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Since this crosses Quivers I figured I put it here.  So we know that the older Bateseses girls went to JTTH and that the oldest Duggar girls did as well.  Also Pris went and I think Suze Waller.  Did Anna go?  I think I saw mentioned that Ashley Sayler went.  And I think we've seen pictures of at least one Paine girl there.  I'm wondering about the next group of kids.  Has Joy Anna gone?  Will the young girls go?  In 10 years will there be a pick of the lost girls with Callie and Addallee at JTTH?  

On a related note, we've seen one Duggar boy after another go off to Alert.  Have any of the Bateseses boys gone?  What about TFDW?  Or Brandon Keilen?

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I think there's a Journey for guys too or at least coed ones.  I want to say that's how Brandon and Michael met (and perhaps David and Priscilla).

Not sure if we'll see the Lost Girls or younger Bates girls there.  Hopefully they cease to exist by the time they come of age.

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I'm pretty sure Joyless Anna went perhaps with one of her sisters.  I don't think they do co-ed journeys.  That would be too much temptation, but they do or did have male ones.   I hope Northwoods gets sold soon and the Journey's start coming to an end.  They are having at least one this year not at Northwoods. 

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I believe that the JTTH and all other camps for young people and singles are same-sex only. There are links to official blogs for each on the IBLP website where you can see group photos if you are so inclined. I can't tell half of these people apart, so I just stick to reading and snarking on the crazy shit worksheets that are around.

There is an annual family conference where some couples have met, under the umbrella of protection of their parents.


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i think chad paine was a jtth leader several times. 

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I'm wondering if Tori, Carlin, or Josie Bates have gone?

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The JTTHs are segregated by sex and "season of life": single young women, single young men, married men, and married women. The ones for singles have a huge age range, from young teens to thirties. Of course, many Gothardites seem to be emotionally stuck in early adolescence, so maybe it's not as weird to the participants. I remember seeing a picture of JD at the young men's session ages ago on TWoP, which seems odd as he seems content with his life and doesn't seem like the type to question his parents. Maybe he was still bitter at Josh and needed to be brainwashed into having a " forgiving heart"?

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