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Petition for the Duggars to be Cancelled


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Back in 2004, there was a thread on a discussion board about the Duggars. It was around the time Jackson was born, someone on that discussion board said he was a high school classmate of Michelle's. He said the Duggars were getting handouts from their church. I also recall Boob or Mullet confirming that in an interview. I also remember hearing something about people leaving bags of kids clothes at the Duggars' old house. In the first years of the regular show, some viewers were sending clothes and other things for the kids.

One of the biggest issues, I've had with Duggar leghumpers is that they go on an on about how "the Duggars can afford a large family and aren't on government assistance". Now the Duggars may have never been on government assistance, but if there were taking assistance from churches, community members and private organizations, that still means they needed outside help to keep their family afloat. I wish the leghumpers would realize that without the show the Duggars wouldn't where they are today.

It's also rumoured Boob spent 200k on a Political Campaign. If that is the case, they shouldn't have been getting handouts. He should've spent the money on his family.

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As much as I hate what Michelle and JB preach about anyone who isn't straight and gender normative, I don't really think there show should be canceled for this reason alone. There are a million reasons I would choose BEFORE this reason, especially since the only claim is that the show gives them fame which gave them the opportunity to make these robocalls. They'd be that famous with or without the show being canceled. If we're going to call for the show to be canceled, at least choose something they say or do on the show. Or come up with a better reason than "they're famous."

That said, I'm on the fence about whether I want the show to end or not. I feel that no matter what, those children are trapped as long as that show exists. They can't do anything that doesn't tow the line until then. BUT, I can't imagine how much of a shock it would be for all the kids younger than Jason, whom probably (and in some cases definitely) have no memory of life that doesn't involve a camera crew. That camera crew, like it or not, is part of their "family." And being paraded around is their normal.

Not to mention, I really wouldn't wish the kids to go through the kind of shit storm that happens when a reality TV show is canceled. I mean, those kids don't even have a good safety net to fall back on when that happens. And, all of them (married ones included), are so naive and sheltered that such a backlash could be devastating to them.

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Instead of contacting TLC, look at who the sponsors for the show are and start contacting them. TLC will just blow off most petitions and emails but sponsors take that kind of stuff more seriously.

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I would be willing to bet a very large sum of money that all of this attention will only drive up their viewership.

If you have any doubt about controversy equalling popularity -- just look at President Clinton. Don't get me wrong, I voted for him, I liked him on most issues. I thought the whole impeachment thing was insane. But it was very, very surreal to watch some sleazy TMI detail make the paper - and his popularity rise. New detail - couple more approval point ratings. Slow week on news of what he stuck where -- meh, no movement on approval.

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I would be willing to bet a very large sum of money that all of this attention will only drive up their viewership.

If you have any doubt about controversy equalling popularity -- just look at President Clinton. Don't get me wrong, I voted for him, I liked him on most issues. I thought the whole impeachment thing was insane. But it was very, very surreal to watch some sleazy TMI detail make the paper - and his popularity rise. New detail - couple more approval point ratings. Slow week on news of what he stuck where -- meh, no movement on approval.

Sleaze sells, unfortunately. But this isn't the same thing.

It would be one thing if the Duggars were accurately portrayed on the TLC show. But they aren't, and one of the major issues with TLC is the way they are sanitizing what the Duggars actually represent. Which is hate-mongering homophobes who believe women belong barefoot, perpetually pregnant, and under the control of a male headship at all times.

But anyone coming to TLC to watch the controversial Duggars will not find anything worth watching. So any boost they get from the ratings because of the latest press is likely to be short lived.

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Sleaze sells, unfortunately. But this isn't the same thing.

It would be one thing if the Duggars were accurately portrayed on the TLC show. But they aren't, and one of the major issues with TLC is the way they are sanitizing what the Duggars actually represent. Which is hate-mongering homophobes who believe women belong barefoot, perpetually pregnant, and under the control of a male headship at all times.

But anyone coming to TLC to watch the controversial Duggars will not find anything worth watching. So any boost they get from the ratings because of the latest press is likely to be short lived.

Well sure it will be temporary, but it will probably be enough to keep them going for longer. I participated in a lot of boycotts and letter writing campaigns and signature collection drives when I was younger. I think social media has really changed the game. You used to mostly get people who shared your opinion, or could be convinced to share your opinion, to participate. And that's about it. You could boycott green grapes or iceberg lettuce and maybe, eventually, it would have enough of an impact that big farmers would let United Farmworkers in to the fields to organize -- or whatever the issue was. Your action might have impact. What you DIDN'T have, 90% of the time, was an organized counter- movement. And except for the remarkably quick acceptance of marriage equality -- conservatives have, IMHO, been much more adept ( oddly) at utilizing social media for things like boycotts and petitions. I think because social media responds well to righteous indignation - that seems to be what catches on and goes viral.

Right now, the Keep the Duggar's primary petition has more signatures than the oust the Duggar's petition. Despite the first petition having a head start and there actually being multiple " keep the Duggar's petitions competing for attention.

I think TLC is just seeing huge dollar signs from all of this.

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The duggars can never keep their mouth shut or do things that make them look stupid. I hope the show does end because I see no reason why they have a show in the first place. So what they have 19 kids would they like a medal of honor?? Tlc is suppose to be the learning channel. Not shows about 90 day fiancée, honey boo boo, or other shitty shows. I'm suppose to learn something from these shows. At least Little People and Little Couple teaches something. The Duggars doesn't teach people shit. I'm glad that fans are questioning their courtship methods and why these girls aren't doing anything but waiting for a man to take care of them. I do think the petitions are stupid but it does give them attention. And I understand why some say the Duggars have rights to delete them but they do discriminate against other groups of people and that isn't right. Just like people who talk about gays are going to hell. They posted on their Facebook page for fans to post pictures of couples kissing. I see nothing wrong with gays who probably watches the show to post pictures. Most of the comments weren't rude, until they started to delete them. Maybe next time they should be more specific. I just wonder if unmarried couples with kids or if widows posted pics did they delete them

I'd rather see a show of people with 19 kids who maybe had a couple of their own and then adopted older kids and incorporated them into their family and make that work.

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Say what now? Same sex marriage ban was lifted in Mississippi? Maybe there's hope for Alabama. My future SIL and her partner want to marry in their home state.

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