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Who will watch the special?

Bad Wolf

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Come on all you FJ people. Be honest. Who's going to watch? Not me she says smugly. (We don't have cable, otherwise the temptation might be too strong.)

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I might. I'm trying to figure out how upsetting it might be from an assault victim standpoint before I commit, though. My guess is it'll be pretty bad, given how they tend to write everything off, so I'm pretty up in the air.

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I for sure will. I wouldnt spend 30 minutes or so a day on a website talking about these people, and then just not watch an entire special! They are my guilty pleasure. Plus, we will hear Anna say something!

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I'll probably watch the first one at least, just to see what they have to say. I'm unemployed so I have nothing better to do. Well, I probably have a million things that are better to do, but I'll watch it anyway. 

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If I watch, I'll steal it from somewhere due to no cable.  But really, Not interested.  

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I will probably record it just because I can but I'm not all excited about it by any means. I think the real question is whether it will be worth watching. My bet is on no. 

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Undecided.  I will record it but I'm not sure if I will be able to watch. If someone posts a recap and it's not too horrifying. ... maybe. 

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If I had cable, I would watch. I won't buy it from Amazon or iTunes, but I'll absolutely watch it on YouTube. I've missed snarking on the Duggars shitshow.

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I will not watch as the ratings on these specials will determine whether the regular series returns. For the sake of everyone, I do not want that to happen!

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won't be watching...won't have cable or internet...I'll wait for a recap somewhere down the line.

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I might watch while doing something else (like folding laundry or dusting the bookcases) if I could be sure that my cable wouldn't report my watching and add to ratings.  But truly, I think they are boring, so it is not a big sacrifice not to watch.

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For the longest time I thought I would, but after reading everything and FINALLY realizing just how horrible JB and ME are to the kids. I know the faster they are off TV the the faster some of those kids will run.  It will truly take things getting very very bad like probably almost homeless bad before most of them will loose some of the kool aide blindness. So no, I will NOT be watching, not even gonna hate watch, I've even gone so far as to block TLC on our TV's the only other channel I've done that for ever is Fox "News". 

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I hope she is the only person from FJ watching.

There is NO reason to watch. I think the last episode I watched was Jill's wedding. I ahve not seen most of the episodes, but people talk, LOL!


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Totes off Topic, but I've always felt I was a  Speshul Snowflake, imagine my surprise to see that you all have recognized that fact after such a short time of being here.  Thanks. :my_heart::special-snowflake1::tw_blush:

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Naw I don't like reality tv in the first place. I'll probably settle down with some game grumps. I think for the first time in history Danny Sexbang might be less offennsive than the Duggars

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Not I - at least not until it's available somewhere else. However, I do look forward to the snark in the chat room if any are logged in and watching.

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Not me. No cable, but I wouldn't watch either way. 


I hope that someone is willing to watch and recap. Where do I send donations for the alcohol and therapy needed for this task?

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41 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Totes off Topic, but I've always felt I was a  Speshul Snowflake, imagine my surprise to see that you all have recognized that fact after such a short time of being here.  Thanks. :my_heart::special-snowflake1::tw_blush:

Sadly, not for long. I loved being a speshul snowflake. :special-snowflake1:

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Nope, I have a date with either MR. Bond or Chicago aw who am i kidding I will be watching SNF :)

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