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The JWs use UN Human Rights Day to remind us that the UN is the Scarlet Beast of Revelations


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Last Thursday was UN Human Rights Day, and oh what a coincidence, the official Jehovah's Witness website decided to feature on their main webpage an article going on about how the UN is clearly what Revelation Ch 17 is describing as the "Scarlet colored Beast": 



Full text here but not direct linking since it is their official site: jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/scarlet-beast-of-revelation-17/


The problem for JWs is that, in a show of incredibly blatant hypocrisy, the JW religion was actually an NGO with the UN for a number of years until The Guardian newspaper revealed their ties and the organization had no choice but to leave the UN: 
http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/united-nations-association.php  (fully linked because it is an ex-JW site that criticizes the religion)

If you ever get the chance to chat with JWs, please do ask them about the UN and see how they react if you tell them that their own religion was affiliated with the UN for a while. Most of them have no idea this ever happened, and if they do know anything about it, they usually will use the excuse that the JWs had no choice but to join in order to get access to the UN's libraries. Really? You would essentially make a deal with the devil just to get library access? Does that make any sense? 

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The UN is kind of ineffective, for an apocalyptic beast, don't you think? If the apocalypse is left up to the UN it will be vetoed for sure.

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4 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

The UN is kind of ineffective, for an apocalyptic beast, don't you think? If the apocalypse is left up to the UN it will be vetoed for sure.

If the apocalypse happened, they would be very angry with the apocalypse, and then send the apocalypse a letter telling it how angry they were.

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One of my young JW relatives got married a while back. Their "courtship" was very chaste and very rushed. Hopefully it will work out and make them both happy, but I don't feel like rushing to marry someone you've never even kissed bodes well. I still think that it will be interesting to see what the actual long term results will be for these younger fundies who are doing things courtship style...especially since we have seen how Josh's marriage has turned out. 

Anyway, the point of bring this up is, when I was looking for a wedding card to put with my present for them, I noticed that there is a line of UNICEF greeting cards. I was SO tempted to get one of the UNICEF wedding cards as a subtle nod to the JW paranoia about the UN but in the end I decided to just leave it alone for the wedding day at least. :)

I just think it is so ridiculous that while the JWs were an NGO with the UN, their writings went easy on the UN but before and after that time period they've been all about trying to drum up the paranoia. 

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