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reverse kids autism by flushing out vaccines miracle bleach


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50 minutes ago, AmazonGrace said:

Oh hey...

“As long as I’m just telling you about it, it’s just education,” said 78-year-old Floyd Jerred, a bishop in the Genesis II Church of Health & Healing, which has made the elixir the centerpiece of its religion. “And if they do lock me up, I know how to do out-of-body travel. I can go anywhere, see anything I want to see anyway.”  (Darn it, quoting function is giving me fits again---this is a snip from the WaPo article; emphasis mine.)

Good cats, anybody know if a Faraday cage will block astral travel?  Or do I need to get an injunction or something against trespass and/or Peeping Tom action?:my_biggrin:

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ETA: Reminds me of the medicine show traveling salesmen who sold "the cure to whatever ails you" in little bottles. Sometimes fairly innocuous -- colored water, or mostly alcohol and a few herbs -- but some of the stuff was truly toxic.

(Some part of my brain is telling me that this is how Dr. Pepper started out, as a tonic, but I don't know if it's true or not.)

Isn't that where "getting run out of town on a rail" and "tarred and feathered" really got its start?

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When my dad was dying from liver failure caused by metastatic cancer, my idiot sister-in-law texted my husband to ask if we had tried doing a "detox" to "flush out his liver" as she believed that would cure him. She had a "juicing detox" regimen she recommended to us. 

The stupidity of most of the "alternative medicine" crowd never ceases to amaze me. 


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I'm a member of a couple anti mms Facebook groups/pages. They fairly regularly post things lifted from mms user groups. These nutters think autism are caused by worms which they see shed following enemas. Wrong. It's bits of intestine sloughing off. Also the mantra is, if the kid is not tolerating "treatment" well, give them more. Disgusting. CBC just did a piece on mms.

Have a group I can check out?

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I have a form of autism but no matter how weird my day to day life gets I will never consider putting bleach anywhere near there :my_confused:

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