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We have a home church!


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On our voicemail today it said...




This is Pastor Michael Catt from Sherwood Baptist Church. I urge you to tell your congregation to go to the movie Courageous. It will change peoples lives... then he kept going on about how awesome it is but never said anything about the Duggars :( The movie begins tomorrow nationwide! Please take the time to tell your congregation to go to this movie. It will change your life.


Ya so I never knew we were a church... does that mean I don't have to pay taxes on the house this year?


I did not listen to it again. I will see if I can post his whole message tomorrow just thought you would like to know you can join our church. tithe is 10% of everything you own and we eat Tater TOt Cass and drink cool aid.


If you join the congergation you can add your own personal touch ;)

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Holy crap, robocalls for fundie movies (or ANY movie for that matter)? Just when you think you've heard/seen/read it all...

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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On the unofficial 19 Kids and Counting Facebook group, someone wrote in asking if the Duggars would suggest taking kids to see Courageous. Duh. Also, that's weird to have a robocall about this. Did anyone else you know get them? Then again back in my culty days, I was required to man the phones for our church. We were starting a new program and church plant and had to drum up attendees. *eyeroll* Oh and we had to go DOOR to DOOR!!!!! too. So glad I'm a full fledged grownup now and can make my own decisions (which will never ever include these sorts of shenanigans ever again).

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This made me laugh hysterically because not 5 years ago the house I am living in now was a Baptist church! I still get church mail and no doubt would get phone calls if I had a landline. I call it the Church of E &A.

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My cell phone number is apparently almost exactly the same as a local Korean church, except with two numbers transposed. I get phone calls all the time from people asking me about service times, or assuming I can speak Korean. It's led to some pretty interesting times (including one lady who I ended up talking to for about twenty minutes- she was pretty cool. She taught me how to say "I'm sorry, but this is the wrong number" in Korean). I've never gotten a fundie robocall though.

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I haven't had that happen, but my landline is one number off from the harbor's security office, but most people have been understanding when I said they called a private residence. I have thought of saying that the only water near me is the neighbor's swimming pool, but that hasn't been necessary.

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