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Come on disablist fat-shamer, show your face!


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https://uk.news.yahoo.com/mum-of-one-wi ... ml#Km79RTm

Some people are just so cruel and nasty. As Sarah says, not every disability is obvious and no one has the right to judge her. Good on her for defending herself, but I don't think this cowardly piece of shit will have the balls to speak to her to her face.

I'm going to pop into the polling station on the way to work and make sure I use my vote for Lib Dems, because Cameron and his Tory ilk haven't helped prejudices like this at all, by teaming up with Atos to declare as many disabled people as possible fit for work when that's blatantly not the case. Fingers crossed we don't have another five years of this shower.

BTW, and just my opinion, she's not fat and ugly at all. She looks very attractive in that photo.

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Totally agree. However, it appears this woman didn't have a disability badge/didn't put it in her window. That being said, it's still no excuse to be such a rude, nosy person. Honestly, I'd just tsk to myself and move on with my life. I have better things to do than write nasty little notes on cutesy stationary to make people feel bad.

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