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I Could See Josh Have an Affair


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Josh was force into marriage. He married for sex. That was the only way to get his rocks off. He grew up with a sexually suppressed environment where everything was sinful. Sex in his cult is for making babies. Then you have to wait 40-80 days to have sex again. Fundie women know nothing about their bodies but to keep master happy. As long as Anna was pregnant they were fulfilling their deed. Josh should just get divorce and fuck around. There's nothing wrong with having sex with different people or looking at porn. Many normal people watch porn and have sex with others before marriage. It's normal. I hope Anna gets an std test. And again the blame with be on her for not fulfilling her godly women duties. She led Josh to cheating.

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This is one of the many reasons that I think sex before marriage is a good thing. With the Josh and Anna wedding, you saw two very horny virgins waiting for the moment when they could get it on (Jessa and Ben too for that matter). I mean seriously, the episode ended with them closing a hotel room door on a cameraman.

By only side hugging and holding hands before marriage, you're leaving a big part of a relationship out. Not everyone is sexually compatible. People kiss differently, like different things in bed, etc. The only way to know this is to get to know you and your partner's desires. And if you're not on the same page, perhaps move on. But to make a lifetime commitment to your partner without knowing this side of a relationship is taking a huge chance. Now granted some of them work out very well, but others don't. I'm reminded of one of the Sex and the City girls who didn't sleep with her husband before marriage and divorced because they weren't sexually compatible.

Josh was also raised by VERY sexual parents (who have no problem dry humping in front of their daughter) who teased him (and the others) with their sexuality and how they are allowed to have it and he can't. I blame part of this on Josh, but more on JB, who is a horn dog and consistently rubbed it into his children's faces.

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As many of you have said, I agree that he's only sorry he got caught. There's no doubt in my mind he would have continued going about his business if the whole AM thing hadn't blown up.

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