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What if Josh writes the tell all?


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We've covered bits of this in other threads but I think Josh will be the one to write the tell all. I don't think he's going to hack fundie life now that he's had a taste of freedom. I'm thinking he'll break away and then write a tell all to make money. I think he will go through a very public very wild phase before falling off the radar. 

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Does he know enough of the real world to compare? Does he realize that most people do not blanket train or use a rod for discipline? Does he understand that you can hug and kiss before marriage without instantly leading to sex?

I think he will need a ghost writer with knowledge of the real world. Of course, the girls wrote a book about relationships, so who knows?

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I'd read it.  

I am in the school of thought that fundie life was not for him and he knew it as a teenager.  I just wish that he had the chance to live a different lifestyle and didn't drag Anna (and the kids) into everything.

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I think it would be interesting to see his take on his parents when they were younger, before the TV specials started, before they had so many kids, and what it was like watching their descent into their current lifestyle.

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The problem I have regarding a Duggar tell-all book is that none of the Duggars have any credibility for me. They've demonstrated that as a family they are fine with covering up any information that doesn't fit the image they want to present, and with trying to manipulate situations to make themselves appear victimized or to act like the underdog.

I feel like a tell-all book from Josh would just be more spin from another perspective, and I don't feel like I'd have any more of a sense of what's true, just the image Josh wants to portray versus the parental image.

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I'm with Mercer. I don't think anything Josh says would be truthful in the slightest. Even the sex stuff would be skewed to make him seem more studly. (where's the brain bleach?) However, I'd read the book, once I found it at the Goodwill or at a yard sale.

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Please. Josh was educated by Michelle, he is not able to write a decent book. It would be like Moody family and 50 Shades of Gray crossover.

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I'd only want to read it if he was brutally honest about himself, his past, and the entire cult. Even if he has that self awareness, it would be really difficult to say what needs to be said about his parents and everything he knows because there would be no going back. That's why I think if anyone writes a book it'll be a younger Duggar who just doesn't care and has been mentally cutting the ties for years. 

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It would be best for HIM PR-wise to denounce the cult. It would be a way to get some credibility and win a few people over. I'd still think he was an asshole...but I'd read it. From the library, not a purchase, I wouldn't give that a-hole any money, that family has gifted enough.


It would be incredible if he went into honest details of growing up with those parents. But my gut tells me if he did write one it would be 300 pages of him spinning everything so he's the victim every time. He'd 'own up' to his creepiness, but there also be an excuse attached to explain why he didn't know any better.

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I would like to see Josh write a tell-all with the help of a proper writer, on the condition that his kids get a cut of the profits made from it. They're the innocents in all this.

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I, too, would read it.  And have said in the past I think he is the best bet for a tell all....if he does leave, and face it, he is all but gone from the cult already, he won't be supported by JB.  And is basically unemployable.  Josh may be a total a-hole, but stupid he is not!  He knows he would be cut off and would need some money to start a new life, easiest way would be to find himself a ghost writer and spill the beans.  Just my opinion.

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I can see Josh thinking this was his best option. He would of course need a ghostwriter, and I wouldn't believe a word of it, but I think I would read it. I would be ashamed of myself though.

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Thinking more into this--- I can see the ones really willing to spill the guts on their parents are Jennifer and Jordyn (the former is 8 and already she wants nothing to do with them).  But they were born into an already famous family, and on TV (I believe Jenny was the last of the specials as she was the baby when 17/18/19 kids premiered).

But they don't have the same upbringing/childhood as Josh.  They never lived in the small house, wore frumpers (ok neither did Josh), etc.  The family was famous before they were born.  

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I don't think Josh will write a tell-all book unless he majorly screws up when he returns from where-ever he is, and Jim-Bob basically disowns him. And I think the possible thought of Josh writing a tell-all is enough to keep Jim-Bob from disowning him. So the two of them are locked in a no-win situation. Josh will stay put, and Jim Bob will support him (or make sure Josh has a Duggar-related job).

It's Anna and the kids I feel sorry for. If he ever did leave, and she went with him, it would not be an easy life for her.

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3 hours ago, 19 cats and counting said:

I'd read it.  

I am in the school of thought that fundie life was not for him and he knew it as a teenager.  I just wish that he had the chance to live a different lifestyle and didn't drag Anna (and the kids) into everything.

I think this is what the Amish do right.  They do give their kids a chance to live in the real world (or at least taste a bit of it) before choosing to join their faith or not.  The Duggar kids don't have that luxury.

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I hope his rehab goes well and they teach him how to tell time and give him little treats for punctuality.  It will come in handy in the real world.

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I would be unlikely to purchase a book written by Josh. While I feel that he has been made into something of a "boogeyman" by the Duggar family and TLC, in order to preserve the television show,  he isn't a person who has a story I'm interested in hearing.  I definitely think he is the Duggar most likely to head down the Jon Gosselin path to oblivion, and might try something to stay in the spotlight.

(Disclaimer: If Josh wanted to explain why he hid behind his sisters skirts when they went on national television during the molestation scandal, I'd read that excerpt on the interwebs).

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How would he explain the molestation? He was just curious? The child on his lap, listening to a story,  defrauded him? His sister shouldn't have been in the laundry room? Josh couldn't write an honest book, and if he left out the molestation, he would continue to be a hypocrite.

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I might by the book if it was juicy enough to have a ring of truth.  I wouldn't buy a book bearing his name if it was all trying to paint the life as peachy.  He might be able to redeem himself if he started speaking out about fundamentalism and discouraging others from taking part in it.

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42 minutes ago, Bad Wolf said:

How would he explain the molestation? He was just curious? The child on his lap, listening to a story,  defrauded him? His sister shouldn't have been in the laundry room? Josh couldn't write an honest book, and if he left out the molestation, he would continue to be a hypocrite.

I think even for those that love tales of redemption, child molestation just can't be explained away. When I was a kid, I was thrilled by stories of people like Nicky Cruz. He had a grand story about being a former gang banger, and his parents were "Satan worshipers". Something along those lines. He made a whole career out of that. Josh can't make a career out of his former life.

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He has zero credibility.  He is a lying hypocrite. Even his ridiculous family have lost patience with him.

How could a "tell-all" by a confirmed liar be marketable?  It would just come across as another pack of lies and excuses to avoid taking responsibility for his actions.

I think he would need to do something quite significant and positive to garner public sympathy and confidence before it would be worthwhile writing a book.

The easiest way out will be for him just to play along that he is a reformed character and start a new "ministry" in a year or so, as they all seem to do.



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