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University Student in Rome burned alive by ex.


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Over in Rome this happened;



A 22-year-old Rome University student died Sunday after her ex-boyfriend attacked her by setting fire to her car, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

Authorities say the suspect, Sara Di Pietrantonio's ex-boyfriend, Vincenzo Paduano, 27, left his job as a security guard and drove to her current boyfriend's house. After she drove from the home, he forced her car to the side of the road and got into the car. After a short argument, he poured a bottle of alcohol on the car and Di Pietrantonio. She ran out of the car, where police say Paduano caught up with her, using a cigarette lighter to set her on fire.

According to a statement from police,  Paduano confessed to murdering his ex after eight hours of investigation; the lead official says this is the worst case of murder he's seen in his 25-year-long career. What's worse, police say surveillance cameras caught at least two cars passing by the scene, which failed to stop to help the woman.

At Paduano's trial, Chamber of Deputies President Laura Boldrini, (whose ex-boyfriend ordered an acid attack upon her) urged women "not to keep hidden any threatening behavior by those who insist they love you." She encouraged women to remember that actions like that are only warning signs.

Jesus.  I hope this individual goes away for a real long time, as in the rest of his worthless life.

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That wouldn't be long enough to atone for this disgusting crime. That poor young woman. 

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23 hours ago, 47of74 said:

What's worse, police say surveillance cameras caught at least two cars passing by the scene, which failed to stop to help the woman.

This is appalling and infuriating on so many levels that I don't know what to think or say anymore. There was a woman burning alive FFS and none stopped by! I hope they got it wrong and it was just sloppy journalism as this

23 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Chamber of Deputies President Laura Boldrini, (whose ex-boyfriend ordered an acid attack upon her)

They mixed her up with lawyer Lucia Annibali whose ex was sentenced to 20 years for commissioning an acid attack against her.

I think that they maybe referred to this episode when a letter containing ammo and threats (also a threat to attack her with acid) addressed to President Boldrini was found in a post office in Milan. The letter was anonymous, signed by a supposed "political-terroristic group" (of which no other reference exists) called "the New B", practically an attempt to attribute the threats to the defunct terrorist group BR (Brigate Rosse) by some moron who doesn't even know how to write. Anyway no ex-boyfriend. 

ETA it seems that the two witnesses only saw her discussing with her ex and didn't think she was in danger, at least so they say (the article is in Italian).

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