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New uses for the diva cup! Not sure I'll ever look at mine the same way again now...

As terrible as this thread is for my overactive imagination, it's good for my soul. I do have one question, because I refuse to look at anything of hers that may have pictures on it. Does she have kids?

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New uses for the diva cup! Not sure I'll ever look at mine the same way again now...

As terrible as this thread is for my overactive imagination, it's good for my soul. I do have one question, because I refuse to look at anything of hers that may have pictures on it. Does she have kids?

Now don't go getting any ideas about your diva cup and its uses.....

I kid, I kid... :lol:

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My large parrot isn't trained to only go in one place either, but he doesn't poop on everything or people or furniture. Just the floor. And he often looks down at it when he's done. Then we clean it up. Cleaning up his almond mess is more difficult. He grinds them and only a very small portion of each almond seems to make it into his stomach.

Graveyard dirt would likely employ him to make almond dust for someone's desert.

Im sorry my post seamed a little smug. I am incredibly lucky she is the way she is and we worked with her from a chick. but if she weren’t I wouldn’t keep the poop everywhere. and I am with you on the amount of food that doesn’t make into their mouths. its incredible the crumbs that are everywhere. :embarrassed:

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I like to picture my bird as a weird feathered farmer, seeding the forest floor with all the food he doesn't eat.

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I'll probably regret asking this - where is her old blog? The tumblr, while fun, isn't living up to tales from old. Has she scrubbed it?

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Hey, I put it behind spoiler tags. If you clicked it, that's on you. :penguin-no:

Lesson learned, I am officially refusing to visit her tumblr page now. :lol:

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New uses for the diva cup! Not sure I'll ever look at mine the same way again now...

As terrible as this thread is for my overactive imagination, it's good for my soul. I do have one question, because I refuse to look at anything of hers that may have pictures on it. Does she have kids?

No, in fact she doesn't want children.

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What does it say about me that my first thoughts when seeing that disturbing photo were about how dingy her socks looked? :?

LMAO! I thought the same thing. Actually it was something along the lines of "What? No ritual socks?"

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I thought she deserves her own thread. I understand some may not want to hear Ms. Graveyarddirt's antics. She is on FB and tumblr as Ms.Graveyarddirt. I must get kiddos off to school. Feel free to introduce her to anyone unfamiliar with her.

After fully browsing this topic and clicking on all the links (a mistake I will never get un-seared from within my brain) I think I am done interneting today.

Note to self: when the members who have been here for awhile adamantly don't want to go there, don't go there too. Ew.

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No, in fact she doesn't want children.

That does surprise me because think of all the new bodily fluids she'd have to play in!

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No, in fact she doesn't want children.

And I venture to say, children would not want her for a mother.....

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I thought my mom was bad, baking rum cakes and giving them to her LDS neighbors and laughing when they said it was the best cake they ever had.

Not sure I feel like eating anything today after reading what this lady does.

I know, right? I was eating lunch. WAS. I set it aside after that roast picture and her serving it to people.

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I was going to ask what happened but after reading this thread I'm not sure I want to know. My brain is giving me enough disgusting images without looking at pictures.

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I was going to ask what happened but after reading this thread I'm not sure I want to know. My brain is giving me enough disgusting images without looking at pictures.

You don't! Run in the other direction! :ew:

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it makes sense she wouldn't want kids, that cuts out her ‘supply’ for at least 9 months perhaps longer if she were to EBF. why, why am I even thinking about this :?

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::walks in, reads::

::turns around, walks right the hell back out::

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Just a quick note - some of her practices are...um...let's say "influenced" (because it's nicer than "cribbed from") an American folk magic tradition called hoodoo. While there is a great deal of arguing about where it comes from and who "really" practices it, mostly it's a Protestant Christian African-American practice that is also referred to as "conjure."

In hoodoo, bodily fluids and things such as nail clippings and hair are things you must be very careful about, as someone could use them to target you and "work" with bad intent. You can also use hair, etc. of your own in workings that attempt to assert your will over another's, to control someone, or to simply make what you're doing intensely personal. So she's not getting this out of thin air - there is a legitimate tradition that uses hair, fingernails, spit, menstrual blood, seamen, anything that comes from the body, as ingredients in magical work. They can be used to "dress" candles, stuff a poppet or dolly (what you'd likely call a voodoo doll), and feeding something that has come from your body to another person is an attempt to gain control over them.

Even her user name is from hoodoo. Graveyard dirt is an ingredient in many things, but it's very specific dirt. For example, a money working would be done with soil from a bank's grounds, and you might call upon your own ancestors or "beloved dead" (ancestor veneration is very important in hoodoo) with soil from their graves. Plain graveyard dirt is used in a variety of ways...none of which she seems to know anything about. There's also an herbal mixture known as "graveyard dust" (or dirt) in some neoPagan traditions, used in a variety of ways.

Hoodoo is a living tradition, there are quite a few practitioners out there, and recently -say, the last five years - it's become a popular topic in neoPagan and magical groups. Some people read a book on the topic and bam, that's it, they are now a full-fledged hoodoo practitioner and fully believe themselves to be total authorities on the topic. Others (like, you know, me) have studied it over a number of years, but would never call themselves a hoodoo practitioner because they were never officially trained in the tradition, are not Protestant Christians, not African-American, and do not practice hoodoo as a religiomagical belief system. Instead, many of us incorporate some hoodoo traditions into our own practice, as we find them effective or appealing or useful.

Ms. Graveyard Dirt has obviously studied hoodoo, at least to the extent of reading a few books about it. Then, apparently, she turned the dial up to 11 and went off the map completely. She's mashed up hoodoo practices with neoPagan theology and her own UPG (unverified personal gnosis, which is shorthand for your personal experience with the Divine) and turned it into....uh. This. Whatever it is. Performance art?

She's pretty well known in the online hoodoo community. Lots of cringing going on there, too.

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That is fascinating, thank you for posting that!

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Just a quick note - some of her practices are...um...let's say "influenced" (because it's nicer than "cribbed from") an American folk magic tradition called hoodoo. While there is a great deal of arguing about where it comes from and who "really" practices it, mostly it's a Protestant Christian African-American practice that is also referred to as "conjure."

In hoodoo, bodily fluids and things such as nail clippings and hair are things you must be very careful about, as someone could use them to target you and "work" with bad intent. You can also use hair, etc. of your own in workings that attempt to assert your will over another's, to control someone, or to simply make what you're doing intensely personal. So she's not getting this out of thin air - there is a legitimate tradition that uses hair, fingernails, spit, menstrual blood, seamen, anything that comes from the body, as ingredients in magical work. They can be used to "dress" candles, stuff a poppet or dolly (what you'd likely call a voodoo doll), and feeding something that has come from your body to another person is an attempt to gain control over them.

Even her user name is from hoodoo. Graveyard dirt is an ingredient in many things, but it's very specific dirt. For example, a money working would be done with soil from a bank's grounds, and you might call upon your own ancestors or "beloved dead" (ancestor veneration is very important in hoodoo) with soil from their graves. Plain graveyard dirt is used in a variety of ways...none of which she seems to know anything about. There's also an herbal mixture known as "graveyard dust" (or dirt) in some neoPagan traditions, used in a variety of ways.

Hoodoo is a living tradition, there are quite a few practitioners out there, and recently -say, the last five years - it's become a popular topic in neoPagan and magical groups. Some people read a book on the topic and bam, that's it, they are now a full-fledged hoodoo practitioner and fully believe themselves to be total authorities on the topic. Others (like, you know, me) have studied it over a number of years, but would never call themselves a hoodoo practitioner because they were never officially trained in the tradition, are not Protestant Christians, not African-American, and do not practice hoodoo as a religiomagical belief system. Instead, many of us incorporate some hoodoo traditions into our own practice, as we find them effective or appealing or useful.

Ms. Graveyard Dirt has obviously studied hoodoo, at least to the extent of reading a few books about it. Then, apparently, she turned the dial up to 11 and went off the map completely. She's mashed up hoodoo practices with neoPagan theology and her own UPG (unverified personal gnosis, which is shorthand for your personal experience with the Divine) and turned it into....uh. This. Whatever it is. Performance art?

She's pretty well known in the online hoodoo community. Lots of cringing going on there, too.

So you mean there are other communities who are fascinated by her and have threads about her? I'd love to read their thoughts. This woman intrigues me more than most others. She's just so self consumed and so set in believing. People who are really consumed by their religion are interesting. People who are consumed by a religion they make up are fascinating (yeah you Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy and L. Ron Hubbard).

ETA- I've now found threads about her at GOMI and LOLCOWS

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That is fascinating, thank you for posting that!

I second this thought. I have always loved learning about other beliefs.

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I second this thought. I have always loved learning about other beliefs.

yes. part of what I love about FJ so much is all the fascinating info that pops up!

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So should 'Bodily Fluid Performance Art' be the next user title?

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