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LIAS Coghlans - Millionaire Amazon Sellers


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Checked in on the Coghlans, their baby has been in the hospital for the last week. It looks like their grandbaby may have been baptized by a Catholic priest. And most interestingly, they are "7 figure sellers" on Amazon.

Kim's selling a book about it: https://www.amazon.com/FBA-Secrets-Seven-Figure-Seller-ebook/dp/B072HJVVG1/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1503613696&sr=8-1&keywords=kim+coghlan

AND... check out their shiny new website http://www.perryandkim.com/

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Did the baby swallow a button battery? Someone posted about it on FB but didn't have last names, I just made the connection. 

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Hmm, could be. Perry made a comment about how "his esophagus was still intact", which made me think he may have swallowed poison (drano or something) but there was a post a few days prior about croup, so IDK.

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1 hour ago, snickerz said:

It looks like their grandbaby may have been baptized by a Catholic priest.

Actually, I clicked on the guy's FB page and he was posting all kinds of Reformed stuff, and is apparently a leader at the Coghlans' Presby church. But it did seem really weird that he was wearing a Roman-style collar.

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19 minutes ago, Tangy Bee said:

Wow. I remember when the kids slept on shelves. When did the girls start wearing pants??

They have been wearing pants for years now. When they moved into new house in the city before the fall of VF she said they had stopped the whole skirts wearing. 


That isn't 1 million in profit though is it just 1 million in sales? Their profit is probably significantly lower I would guess.

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That website is  shiny but it's way boring. I want to read how the kids sleep on shelves but love it. 


Remember how Kim was the only supporter of Emily? as in Emily and Dna? 

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3 hours ago, Tangy Bee said:

Wow. I remember when the kids slept on shelves. When did the girls start wearing pants??

At one point Kim admitted that they had worn pants all along but only showed pictures of them wearing skirts "out of respect" for Perry's employer, none other than DPIAT.

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I feel like in general they are wearing pants more now than they used to, but she did say a long time ago that when the kids went with Perry to VF, all the girls wore skirts "out of respect for the convictions of others." I feel like Doug wouldn't even have allowed pants, though. But maybe even back then she'd only show pictures of them in skirts b/c of VF. I just never saw her say that. Before they moved, they were living in a house with no A/C. In Texas. One time Kim said when it was really hot, the girls just wore something like sports bras and shorts if they were at home and only immediate family was present. At least she didn't make them suffer in long skirts constantly. I'm honestly glad they broke away from VF. (Well, they didn't have much of a choice!) Perry in particular comes across as a pretty funny, chill kind of guy on FB. He barely posts about Christian stuff. I don't know if they were ever psycho fundies like the VF crowd.


When I found out how big their Amazon business was, I was really surprised, but if they're working hard for it and enjoying it, then I'm happy for them.

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I was confusing her with the Long Family, but wow, looking at that website, I'd never know they were Fundy, which is super-clever for people wanting to get some mainstream business stuff going.  Are the kids in school does anyone know?

And ugh, I hate their site, HATE!  It's the cutesy wording for one thing, eg:


"If we told you how many kids we have, you probably wouldn’t believe us. Seriously. We don’t even know how many. We’re just going on memory, because they never stand still long enough for us to count them."

But I also am severely side-eyeing their About page in general.  When they talk "we sold $1 million" what does that even mean?  Is that the gross amount, or the net?  WHAT are they selling, and how are they buying it?  If the value of things they've bought is $1 million, how much did the stuff cost in the first place?  How much do they pay on packaging?  How do they store stuff they have to sell?  How much do they pay in taxes?  Ugh I hate this bullshit!

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Do not be deceived...they are still fundie just wrapped up in rock music and beer and girls wearing pants. They believe women should carry ectopic pregnancies and according to when Deanna posted here, they basically shunned her when she divorced and was living with a bf.  They also attended a church where the women could not speak and the men "brought" them the communion so unless there was a major shift in thinking then no, they still hold dangerous beliefs. Count me in as someone who doesn't get what they do. now Mallory and Skylar Seargant do this as well.  She posted about how they were barely making ends meet and boom, now they sell things on Amazon??? I don't get it.

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Looking at their website it seems like part of the business is services for other amazon sellers to see if they have gotten all their money owed amazon. 

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I've been wondering about Deanna's latest FB cover photo for a few weeks. 

Any meaning in this symbol? Any message? Her father stated on Doug Wilson's FB page that she was the only one of his daughters who "didn't take her religion seriously." 

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13 hours ago, snickerz said:

Hmm, could be. Perry made a comment about how "his esophagus was still intact", which made me think he may have swallowed poison (drano or something) but there was a post a few days prior about croup, so IDK.

This what Kim posted on her Public Facebook page (I am neither a friend nor follower of her, and I can see it):


"Prayers for our youngest would be appreciated. 9mo Phineas swallowed a button battery and was misdiagnosed with croup during 4 separate visits to pediatricians and Urgent Care facilities for 7 miserable days before an x-ray for pneumonia caught the real problem."


And I believe they are big believers in "Samaritan"  {often called "Scamaritan" here in FJ} "health insurance"-- https://thehealthcoop.com/products-services/health-care-sharing/

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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 5:52 AM, DomWackTroll said:

Any meaning in this symbol? Any message? Her father stated on Doug Wilson's FB page that she was the only one of his daughters who "didn't take her religion seriously." 

Hope this works. 8-pointed star of Essenes

Most of what I know about the Essenes, I learned from a Dr. Bronner's bottle, so I should take a seat. And have.

Kind of curious and yet sad that Perry should care about his daughter's spirituality when his is (by accounts) demeaning and exclusivist. But what do you expect from a fella who once thought that Doug Phillips Is A Rapist Tool hung the moon? 

I guess he ultimately fears she'll spend eternity in torment. Nobody would want that! But on earth, to expect her to continue in a mindset in which she is chattel, and a baby machine, unable to directly access the sign/sacrament of the Eucharist? At cross purposes (you should pardon the unintended wordplay)!

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They basically run an online pawn shop through Amazon, buying popular things as cheaply as they can and trying to resell for a profit. They probably could have done worse for themselves after the fall of DPIAT

We love selling on Amazon, and we love the freedom it has given our family – not freedom from work, but freedom to work together, on our own schedule. It has not been easy, but it has been a tremendous blessing to our family. We love to share what we have learned with other individuals and families who are eager to enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurship.

I do find the pictures on the blog kind of telling. They say that they're a family with 13 children, which might draw people into their story. Then you scroll down the the photo and see, oh, 13 children. Never mind the fact that one of them is Lydia's husband/boyfriend/fiance and Deanna is not in the picture at all. Guess she was still being shunned, or was just over playing the One Big Happy Family game. 

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I don't know much about the Amazon FBA program (is that the right name)? However, if you read closely on the Coghlans blog, it says sellers get between 2-3 percent of their sales as "reimbursements"? Does that mean the Coghlans are making $20-30,000 (2-3 percent of their 1M sales) per year? Is that what all the fuss is about? Seems like a lot of work for not much pay, especially when they have to pay taxes on that  (including an increased Social Security tax for the self-employed)

I also don't understand why the Coghlans are putting themselves out there as paid advisors who can help sellers get the reimbursements from Amazon. Is that something you'd need help with? Not being snarky, I truly don't understand. I make money through another Amazon program, and the money just appears in my account. There is no "hunting out" or "seeking reimbursement."

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6 hours ago, Lurky said:

When they talk "we sold $1 million" what does that even mean?  Is that the gross amount, or the net?  WHAT are they selling, and how are they buying it?  If the value of things they've bought is $1 million, how much did the stuff cost in the first place? 

Given the various comments in this recent FB post of Perry's, it's probably $1 million gross, not net.

While the immediate post-VF days were pretty desperate for them, IIRC, the Amazon gig doesn't seem easy either.

Re: hypocrisy. When were or are these people NOT hypocrites? 

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I never liked Perry, and now I see he defends skinheads. From his (public) facebook:


Perry C. Coghlan Iii To blame skin heads for the murderous past of Adolf Hitler is the same stretch as evaluating antifa in the light of its Marxist forefathers

However, what happened to their baby is terribly sad. It sounds like he swallowed a button battery and then it was misdiagnosed for about a week. His esophagus got damaged, and he had to have surgery to have the battery removed and a PICC line was placed. Looks like he is doing better since Kim just reported that she is permitted to nurse him again. Sounds like there is hope for a full recovery, though I'm not sure.

I can't even snark on them for having 13 kids and not being able to appropriately watch their kids. I don't think that's true. My oldest was always getting herself into trouble, not as bad as this, but trouble nonetheless. You can't watch them every minute. My youngest had few injuries, but I don't know whether I was just better at keeping an eye on babies or whether she just had a different personality.

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Button batteries have always terrified me because of all the horror stories. Now I'm going to be even more psycho about them after reading this. Ugh.

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When you calculate how many Coughlan adults & teens collectively work on their Amazon store, their earnings per hour are probably quite low.  I doubt that they would be afloat financially if several daughters didn't also have part time jobs as waitresses, etc.

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2 hours ago, Hisey said:

I don't know much about the Amazon FBA program (is that the right name)? However, if you read closely on the Coghlans blog, it says sellers get between 2-3 percent of their sales as "reimbursements"? Does that mean the Coghlans are making $20-30,000 (2-3 percent of their 1M sales) per year? Is that what all the fuss is about? Seems like a lot of work for not much pay, especially when they have to pay taxes on that  (including an increased Social Security tax for the self-employed)

I also don't understand why the Coghlans are putting themselves out there as paid advisors who can help sellers get the reimbursements from Amazon. Is that something you'd need help with? Not being snarky, I truly don't understand. I make money through another Amazon program, and the money just appears in my account. There is no "hunting out" or "seeking reimbursement."

That 2-3% would be in addition to the profit they make on individual sales, right? So it could be a significant amount of money they are making. I heard a bit on NPR not too long ago talking about this sort of thing. People use Amazon as a market place for distributing others' goods. Or something like that, I wasnt listening carefully. But basically they become a distributor for something and then sell it on Amazon and make a profit per sale. Even if their average mark up is only 20%, they did pretty well on one million in sales. And then add in the side gig of teaching others how to do it. If they are thrift shopping or yard saling and reselling like eBay, that would be a different matter, and a lot more work. 

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Can someone less sleep deprived than me (my 4 month old is up 4+ times a night) link to when Deanna visited FJ?

thank you 

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