them."

In addition to that, I don't know of any born-again or fundamentalist type churches that believe abuse is grounds for divorce (which admittedly used to be a very common thought in Christianity). 

So, if you he abuses you, and you can't biblically divorce him, but instead must treat him with honor and respect no matter how he treats you . . . well, that's a very bad position to be in. Cameron is savvy enough to not connect those thoughts himself, but it's pretty easy to do yourself. 

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1 hour ago, katilac said:

n addition to that, I don't know of any born-again or fundamentalist type churches that believe abuse is grounds for divorce (which admittedly used to be a very common thought in Christianity). 

So, if you he abuses you, and you can't biblically divorce him, but instead must treat him with honor and respect no matter how he treats you . . . well, that's a very bad position to be in. Cameron is savvy enough to not connect those thoughts himself, but it's pretty easy to do yourself. 

Feel free to talk to my pastor then. To him, abuse IS a biblical reason for divorce as the husband has broken the marriage covenant as written in Ephesians 5, where it starts...Husbands LOVE your wives...

You may not "know of any" churches, but I damn sure do...I can give you a list of at least 4, 1 in Arizona, 3 in Nevada and a few more in Indiana and Virginia. You're only looking at the extremist nutjobs, not the mainstream. I realize that many here see all churches as patriarchal, woman-bashing, abuse hiding churches...but...you are just SO wrong. 

The ONLY church I know of that counseled against divorce under ANY circumstance was St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Newburgh, Indiana. That was the ONLY church...and when my X threw me and the kids out...guess what church set us on our feet again? The local non-denom fundie church...within 48 hours, we had a place to live, a full pantry and fridge, utilities turned on, all deposits paid, fully furnished down to toilet paper and paper towels. Yeah...

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I'm sure Kirk's head would explode, if he knew what I did to MrSnazzy, for a $400 pair of knee-high boots. I think it might actually be illegal in some states.


I kid, I kid...I just bought them when he wasn't home.

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9 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Feel free to talk to my pastor then. To him, abuse IS a biblical reason for divorce as the husband has broken the marriage covenant as written in Ephesians 5, where it starts...Husbands LOVE your wives...

You may not "know of any" churches, but I damn sure do...I can give you a list of at least 4, 1 in Arizona, 3 in Nevada and a few more in Indiana and Virginia. You're only looking at the extremist nutjobs, not the mainstream. I realize that many here see all churches as patriarchal, woman-bashing, abuse hiding churches...but...you are just SO wrong. 

The ONLY church I know of that counseled against divorce under ANY circumstance was St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Newburgh, Indiana. That was the ONLY church...and when my X threw me and the kids out...guess what church set us on our feet again? The local non-denom fundie church...within 48 hours, we had a place to live, a full pantry and fridge, utilities turned on, all deposits paid, fully furnished down to toilet paper and paper towels. Yeah...

I'm torn about this. I do think there are many churches, especially in non baptist denominations, who get this right. 

But there are still so. damn. many. that do this wrong. Reading over at The Wartburg Watch, Spiritual Sounding Board, A Cry for Justice and others, shows that this is still a huge problem in churches all over this nation. And they aren't just radical fringe churches. You have high ups in the SBC in there, well known churches like The Village, you have prominent speakers, authors and teachers in there. Hell, you have John Piper, The Gospel Coalition & Desiring God up there. This isn't a radical fringe mindset, as much as I wish it were.  

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I have discovered that SSB and others tend to sensationalize things. I go and read ALL sources and i find, much like the article linked above, many are twisted, misquoted, or quote just a portion of a fuller thought. 

Yes, staying with an abuser is bullshit. However, what's written and what is reality based on first person conversations seems to be two different things. As I was quoted there was only ONE church that told me to stay with my psycho X...the Catholic Church that I was an active parishioner of. 

What folks are failing to see about Cameron's interview is there is no mention of abuse in this article. He states, quite reasonably, that the ONLY PERSON you can change in a marriage is yourself. Abuse was NOT a topic here. But, hey, I get it...


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17 hours ago, SPHASH said:

Kirk you are a cunt of the highest order.  To fuck yourself with that banana.

I wouldn’t wish that on ANY banana.

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16 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Feel free to talk to my pastor then. To him, abuse IS a biblical reason for divorce as the husband has broken the marriage covenant as written in Ephesians 5, where it starts...Husbands LOVE your wives...

You may not "know of any" churches, but I damn sure do...I can give you a list of at least 4, 1 in Arizona, 3 in Nevada and a few more in Indiana and Virginia. You're only looking at the extremist nutjobs, not the mainstream. I realize that many here see all churches as patriarchal, woman-bashing, abuse hiding churches...but...you are just SO wrong. 

The ONLY church I know of that counseled against divorce under ANY circumstance was St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Newburgh, Indiana. That was the ONLY church...and when my X threw me and the kids out...guess what church set us on our feet again? The local non-denom fundie church...within 48 hours, we had a place to live, a full pantry and fridge, utilities turned on, all deposits paid, fully furnished down to toilet paper and paper towels. Yeah...

Whoa, whoa, decaf's in the ORANGE pot, lol. 

Definitely, I have not visited every church or talked to every pastor. But I have heard and read it stated many times that the abuse is not biblical grounds for divorce. It is not an extremist-only point of view. 

The Southern Baptist Convention explicitly states that abuse is not grounds for biblical divorce. The wife can choose to live separately, or possibly even get a civil divorce, but they cannot marry again without committing adultery. SBC is the second-largest Christian denomination in America (after Catholic) and the largest Baptist denomination in the world; this is not some fringe group. I know JWs are the same, that's who comes to mind at present. 

I don't for one minute doubt that many churches would be quick to help an abandoned spouse, or a divorced one in dire straits. That doesn't mean they think you have biblical grounds for divorce. I don't attend church anymore, but I see many local churches running food pantries, giving money for heat in the winter, providing early intervention to at-risk children, and so on. Those are great services, I applaud them for it, but it doesn't mean I agree with their stance on divorce or other issues. 

Outrage over Cameron's perceived stance on spousal abuse has come up before. He is certainly aware of it. If he thinks that spousal abuse is grounds for divorce, one would think he would come out and say so. My google fu has so far failed to find any statements directly addressing spousal abuse in any way, but I'd love to see what other people can dig up. 

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I'm kind of confused here.

Is spousal abuse, for these congregations, only male on female? or do they accept that women could be abusers as well?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh.  I give exactly zero fucks what little Kirky thinks of my life, my job, or my marriage.  I'm happy with my life (with the exception of my having to live in a hell hole of a state which I plan to rectify as soon as we pay off student loans). 

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Kirk, I think YOUR role is to star in a shitty '80s sitcom and then fade into obscurity. 

(Yes, I did read the entire article, but I've loathed this douche-canoe since he first came on the scene.)

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The stories about Kirk Cameron and his belief that he's so very much better than most other people started surfacing when he was still on that sitcom that gave him his public name.  I don't think he's ever realized that the people that liked him at first are now side eyeing him and he has a very small actual pool of fans.  Like a true narcissist, he's managed to revise his reality to suit his need to be the Best Christian Ever, And Don't Forget It!

He reminds me of so many Christians who follow the rule of inviting people to their church, only to give a happy sigh of relief when the person they're inviting declines the obviously forced invitation.  In their mind, they've spoken the word, and if the (not really wanted) invitee had showed up to church, they'd have gritted their teeth and done the bare minimum while silently willing that person to go away, and once they've gotten rid of the troublesome guest, they'd then sigh melodramatically and go on about how hard they tried, but Satan won that round...

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Yeah, it's not just extreme fundamentalist sects that forbid divorce in the case of abuse. I was part of a very mainstream SBC-affiliated fellowship group in college that didn't believe in divorce in that situation either. The hilarious thing - and by hilarious, I mean frustrating - is that my Bible study leader must have known how warped it sounded because she kept trying to dance around giving me a straight yes-or-no answer when I asked her if divorce was allowed in case of an abusive spouse. "Well... we'd make sure to get you to a safe space if needed, away from the husband." Okay, but is divorce allowed? "I mean, we'd make sure you two were separated if that's what was necessary...?" Sigh. That was when the scales fell from my eyes; previously I had only been too happy to eat up whatever my fellowship group threw at me. 

Also, don't forget that what churches say they allow/permit and what actually happens can often be a world apart. No church is going to say that they're an unsafe place for women. Even someone like Paige Patterson, who has openly talked about how happy he was that a woman in his congregation was beaten (because her submission to her abuse made her husband repent, apparently), wouldn't say that his church culture/teachings promote an unsafe environment. It matters little to me whether a church's official stance is "yes, divorce is okay in this situation," or "yes, if your husband abuses you, we will take you to a safe place," if their culture is more engaged in shaming the woman for not being submissive enough. 

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From the article:


Anderson has also preached that women shouldn’t be allowed to talk, read, or leave the house.

I hate to ask... but can the Anderson daughters read?

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This goes beyond normal Christianity. I wonder if his freako religion scares people in the industry away from him.

No living thing deserves abuse on any level, for any reason. 

Any religion that focuses on shamming someone or something rather than trying to help them is the one with the real problems-not whoever is being abused. Their need to see others abused or shammed speaks volumes about the dysfunction within their own heads and spirits.

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All these man made rules, smdh.  Idgaf what any holy book or other human says,  God/Goddess/Universe gave us intuition,  free will and independence.  Fuck all who think they have the answers.

Sorry, the world is driving me nuts today.  It happens. I just sometimes really *see* how different life could be.  Instead of how it is.  I want harmony dammit!  Not 8 million rules and laws and Kirk fucking Cameron. Gah!  Ok, I'm good, don't mind me. :D

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