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Mckmama finally living within her means


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Well, looks like Mckmama has finally swallowed the bitter pill and moved into a house she can afford. And dontcha know, it's SUCH A BLESSING that they didn't have foreclose on their old home.


from her blog:



I'm sure she's posting this picture just for dramatic value though, because the other pictures it doesn't look that bad - older and a bit cheap, and of course a far cry for the expensive and expansive homes they lived in before, but it's not trailer or anything.

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Mckmama is about as nuts as Zsuzsu. If you do read her blog, please type in /feed after the URL. That way you don't give her any clicks (financial compensation).

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I agree she's nuts, and bless MWoP for showing me. I do feel bad sometimes NOT giving her clicks because I know that clicks=money and money=food for her kids. Sorry, kids, I hope you aren't starving or anything :/

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What happened to these people? Why are they having to live in that...place? I don't read her very often. Did her husband leave? Lose his job? I cannot imagine living there is her preferred option. I keep thinking mold!!! when I look at that picture.

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What happened to these people? Why are they having to live in that...place? I don't read her very often. Did her husband leave? Lose his job? I cannot imagine living there is her preferred option. I keep thinking mold!!! when I look at that picture.

Her husband hasn't held down a real job in ages....and she just posted on how there was ANOTHER warrant out for his arrest. The guy has had something like 15 run-ins with the law. Total loser.

I think she did mention that it was her husband's idea to move to the farm and downgrade and live simple and all that. A smart move on his part (for once).

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JM and "Prince Charming" have been without jobs for years. They were "living at their means," which meant 3 big houses (all foreclosed on or 'given back to the bank'), an Escalade that got repossessed and over $100,000 in tax liens and judgments against them.

She isn't living within her means. Instead of big houses, children and escalades, now she's collecting animals - dog, cats cats cats, chickens and probably now goats. Theoretically.

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Guest Anonymous
JM and "Prince Charming" have been without jobs for years. They were "living at their means," which meant 3 big houses (all foreclosed on or 'given back to the bank'), an Escalade that got repossessed and over $100,000 in tax liens and judgments against them.

She isn't living within her means. Instead of big houses, children and escalades, now she's collecting animals - dog, cats cats cats, chickens and probably now goats. Theoretically.

My condolences to those poor pets.

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Yeah. I'm just waiting to hear how "Nuggy" loved another one to death.

Those cats won't be pets for long - she's well on her way to establishing a feral population. And when those cats become sick or injured, do you think she'll obtain appropriate care for them, or let them suffer horribly until they die? What a horrible woman.

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What an awful wreck of a house. Plus, if they are so poor, they won't be able to fix it up properly. This is an absolutely unhealthy environment for children.

Why is she staying with this sorry excuse of a husband?

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This is not an issue of a patriarchal husband domineering the family.

This is a case of an egomaniacal mother pretending to be "in submission" while running the whole show. She got "famous" when everyone was praying for Stellan, her second youngest. They lived high on the hog without any thought for the future, and have basically been a financial mess even before the whole Stellan incident.

Iz isn't innocent in all of this. He's simply the enabler.

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The porch is a mess (and it's good they're restricting access to it), but the inside doesn't look too bad. Just old and out of fashion.

I prefer bright and new and shiny. But old and ugly is liveable. It's just....old and ugly. And if that's one part of how they reach financial solvency, probably better in the long run than new and shiny.

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Guest Anonymous

Not to backtrack, but what was wrong with Stellan? I remember her in motels, etc. And is her husband back with her? Did she ever get an std test after he was screwing around? Every time I asked her on the blog my posts got deleted within moments.

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Not to backtrack, but what was wrong with Stellan? I remember her in motels, etc. And is her husband back with her? Did she ever get an std test after he was screwing around? Every time I asked her on the blog my posts got deleted within moments.

Stellan had SVT in utero, then God magically cured him at birth, then God changed his mind and gave him SVT again, then God miraculously cured him AGAIN (or maybe it was doctors performing a pretty routine surgery....one of those).

As to her husband - has she said he cheated on her? And if so, I really don't expect her to post about her STD testing. I'm sure some things are private, even to Mckmama.

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As to cost- depending on the size of the "farm," the run down house might not be much cheaper than a nicer house on a smaller parcel.

My bet is that they lost yet another house and they either were given this one or are renting it from a family member.

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"chickens who need to be watered and let in and out," "eggs to be collected." Puh-fucking-leese. Chickens are hardly any work at all and any kid over 3 can let the chickens out, close the door after they go to bed, give them some water and food and collect the eggs. (esp'ly if you don't have a broody hen.)

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Growing up, we had chickens. We strung some buckets on the walls, and the hens happily laid their eggs in there. One would finish, another one would hop on in. Only a few would consistently lay eggs in the corner of the coop.

And chickens will eat ANYTHING. They are a walking compost pile. Save all your dinner scraps, and just feed it to the chickens (we limited it to vegetables, fruits and starches).

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And chickens will eat ANYTHING. They are a walking compost pile.

I miss my nextdoor neighbor's chickens. They used to come over every morning and eat up all the slugs in my flowerbeds.

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He had a blog post where he posted about having "small penis disease", a pornography addiction, and he was hiring prostitutes when they were living high on the hog (when people were praying for their son)

I have seen so mnay marriages where the woman thinks loving a loser will turn him into the king. Stupid women.

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I have seen so mnay marriages where the woman thinks loving a loser will turn him into the king. Stupid women.

Well, often those women aren't the biggest winners either....

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