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Douglas Wilson Rejects the Federal Vision, Shocks Followers


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Given the existence of things like Project Naptha (a browser plugin that lets you copy, translate, and even edit text in images in webpages) I can imagine that hiding text in images in pdfs won't protect it from being indexed and searchable forever :P

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It was almost 30 years after those first desires when I wrote my first book. And when I first started writing seriously, I would have to finish the writing plagiarizing, edit it, transfer it to a floppy disk, take it downtown to a typesetter, have them print it out on a long roll of special paper, cut it up into appropriate lengths, wax the back of each page, and press it down onto paper with special blue lines on it.

There, Doug. Fixed it for you.

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  • 2 months later...

Well looky here.  Some people finally came to their senses; Trinity Church of the Tri-Cities has bailed out of the CREC and given Doug Wilson and his associates a big smackdown.  MoscowID.net received the a copy of the text of the letter from Trinity Church to CREC.  There's this:


Trinity Church of the Tri-Cities is withdrawing membership from the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, effective immediately. We believe God is leading us to grow and seek fellowship in a direction that is incompatible with the CREC and our congregation has voted to leave the denomination. 

And if there's any question about who is causing the problems, there's this: 


We had hoped the CREC would outgrow certain issues so our congregation could remain and possibly even be a presence for positive change. Unfortunately, for too many, the CREC is the face of abuse of women and defender of child abusers. We had hoped the Presiding Ministers would respond with wisdom to the recent sexual molestation investigations. The failure of this report gives us little hope for the future of the CREC. Rather than reining in Douglas Wilson’s behavior, they have instead encouraged his tone and demeanor. They have overly praised him, evincing cowardice or complicity.

And then to cap it off: 


Finally, we desire greater fellowship with the larger Christian world, rather than the isolation that comes from being a part of a group that gleefully defines itself by its enemies. Consistently sowing dissension among the brotherhood of Christians (even among its own ranks!) displays an unbiblical attitude, and that seems to be the current tone of the most prominent CREC pastors.

Linky here.

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In addition, Doug Wilson has turned off the comments function on his blog.  Heh.  Mr. Bilious Wilson can't take the blow back. 

How great would it be if there was a bit more of the schism action and a few more area churches bailed?  

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  • 1 month later...

Doug's church is asking its members to trot over to Survey Monkey for this illuminating quiz. They promise, promise, that answers will remain anonymous:


Christ Church Pastoral Survey

As you know, we periodically survey the congregation on various topics, and here comes another one. It is important to note that all these surveys are entirely voluntary, and they are entirely anonymous. In this case, with this survey, it is crucial to emphasize the anonymity because the questions are a bit more personal than they have been in the past. This survey is not collecting any names, emails, or even IP addresses.

Our reason for doing this is so that we can make any adjustments, as necessary, in our pastoral ministry to you all.

We would like to invite anyone in your household who is sixteen or above to fill out the survey. Even if the questions don’t seem that relevant to your situation, the more parishioners we have who fill this out, the more helpful the survey will be to us.

If a result of answering any of these questions is that you would like to request a pastoral visit, you can indicate that in the comments box. You will have to identify yourself there because we will have no other way of connecting with you. Either that, or email the church office and request an appointment.

Thank you. Completing it should take no more than a few minutes. There are only thirteen questions.

70 and above



You have been involved with Christ Church (attending regularly) for:
A year or less
2-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
21 or more years

You read or listen to your Bible:
Most days
Couple times a week
Once a week

You have a prescription for medications to help you deal with your moods and attitudes:

Are there any other members of Christ Church that you are not on speaking terms with?

In your marriage or family, fights with raised voices are:

You use pornography

Within the last five years, within your marriage or family, you have experienced, or have knowledge of, episodes characterized by fits of rage, striking, sexual uncleanness, or cruelty.
All the time

In the past, you have been financially wronged by another member of Christ Church.

In these or related areas, if you were to ask, do you believe that Christ Church has the resources available to help you, along with a willingness to do so?

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?



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27 minutes ago, older than allosaurs said:

Our reason for doing this is so that we can make any adjustments, as necessary, in our pastoral ministry to you all.

What an odd assortment of questions.  Prescription medications?  Marital spats?  Porn?  I think they are just being snoopy.  Or one of the church elders got busted by a spouse for viewing porn and they want to console themselves that they aren't the only one. 

The mind boggles at what they are really about with this set of questions.  Hmmm.

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