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Mike Huckabee:Poor People Should be Treated Like Dogs


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Another gem from the Huckster and he also proposes a 10% flat tax rate

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Let's treat Mike Huckabee like I trained my dog: when he's barking and barking for no reason, we tell him QUIET, and then he shuts up.

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Not even going to mind my words. I hope a dog like Kujo bites Huckabee on the ass.

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I'm actually surprised he didn't say "Have them spayed or neutered." :pb_rollseyes:

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46 minutes ago, smittykins said:

I'm actually surprised he didn't say "Have them spayed or neutered." :pb_rollseyes:

well even he is smart enough to say it though he wants too.

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I don't wanna go read that link because...well, I'm not interested right now in what Huckabee has to say.   However, taking a spin on this, I WILL say that many of our homeless in this country certainly WOULD be better off if they were treated like many of us treat our dogs: a nice warm couch to sleep on, guaranteed meals,  fresh water, car rides,  treats, healthcare, and lots of TLC.

On the other hand,  they'd be worse off if treated like others treat their own dogs: chained up outside for life, scant water supply, constantly exposed to the elements, little contact with humans, receive no love and attention. 

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While I like the idea of a flat income tax (on paper, I have no idea what it would actually do) a flat sales tax would be bad for all the hand to mouth folks. Comparing your leadership plans to training dogs (or children for that matter) seems ill advised at best, very telling at worst. Dehumanizing the populace seems to be a common tactic from the right these days. 

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8 minutes ago, Toothfairy said:

Does he really  think he has a chance at office?

Maybe he flipped a coin thrice and is now assured that God's will is being done by him (Fuckabee) being in the race -- same logic JB applied to running for office.


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I'm hardly a Huckabee fan, but the title of the article is misleading and it would behoove people to actually read the article before commenting. Huckabee is stating how he thinks it's unfair that our current tax system effectively punishes people who earn more by taxing them at a higher rate. He then promotes a flat tax, stating

“It’s built on the common sense with which we raised our kids and train dogs,” he declared. “You reward behavior you want more of. And you punish behavior you want less of.”

“That’s how I raise kids, it’s how I trained our dogs. And folks, it’s not that difficult.”


That is a far cry from "poor people should be treated like dogs"

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How about people should be treated like children? I agree it's a bit sensationalist, but it's not exactly a far cry. He's suggesting that the government train us like he trained his children and dogs. Considering who he promotes in the area of child raising, and the things we've heard happen to dogs in their family, any version of it is awful. 

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1 hour ago, daisyd681 said:

How about people should be treated like children? I agree it's a bit sensationalist, but it's not exactly a far cry. He's suggesting that the government train us like he trained his children and dogs. Considering who he promotes in the area of child raising, and the things we've heard happen to dogs in their family, any version of it is awful. 

Except, the government does this all the time - try to train particular behaviour.   It's not "treating people like children"; it's that we all - dogs and children included - respond to rewards and penalties. 

Pretty much every policy decision is designed to encourage or discourage particular conduct.  Eg: a soda tax, or tax on cigarettes (discouraging) vs. negative gearing or increasing the deduction allowances (encouraging).  Employers provide bonuses, commission structures, etc.. to get the most out of people.  (And if they're a Bad Employer, they sack people that can't meet targets, despite trying etc). 

The analogy is ill-advised (however Huck. raises his children aside - no one wants to think of themselves as responding like a child or dog), but it's not.. incorrect.  

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7 hours ago, Gimme a Free RV said:

I don't wanna go read that link because...well, I'm not interested right now in what Huckabee has to say.   However, taking a spin on this, I WILL say that many of our homeless in this country certainly WOULD be better off if they were treated like many of us treat our dogs: a nice warm couch to sleep on, guaranteed meals,  fresh water, car rides,  treats, healthcare, and lots of TLC.

On the other hand,  they'd be worse off if treated like others treat their own dogs: chained up outside for life, scant water supply, constantly exposed to the elements, little contact with humans, receive no love and attention. 

I started to write something like this several times, but couldn't find a way to put in a way that wasn't unintentionally offensive. Thank you for putting it so well!

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I dont see anything misleading about the title. He used a poor analogy.People should be treated like people. I forgot the Huckabees don't have a good track record with dogs themselves.

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1 hour ago, princessmahina said:

I started to write something like this several times, but couldn't find a way to put in a way that wasn't unintentionally offensive. Thank you for putting it so well!

Thanks.  I hesitated, for the same reason. I lived in a third world country for a few years.   There are homeless children who sleep in or on cardboard boxes on the city sidewalks at night, with only God to protect them.   They would give anything to live the life my dogs live,  I'm ashamed to say. 

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A flat tax rate is less fair to the poor. Someone making for instance $200,000 per year paying 10% tax won't feel the pinch. Someone making $20,000 per year will.

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Mikey boy, let me correct that for you

Poor People Mike Huckabee should be treated like Erika Shupe's dogs.  (Mitt Romney's dogs would do in a pinch too.  Mikey boy could be strapped to the roof of a car on a 12 hour drive).

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5 hours ago, rhianna said:

I'm hardly a Huckabee fan, but the title of the article is misleading and it would behoove people to actually read the article before commenting. Huckabee is stating how he thinks it's unfair that our current tax system effectively punishes people who earn more by taxing them at a higher rate. He then promotes a flat tax, stating

“It’s built on the common sense with which we raised our kids and train dogs,” he declared. “You reward behavior you want more of. And you punish behavior you want less of.”

“That’s how I raise kids, it’s how I trained our dogs. And folks, it’s not that difficult.”


That is a far cry from "poor people should be treated like dogs"

I will attempt to remain civil, but I think you need to go back and read the article for comprehension.

I suggest that you also read up on what exactly the flat sales tax actually does to the poor (and the middle class). A flat tax is regressive by design.  The richer you are, the  less actual percentage of your total income you will spend and the smaller percentage you will pay in taxes.  The poor and middle class must spend a high percentage or all of their income thereby paying the full 10% tax or close to it.   The rich in the USA are not punished.  In fact the exact opposite is true. The rich now pay less in taxes than at any other time in the history of this country. They are rewarded by our lawmakers at the expense of the middle and lower classes.  Huckabee is a greedy, bloodsucking, twit who would like to help the USA become a two class state like every other asshole Republican candidate.

Ironically, Huckabee sucked at child rearing and dog training. He raised one child who hung and KILLED a dog while said child was a leader at a Boy Scout Camp.  Not to mention it is particularly insulting to make a statement like the one he did.  Punish the poor? As training?  Seriously?  Aren't they being punished enough already?

All done.


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2 hours ago, dpndetfarm said:

I will attempt to remain civil, but I think you need to go back and read the article for comprehension.

I suggest that you also read up on what exactly the flat sales tax actually does to the poor (and the middle class). A flat tax is regressive by design.  The richer you are, the  less actual percentage of your total income you will spend and the smaller percentage you will pay in taxes.  The poor and middle class must spend a high percentage or all of their income thereby paying the full 10% tax or close to it.   The rich in the USA are not punished.  In fact the exact opposite is true. The rich now pay less in taxes than at any other time in the history of this country. They are rewarded by our lawmakers at the expense of the middle and lower classes.  Huckabee is a greedy, bloodsucking, twit who would like to help the USA become a two class state like every other asshole Republican candidate.

Ironically, Huckabee sucked at child rearing and dog training. He raised one child who hung and KILLED a dog while said child was a leader at a Boy Scout Camp.  Not to mention it is particularly insulting to make a statement like the one he did.  Punish the poor? As training?  Seriously?  Aren't they being punished enough already?

All done.

It's true. I take back all the many, many statements I made where I proudly supported Huckabee's stance, said that I, personally, thought a flat tax was very much the right financial decision for our country, and stated that he was in fact a superior dog trainer and child rearer. That was 100% the point of my post. Your insightful reading of my post shames me. I also appreciate your attempt at civility in the face of my aggressive and hateful partianship. You, sir or madam, are a scholar and a gentle(wo)man. 

2 hours ago, dpndetfarm said:



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@rhianna  you implied that people didn't read the article. You argued that people misunderstood what  Huckabee meant.  I  was amazed anyone would think he didn't mean just what he said. He doesn't think of the poor or working class as anything more than stray dogs. Unless you realize how these people think you can't comprehend what their plans are for the country.  That frightens me.  Perhaps next time you might give a bit more information as to where you stand on what the article discussed rather than just hand slap because you think the title was off.  The title was the least of the issues.

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9 minutes ago, dpndetfarm said:

@rhianna  you implied that people didn't read the article. You argued that people misunderstood what  Huckabee meant.  I  was amazed anyone would think he didn't mean just what he said. He doesn't think of the poor or working class as anything more than stray dogs. Unless you realize how these people think you can't comprehend what their plans are for the country.  That frightens me.  Perhaps next time you might give a bit more information as to where you stand on what the article discussed rather than just hand slap because you think the title was off.  The title was the least of the issues.

Well, I did open with "I'm hardly a Huckabee fan," and at least one person did openly state they didn't read the article, so maybe someone else needs to work on their reflexive hand-slapping. 

And I stand by my point, which is that stating, "I believe that increasing the percentage of your income of which your are taxed as you become more wealthy is effectively a disincentive to wealth creation. I also believe that basic principles of rewarding desirable behavior and punishing undesirable behavior, the same concepts one uses to raise children or train dogs, should guide fiscal policy in this country" is a far cry from, "poor people should be treated like dogs." It's like saying, "Bernie Sanders says that very poor people in this country are treated just the same as very rich people!!!!11" because in one speech he stated that he thought our current government is socialist towards the very rich and very poor and capitalistic towards everyone else. 

For the record, I am again NOT defending Huckabee. But I think that to intelligently debate a topic, you have to fairly assess and reasonably discuss the stances of the parties involved. Spouting off inaccurate talking points to rally the masses is a well-known tool of the demagogues of the right and we should hold ourselves to higher standards. 

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Many politicians make statements and promises they never intend to put into action. Dubya Bush promised no taxes. GOP has a poor track record even if what they say makes sense at the time, and like i said they use poor analogies. We're talking about guy who thinks people should be sold into slavery for stealing.

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