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Lydia Coghlan Hinrichs Talks FJ


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On 10/24/2017 at 2:06 PM, Denonner said:

I know most of y'all just love this line too much to ever drop it, but it has bugged me for so long. THERE WAS NO CHICKEN POOP ON THE DECK. As one of the people who had to scrub it, I can personally confirm it.

Also, the baby was not dropped, his lil wet hiney touched the deck for a moment so that Dad could adjust his grip and not let his head or back touch the surface. I was standing there watching, i promise. 

I know you probably won't listen, but whatever. I've been dying to say that for years.

It was never that any of us didn't see it, we all saw it. I think most of us young uns were just decent enough not to work up a deep grudge over something as shallow as obvious favoritism. It just was what it was, and we warehouse gremlins preferred our dirt and fart jokes and belching contests to the prissiness of the cool club in the office.

Also it was fun to poke at the credo baptists with our presbyterian sticks.

Thanks for clarifying the childbirth on the chicken poop covered deck episode which I've been incorrectly citing lo these many years. On the other hand, your explanation really doesn't make me feel a lot better. Rock on. 

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On 25/10/2017 at 6:24 AM, Denonner said:

Not really but I don't mind telling.

It was a get the hell out of the family home type of wedding, I made it happen by making it very clear that I would elope if not given a wedding. Dad tried to tell me that Tyler seemed like a shit stain of a person but I was too desperate to get away and I didn't listen, and Tyler turned out to be a shit stain.

fast forward through 2 years of verbal and emotional abuse (from him towards me) , badly bungled attempts at marriage counseling by a pastor who had to deal with all of my previous 5 years of teen drama (there was plenty of it) and who saw me as an evil manipulator who just didn't know how to submit, and then some extramarital affairs on my part finally pushed things towards divorce (thank GOD).

Then I moved to Austin and got excommunicated after a year for living with a bf.

that pretty much sums it up.

You may not wish to answer this. But here goes.....

You say your father never liked Tyler. Did he give his approval for him to court/date you, was the relationship clandestine, or was it conducted in open rebellion?

And once you were married and it was clear that the marriage wasn't running smoothly, was divorce ever an acceptable option in your families eyes? Or even permanent separation? I'm trying to wrap my head around your father expecting you, a daughter he obviously loves, to stay with and submit to a man who is making you unhappy, a man he himself doesn't like or respect, simply because you made a rash decision and married very young. Was the expectation that you would spend the rest of your life unhappy and childless in an abusive marriage? I just don't see how any parent could want that for their child. Was there, in the opinion of your family and their church, an acceptable way for you to remove yourself from the marriage?

You said you were excommunicated and disowned when you started living with your boyfriend, so did your church and family still accept you post divorce?

I'm so glad you have followed your own path, have found a man you love and are having a baby. I know we only see a tiny bit of your life here, but you never seemed happy while you were married.

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