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Kimberly Gargoyle and Saira Blair


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Given that Ms. Gargoyle doesn't think women of this age should even vote, I wonder what she would have to say about this. Oh wait.....Saira is Republican, so she's an exception. :wink-kitty:

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I think the voters there are supremely stupid. Saira won the primary while still 17 and living with her dad, and she turned 18 in July and moved into a college dorm, and they think she has the experience to be a lawmaker. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want some little 18-year-old pipsqueak who hasn't ever had to pay bills deciding on things that would affect my adult, bill-paying self.

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Great job, WV voters! Who needs some 44-year-old attorney with real-life experience who wants to improve secondary education and solve the state's drug problems? SO much better to elect an inexperienced 18-year-old with the right opinions on abortion (anti) and guns (pro). :cray-cray:

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Great job, WV voters! Who needs some 44-year-old attorney with real-life experience who wants to improve secondary education and solve the state's drug problems? SO much better to elect an inexperienced 18-year-old with the right opinions on abortion (anti) and guns (pro). :cray-cray:

I agree. Saira just sounds like another special snowflake with the right connections and the right views to get the fundie/tea party vote, but what actual life experience does she bring to the plate? Maybe if she was in her mid-twenties and knew what it was like to work a full-time job, pay the bills and taxes, run a household and other assorted adult-type tasks, I'd take her seriously.

Here is her website:


She comes across like a teen-age Sarah Palin, a lot of bumper sticker talk, and not a whole lot of substance.

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I think the voters there are supremely stupid. Saira won the primary while still 17 and living with her dad, and she turned 18 in July and moved into a college dorm, and they think she has the experience to be a lawmaker. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want some little 18-year-old pipsqueak who hasn't ever had to pay bills deciding on things that would affect my adult, bill-paying self.

I agree with you, 100%. I only posted the information because 1. I thought it was interesting andd 2. I thought it was amusing that Kimberly Guilfoyle had stated just a couple of weeks previously, that all young women should excuse themselves from voting and stick with Match.com. I only wondered what her reaction would be and whether she would make a hypocritical exception, because the young woman ran on the Republican ticket. I would never vote for someone this young. Of course, she doesn't have the necessary professional experience, or the same life experiences, that would enable her to appreciate other people's concerns, outside her own age group. I wasn't endorsing her election.

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Gargoyle isn't even a Republican.It's her business. She used to be a pro-gay, pro-choice liberal whenshe was married to Gavin Newsome. She is an idiot.

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