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Jawara tribe kills fair-skinned infant, Indian state does nothing


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I thought this was an interesting article:


The TL;DR version is that the Jawara tribe is an isolated indigenous tribe living in India. Not wanting to repeat the mistakes of European colonialists in the Americas and Australia, the Indian government has tried to leave them alone to follow their ancient ways. However, the tribe is becoming curious about the outside world and has been having contact with poachers and traders. Unsurprisingly, some of the women are becoming pregnant. These babies are ritually sacrificed to maintain the "purity" of the tribe. Babies are also sacrificed when a widow becomes pregnant. The Indian government knows this happens, but doesn't want to interfere in the affairs of the tribe, even to save the life of a baby. What do you think? Is it worth it to save a tribal culture at the expense of individual children or vice versa?

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1 hour ago, PennySycamore said:

I agree with @anjulibai.  There are more important things to be done to preserve this tribe's heritage.  

I agree as well, but I have no idea how this can be accomplished. It doesn't seem like outsiders are allowed in Jawara society, and if all the tribe members agree with killing a baby, then it's not like the police or some other law enforcement personnel will be informed. The article makes it seem like the authorities know this happens, but choose not to get involved. It seems like the only option is for the tribe itself to consciously decide to evolve away from this practice, but who knows how long that would take, if ever.

ETA Something I was wondering if whether such infants could perhaps be adopted out if the tribe rejects them. Given the importance of caste and bloodlines in India, I'm not sure if adoption as we know it exists, but surely there must be Westerners who would be willing to adopt. However, the only way this could happen would be if the people in the tribe knew and understood the concept of adoption and if someone like a social worker would be allowed into the community, all of which are unlikely to occur.

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When I read the headline I thought for a second it was the Sentinelese people in the same region, and I was going to be amazed anyone got close enough to their island to do that. 

After reading the article, I'm seriously torn.  Because it's heinous and barbaric what these people do to infants.  But at the same time, they really don't know any better, as horrible as that sounds.  This is not some FLDS/Amish type deal that has regular contact with the outside world.  They still live in a hunter gatherer type society that has its own rules and beliefs.  It's hard to impose modern laws onto someone who doesn't understand.  (Hopefully that's all coherent)

Sidenote: these are the people I thought it was at first.  They're thought to be one of the most isolated tribes left in the world.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese_people

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If they are so willing to kill a baby, it concearns me how little life is valued. Of course there are so many cultures in India that don't value human life. (Don't worry, I am pro choice)

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Forgive my ignorance or misunderstanding but, if the Indian govt. is treating Jawara in modern hospitals/clinics, they are already interfering to save lives, right?  

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6 minutes ago, Rubaiyat said:

Forgive my ignorance or misunderstanding but, if the Indian govt. is treating Jawara in modern hospitals/clinics, they are already interfering to save lives, right?  

The way I understood the article (I could be wrong) is that they DO treat them in isolation wards away from everyone else in the hospital.  So they do interfere to an extent, but as little as possible.

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