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Duggar House Rules


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I couldn't follow the rules for five minutes! I'm a lesbian, and since I have lived in progressive areas (mostly) since coming out, and have lived in a "pro-gay bubble" for the past three years, I literally CANNOT censor myself/change pronouns in order to avoid mentioning my spouse's gender. Like, literally can't. If I try, I stammer. And of course, I love my wife very much, so it's hard to just not talk about her, either!

That aside, I would go Lizzie Borden on their asses within a week. I'm an introvert with sensory issues relating to noise (conversation ok, yelling/loud toys/music not at all). Unless I know a person really, really well (like my wife or one close friend), they're a "drain" on my social energy, and I need at least 30 minutes a day completely alone (that's why I'm such a night owl, because no one will be talking to me or asking me things then).

ETA: I also wouldn't do "instant obedience," because I hate being interrupted so much that until we learned that I need a warning beforehand, if my wife asked me to do a chore or something when I was reading/Internetting/studying/etc., I would either silently resent her, or bite her head off when it became too much. That was literally one of the only things I couldn't let her have her way on.

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I wouldn't last a day!

I'm a total introvert, I get exhausted visiting with my parents for a weekend. The thoughts of being surrounded by 20 other people, 24 hours a day would send me over the edge. I could handle not having tv in the house, I got rid of my own earlier this year. I use books and occassionaly Netflix for entertainment. Not having access to books would cripple me :cry:

I also LOVE my music, mostly ebil rock music with it's sinful irregular beats :roll: I rock out to the Stones and Rory Gallagher on a daily basis :character-beavisbutthead:

This cheerful obedience thing...Not a hope. I never had any problems pulling my own weight at home and helped out wherever and whenever I could, but sometimes I didn't want to do it and was quite vocal about it!

I've been on the contraceptive pill since I was 17, had an abortion, have premarital sex, wear skimpy clothing, swear like a docker, dye my hair pretty colours and have multiple piercings and tatoos.

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The no dancing thing is just wrong.

I can't stand stifling a child's self expression.

It's just dancing for crying out loud!

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I thought this was going to be about the old rules;

Never raise a hand to hit

Never raise a foot to kick

Never raise and object to throw

How many of those rules were there? The kids struggled to remember them all. The teacher in me wanted to take Michelle aside and say you have as few rules as possible, you keep them as simple as possible and you try to make them positive. So "Never raise your voice to yell" becomes "Always speak nicely to others"..

Edit to add: I agreed with Michelle's rules. Just not how they were presented.

Too bad the first and second lines didn't have an except when someone is inappropriately touching you then it is fair game to knee someone in the nuts.

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How many Duggar house rules could you follow? Long before the Duggars I try to be kind even if I dont feel well.

Has anyone confirmed if the Duggars use To Train Up a Child by Michael and Debi Pearl as part of their Rules Program? I know in one of Michelle's interviews she mentions blanket training, but puts a positive spin on how she did it by offering positive reinforcement instead of whacks with rubber tubing (to train the child to stay on the blanket). We now know for certain that a rod was used for spanking the behinds of all of the children based on an interview of a child from the Police Report. That little tidbit of information is almost as big of a bombshell as Joshes' molestation charges. It's proof positive that corporal punishment was used in the Duggar household, despite Michelle and Jim Boob's attempts to make them seem like benevolent wise parents who never have to raise their voices because their kids worship their opinion and would never think of disobeying them. The alleged story of Jim Boob catching John-David masturbating in the bathroom, and responding to a crew member "Idle Hands are the Devil's Playground" is just plain disturbing... Jim Boob's solution to make JD repent was to have JD do chores around the house with his hands tied together. To be punished for engaging in a natural sexual outlet is wrong, but to be humiliated in front of your family (and the crew) for masturbating is just inexcusable. If this is indeed true, Jim Boob and Michelle should indeed be investigated by CPS. No wonder Josh resorted to fondling his sisters. What unhealthy views and knowledge of sex they have.

I did read the entire thread, but I didn't see a list of their rules (maybe I missed it?). Based on interviews and what I've read here, here is a list of the Duggar Family Rules I know of...

1) Michelle and Jim Bob are buddies. Michelle is buddy with baby until baby is weaned. Then she gets pregnant again (or now that she can't she does nothing).

2) All older children are buddies to younger children.

3) All children have jurisdictions including cleaning bathrooms, cleaning bedrooms (including mom and dad's room), laundry, yard work, cooking meals.

4) Girls must wear dresses below their knees, and dress modestly to draw attention to their countenances (faces (and ridiculously long hair)).

5) Girls must have long hair (preferably with curls to please Gothard).

6) JOY- Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.

7) No masturbating (apparently).

8) No higher education

9) Must ask mom and dad permission to court

10) Chaperoned dates only

Handholding for prayer and upon engagement.

Side hugs okay with permission

Save first kiss until marriage

11) Married women must be completely subservient to husbands, including being available to husband for sexual gratification upon demand. "Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need for love," according to Michelle.

12) Have as many babies as God will bless you with (no birth control, no abortions).

13) To err is human, to forgive is divine.

14) No dancing

15) No alcohol

16) No Halloween

17) No beach going for fear of the males' eyes wandering to an improper sight such as a girl in an evil bikini bathing suit.

18) No romance novels

19) No television

20) Originally the Duggar rules were no internet, but they've modified them to allow supervised internet, and cc'ed texts to Jim Boob and Michelle on cell phones.

21) Buy used, Save the difference (this rule was tossed out the window by the second TLC special).

22) Complete Headship in family.

23) Jim Bob will not order from a female waitress when dining out in a restaurant, and the males in general will tend to face the direction of least amount of distraction so that the men will not be tempted with female distractions.

I'm sure I'm missing quite a few rules here. And who knows how many of the hardcore Fundie rules they abide by... but I certainly couldn't handle living under them. I think they are suppressive and unhealthy, not to mention unrealistic. Knowing for sure that they used a rod on all of their children must make us question how harsh the living conditions really might be. The upcoming interview should be interesting. :roll:

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