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New DHS Probe


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They did get the 911 calls. The print version of In Touch has the transcript. There's nothing really scandalous about it per se, but when one considers that it happened before the interview where Jill and Jessa swore up and down that DHS commended Jim Bob and Michelle for their handling of the situation...

I agree that they might soon be at the grasping at straws phase. I thought they had a lot more that they'd planned to release piece by piece, but today's article was a few paragraphs about that mild 911 call and then just a recap of everything that's happened to date. Maybe they went with that because it's so recent, but it still seems an odd choice when they've been implying that they have a lot juicier stuff.

I just hope this time if a minor's name is used that "In Touch" will have the compassion to redact it enough so people can't figure who they are talking about. I think "In Touch" owes it to any minors or victims to use discretion, the kids don't need their names blasted to the universe if they are going through something painful.

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They did get the 911 calls. The print version of In Touch has the transcript. There's nothing really scandalous about it per se, but when one considers that it happened before the interview where Jill and Jessa swore up and down that DHS commended Jim Bob and Michelle for their handling of the situation...

I agree that they might soon be at the grasping at straws phase. I thought they had a lot more that they'd planned to release piece by piece, but today's article was a few paragraphs about that mild 911 call and then just a recap of everything that's happened to date. Maybe they went with that because it's so recent, but it still seems an odd choice when they've been implying that they have a lot juicier stuff.

My guess is that they aren't quite at the grasping at straws point yet. I wouldn't call the situation mild exactly, because it is a little odd - why did they want to speak to a specific child in that house? - but it doesn't fit with the "significant information about the Duggars" they claim they have.

Timing is everything with tabloids. When they feel things are ebbing, they'll release more. Those of us who have been out here a little while know the Duggars are professional grifters who belong to a cult whose beliefs would horrify most Americans. I can only imagine what boots-on-the-ground investigators have managed to turn up on them.

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I just hope this time if a minor's name is used that "In Touch" will have the compassion to redact it enough so people can't figure who they are talking about. I think "In Touch" owes it to any minors or victims to use discretion, the kids don't need their names blasted to the universe if they are going through something painful.

I'm going to give In Touch the slight benefit of the doubt on that and assume that they probably didn't realize just how observant (or obsessive :D )both fans and haters are and thought that the report as they received it was redacted enough to protect the victims' identities. Whether they'll learn from that and redact further as necessary or figure that the cat's out of the bag as far the as Duggar girls are so what's the point, we'll see.
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My guess is that they aren't quite at the grasping at straws point yet. I wouldn't call the situation mild exactly, because it is a little odd - why did they want to speak to a specific child in that house? - but it doesn't fit with the "significant information about the Duggars" they claim they have.

Timing is everything with tabloids. When they feel things are ebbing, they'll release more. Those of us who have been out here a little while know the Duggars are professional grifters who belong to a cult whose beliefs would horrify most Americans. I can only imagine what boots-on-the-ground investigators have managed to turn up on them.

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they wanted to speak with a minor was because a minor was the one to destroy the records. Maybe it's protocol in a case like this. Maybe someone at the police department was worried about how she was handling the situation.

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If anything were to trigger a DHS investigation, it should be the line from the finale powwow that "Joseph is away at school". We know that the only one to EVER be "allowed" to "go away to school" was Josh. Given their history this is likely punitive, and could be for one of a dozen things they find offensive. I would wantvtominterview him, and investigate the facilypty he's at to make sure he's not being abused

the Duggars have an immense amount of political power in Arkansas, there should be a liberal atheist from a solid blue state handling any case that involves them. Because otherwise they will pretty much be able to do anything short of killing the kids and get away with it. Here in PA, a family was arrested on two seperate occasions for killing their children by denying them medical care, and got probation the first time because Jesus. I imagine that's SOP in Arkansas that goes quadruple for this cult.

No one else was ever sent away to school. And, Joseph isn't a minor, he's 20 years old. Also, every one of the adult children were sent to some sort of conditioning camp or another, so you're interjection is false there as well. As is the belief that they'd view his school as a punishment. Crown College may not be a great place academically, but it's also not a Gothard conditioning camp. It's just an uncredited christian school with ridiculous rules.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they wanted to speak with a minor was because a minor was the one to destroy the records. Maybe it's protocol in a case like this. Maybe someone at the police department was worried about how she was handling the situation.

I would be surprised if that were the case. I would guess that an attorney was hired for the minor and things were all done nice and legal. Probably no need for the authorities to come knocking on the door 12 years later.

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Would Joy have to request the records be destroyed herself? As a minor couldn't her parents just speak for her and say they're making the request on her behalf?

I'm inclined to think that the DHS visit was due to someone in the neighborhood calling. It seems clear the molestation was a persistent rumor in the community, and judging from accounts of people living in the area, the Duggars aren't liked or even respected outside their church. Maybe now that the secrets out and the Duggars have lost so much public support, people feel that they can call DHS and be heard. Whether someone called with a legitimate concern because they witnessed something or they were just calling in another rumor that their sister's boyfriend second cousin swears is true, who knows?

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I also think it was a local report of abuse. The 911 caller said "We Have To See The Child To Make Sure The Child Is All Right". If it was about the seizure they'd look at medical records, if it was random speculation about Mykynzie (or however it's spelled) they would probably be more reserved. I doubt it's about he records because there is no imminent danger they could just hold off in sealing the records.

Duggars the end is near are you an EMT? So am I and yes if the parents can't be reached we take the adult in charge or if there is no adult present we can assume the parent would want their child treated (talking emergency treatment not vaccines or something like that.)

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I haven't seen anybody talk about HSLDA (home school legal defense association) on this thread, but since so many fundies are members it might be safe to assume that the Duggars are, or at least follow similar beliefs when it comes to DHS/CPS. From what I've read, the organization basically tells parents that CPS is OUT TO GET CHRISTIAN FAMILIES and put good Christian children (whose parents were only disciplining them according to the Bible, honest!) in evil secular homes and public schools or something. They're basically taught never ever to cooperate with CPS because the government and social workers will do anything in their power to destroy Christian homeschooling families.

Um...I am a member of HSLDA and that's not really what it's for. HSLDA costs about $100 a year to join. Basically they provide legal support if you are challenged by the government/school about your homeschooling rights. For example my best friend (definitely NOT any kind of religious fundie) lives in a tiny mountain town and homeschools her kids. The superintendent of their schools is very headstrong, and every single year they send school staff to her house to demand paperwork and info she does not legally have to provide. HSLDA had their lawyer for the state write a letter basically telling the school board to back off because she is doing everything within the law.

HSLDA also helps you make sure you've crossed your t's and dotted your i's when it comes to providing all of the homeschooling requirements for your state. They're actually a very helpful resource and have little to do with fundies except for the fact that some strict homeschooling families might also buy a membership.

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Um...I am a member of HSLDA and that's not really what it's for. HSLDA costs about $100 a year to join. Basically they provide legal support if you are challenged by the government/school about your homeschooling rights. For example my best friend (definitely NOT any kind of religious fundie) lives in a tiny mountain town and homeschools her kids. The superintendent of their schools is very headstrong, and every single year they send school staff to her house to demand paperwork and info she does not legally have to provide. HSLDA had their lawyer for the state write a letter basically telling the school board to back off because she is doing everything within the law.

HSLDA also helps you make sure you've crossed your t's and dotted your i's when it comes to providing all of the homeschooling requirements for your state. They're actually a very helpful resource and have little to do with fundies except for the fact that some strict homeschooling families might also buy a membership.

Well, forgive me for being misinformed! I've read several pieces by homeschooling alumni characterizing it that way, but I don't homeschool and wasn't homeschooled, so I wouldn't know firsthand. Good to know it isn't as bad as it's painted.

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Well, forgive me for being misinformed! I've read several pieces by homeschooling alumni characterizing it that way, but I don't homeschool and wasn't homeschooled, so I wouldn't know firsthand. Good to know it isn't as bad as it's painted.

What's worse is that you're both right. HSLDA helps keep me up to date with my states laws, which have just recently changed. And like Andora said, they will come to your aid if your school district is being a bitch, and sadly, many of them are. (I purposely did not move into a specific school district bc of their history with homeschool families and actually looked in an area where the school district had a favorable history with homeschool families.) So yes, they are extremely helpful and will do everything they can to keep the school district from overstepping its bounds. And if you have to go to court to fight your district, they will be there and defend you tooth and nail.

But, they are associated with fundies. Does anyone remember the Romeike family? They were from Germany and home schooled their kids, which is illegal there. So they left. They could have easily gone to Austria or Switzerland. But they came to the US to seek asylum. Why? Bc the president of HSLDA - or someone that high up - told them to come the US and used them as platform, shouting from the rooftops that the government wouldn't grant this family asylum bc they were christian homeschoolers. In reality, they were granted asylum (which was later challenged by the federal govt) and the parents were doing a fantastic job and actually conceived and birthed another child in the US. The family worked and they weren't draining society or going on welfare or anything. They should be allowed to stay. But they also never should have come to the US. They had other options, but those options wouldn't put homeschooling families and christian persecution in the headlines now would it?

HSLDA is great. But it's also awful.

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I am purely speculating, and I am not trying to ruffle any feathers.

My very first thought regarding this report was Josie. She has been exposed to people that report possible neglect or abuse. (Ambulance & hospital). Considering she has had at least 4-5 prolonged seizures she may have been prescribed medication & follow up visits with a neurologist.

Her parents think it is just a glitch, but the Doctor's or siblings are concerned and placed a call due to non-compliance or worry.

It is just a hunch, I gave nothing to base it on and I am not diagnosing anyone.

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I am not surprised that Michelle and Jimbob did not let CPS in to check on the kids. Every time fundies mention CPS, they say to refuse entry and call HSLDA/get a lawyer. Or the parents were out, and the older girls were babysitting, but surely they would know the difference between a parent saying no, you cant come in, and having a Jslave answer, panic cause they don't want to lose their siblings, and say no....would they just come back later if the parents weren't in?

I don't think it was because of Josh. He hadn't moved back to Arkansas at the time the report was made, so there is no chance it was because they were worried that the kids were living in a house with someone who molested kids. Also they judged him to be not a risk to the kids and did not have him removed from the home when they first found out and did an investigation.

I want to see what else InTouch has on the Duggars and what goes on in their house. They say they have more terrible stuff to expose. Maybe they have unearthed something that they haven't made public yet, that implicates Michelle and Jimbob as abusing their children in some way, and the children are at risk by them. Or someone else made a report about something they remembered because of the negative media attention to the Duggars lately.

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I am not surprised that Michelle and Jimbob did not let CPS in to check on the kids. Every time fundies mention CPS, they say to refuse entry and call HSLDA/get a lawyer. Or the parents were out, and the older girls were babysitting, but surely they would know the difference between a parent saying no, you cant come in, and having a Jslave answer, panic cause they don't want to lose their siblings, and say no....would they just come back later if the parents weren't in?

I don't think it was because of Josh. He hadn't moved back to Arkansas at the time the report was made, so there is no chance it was because they were worried that the kids were living in a house with someone who molested kids. Also they judged him to be not a risk to the kids and did not have him removed from the home when they first found out and did an investigation.

I want to see what else InTouch has on the Duggars and what goes on in their house. They say they have more terrible stuff to expose. Maybe they have unearthed something that they haven't made public yet, that implicates Michelle and Jimbob as abusing their children in some way, and the children are at risk by them. Or someone else made a report about something they remembered because of the negative media attention to the Duggars lately.

Me too. I have to say I really don't like all this teasing by inTouch. If you have something, then publish it. Period. Otherwise I'm assuming that they are just trying to get peoples attention or maybe to scare certain individuals into cooperating with them.

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Are some of you for real?

Joseph is at Crown College, not ALERT. Josh never went to CC.

No DHS worker is glued to their screen for every TV appearance of the Duggarshians like you are. Nobody is going to conduct an investigation based on a 20 year old being in college.


You're not helping anybody expose anything by calling XYZ the reason for the investigation. You're not a hero helping reveal the Duggar secrets by naming minor children as the subject of a sealed investigation.

FJ isn't the place for this.

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Me too. I have to say I really don't like all this teasing by inTouch. If you have something, then publish it. Period. Otherwise I'm assuming that they are just trying to get peoples attention or maybe to scare certain individuals into cooperating with them.

Magazines. Are. A. Business.

Giving sneak peaks is a marketing tool.

In Touch isn't your crush who's playing hard to get, there running a business FFS.

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Um...I am a member of HSLDA and that's not really what it's for. HSLDA costs about $100 a year to join. Basically they provide legal support if you are challenged by the government/school about your homeschooling rights. For example my best friend (definitely NOT any kind of religious fundie) lives in a tiny mountain town and homeschools her kids. The superintendent of their schools is very headstrong, and every single year they send school staff to her house to demand paperwork and info she does not legally have to provide. HSLDA had their lawyer for the state write a letter basically telling the school board to back off because she is doing everything within the law.

HSLDA also helps you make sure you've crossed your t's and dotted your i's when it comes to providing all of the homeschooling requirements for your state. They're actually a very helpful resource and have little to do with fundies except for the fact that some strict homeschooling families might also buy a membership.

That might not be what it's for, but that is definitely the common perception of it in my area, as well. Very few of the homeschoolers I know who are not doing it for religious reasons consider HSLDA a very good resource for homeschooling families. They do have an agenda, and they do more to help their Christian homeschoolers. You can always tell the people homeschooling because of "green haired, ebil, librul, gayz" when they start spouting off about HSLDA when a new member in our FB group asks the question.

From what I remember when Doug Phillips is a Tool fell, I believe it was also pointed out that one of the guys who heads the HSLDA is in fact a fundie lawyer? (Working right now and don't have time to search for it.)

In the event we would start homeschooling again in the future, I would never become a member of HSLDA.

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Magazines. Are. A. Business.

Giving sneak peaks is a marketing tool.

In Touch isn't your crush who's playing hard to get, there running a business FFS.

Thanks, I know enough about how businesses are run. I've got a university degree in it. Doesn't mean I have to like their annoying shills.

ETA: maybe it's a culture thing. Where I live right now, many people would be like: deliever or STFU.

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I am purely speculating, and I am not trying to ruffle any feathers.

My very first thought regarding this report was Josie. She has been exposed to people that report possible neglect or abuse. (Ambulance & hospital). Considering she has had at least 4-5 prolonged seizures she may have been prescribed medication & follow up visits with a neurologist.

Her parents think it is just a glitch, but the Doctor's or siblings are concerned and placed a call due to non-compliance or worry.

It is just a hunch, I gave nothing to base it on and I am not diagnosing anyone.

Then don't speculate, please. The Mods have asked us NOT to speculate about the individual.

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No one else was ever sent away to school. And, Joseph isn't a minor, he's 20 years old. Also, every one of the adult children were sent to some sort of conditioning camp or another, so you're interjection is false there as well. As is the belief that they'd view his school as a punishment. Crown College may not be a great place academically, but it's also not a Gothard conditioning camp. It's just an uncredited christian school with ridiculous rules.

Was Josh ever sent to ATI or Journey as an adult?

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Um...I am a member of HSLDA and that's not really what it's for. HSLDA costs about $100 a year to join. Basically they provide legal support if you are challenged by the government/school about your homeschooling rights. For example my best friend (definitely NOT any kind of religious fundie) lives in a tiny mountain town and homeschools her kids. The superintendent of their schools is very headstrong, and every single year they send school staff to her house to demand paperwork and info she does not legally have to provide. HSLDA had their lawyer for the state write a letter basically telling the school board to back off because she is doing everything within the law.

HSLDA also helps you make sure you've crossed your t's and dotted your i's when it comes to providing all of the homeschooling requirements for your state. They're actually a very helpful resource and have little to do with fundies except for the fact that some strict homeschooling families might also buy a membership.

I was a member of hslda. Most of their members are conservative. They do have good information but they didn't help me with shit when I called. I also didn't like where my money was going. Not really a fan of Mike Harris. HSLDA is good but also bad at the same time.

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"Every time fundies mention CPS, they say to refuse entry and call HSLDA/get a lawyer."

Every time. Is it a thing for fundies to feel or actually be threatened by CPS? Are they commonly in trouble with them?

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"Every time fundies mention CPS, they say to refuse entry and call HSLDA/get a lawyer."

Every time. Is it a thing for fundies to feel or actually be threatened by CPS? Are they commonly in trouble with them?

It seems the isolation of cults encourages secrets, secretive and paranoid behaviors. It's so unhealthy.

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