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Tracts - MERGED


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I thought this was an interesting piece by a blogger I follow and wanted to share it since it relates to tracts and how effective they are or aren't (Guess which one, Rodriguii?).



A small excerpt:

Tracts’ actual usefulness remains a matter of great debate. Like most other things in Christianity, their effectiveness is taken on faith. Considering the expense of tracts and the emotional investment required to use them (to buy them, carry them around, give them to people, and talk about them when absolutely necessary), you’d think that someone in the religion would want to conduct studies and surveys to ensure that Christians’ money was being spent in the best possible way, but if anybody has, I sure haven’t heard about it. Instead, we get countless opinion pieces like this one–which one might notice comes down heavily against the use of tracts.


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Conducting studies, even to determine if something is economically feasible or not, is not Biblical. Because Jesus, not Science. Where's the tongue in cheek emoji?

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My BFF just posted this on facebook, so I had to share it here. Maybe we could leaves in religious bookstores and church bathrooms? 


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What would I have done? Probably thrown them out.

But to provide a slightly different perspective (not justifying -- just explaining), when I was a fundy kid, I often left tracts around. Not because I wanted to indoctrinate anyone but because it was an easy, nonconfrontational way to get my "soulwinning" in for the week because yes, fundy churches really do track those things. It didn't occur to me to lie, so littering with tracts was the perfect solution for me.

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