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Forgiving molesters, by Jack Chick


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Some of my very atheist friends also collect them. I remember they used to pass them out at the bowling alley while we were trying to get quarters to play arcade games. I'd get bored waiting my turn so I read them... and then ask the lady why her comic books were so crappy - did she know about DC? She wasn't amused.

I will say, some of them are clever from a PR pamphlet point of view. Disturbing message, but clever delivery.

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It would be... justified... to make an open-source Cards Against Humanity expansion with Jack Chick tracts.

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"Forgiveness is for you, not the other person." - not sure who gets credit for it, but the concept appears in my Buddhist studies fairly often.

My personal view: If you forgive someone who has done something terrible, don't let them know you forgive them. The perpetrator could misinterpret your forgiveness to mean things are back to normal and then attempt to abuse your "trust."

The Duggars (and other fundies emphasizing Josh as the victim) use forgiveness as a tool to salvage their reputation. It has nothing to do with healing the actual victims. To me, forcing the victims to "forgive" Josh seems phony, and more like a contract requiring the victims to shut up in order to maintain the fundie status quo.

This brand of "Christian forgiveness" seems more like a PR move to the Duggars: Keep sweet & publicly announce your forgiveness so the abuser can be absolved and the men whose reputations are at stake can save face and move on (because the victims are such a nuisance [uNAMUSED FACE]).

The whole tract is horrible , just appalling and you'd have to be a contortionist to come up with those kind of rationalization and blame for everyone but the actual person who did the abusing .

But I don't get the point of not letting someone know you forgive them, if you actually , truly do?

I mean, if you don't have on- going contact with the person, there's no reason to suddenly start - just so you can tell them -- but otherwise - you can forgive someone without trusting them to not abuse your trust again. Right?

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Wasn't this the one that was so bad even he had to disown it? Ugh.

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It would be... justified... to make an open-source Cards Against Humanity expansion with Jack Chick tracts.

I would like to place an order.

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It would be... justified... to make an open-source Cards Against Humanity expansion with Jack Chick tracts.

Shut up and take my money!

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Some of my very atheist friends also collect them. I remember they used to pass them out at the bowling alley while we were trying to get quarters to play arcade games. I'd get bored waiting my turn so I read them... and then ask the lady why her comic books were so crappy - did she know about DC? She wasn't amused.

I will say, some of them are clever from a PR pamphlet point of view. Disturbing message, but clever delivery.

The one about Dungeons and Dragons is considered a collector's item in the gaming community.

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I don't think so. He's pretty deranged on all topics. I don't know if the person who took over from him is as bad.

Here's the D&D one:


And here's a helpful breakdown of which tract to use for different audiences and locations:


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The Bible Reloaded reads a lot of Chick Tracts (to mock them), but even they won't do this one.

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