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The godly mentor clause (aka The Lori Clause)

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There was recently a YouTube video going around Facebook that had a bunch of mothers holding up messages on cardboard signs. One mother came out and it said, "I nurse my babies." The next one said, "I gave my babies formula." Another one, "I homeschool my children." Then, "My children go to public school." "I work full-time." "I am a stay at home mom." The list went on and on. The message was that we all need to accept each other with their decisions and not judge.


This is true. We are not to judge choices that are not sin issues, which some may or may not be. This is a free country and we are all allowed to raise our children the way that we want. However, it doesn't mean that women like me, who teach other women, shouldn't express our opinions and teach what we believe is best for women and their children. God's Word even has some things to say about some of these choices. This has nothing to do with judging others, but everything to do with teaching others what I believe to be the best for children. Older women are commanded to teach young women to love their children and loving them is doing what is best for them, not what is convenient nor what everyone else seems to be doing. I try very hard to base the majority of my teachings on God's Word, wisdom and what has worked for me.


Now you might be asking yourself where in the Bible it says that Lori is commanded to express her opinion on what she believes is best for children. Good question. Don't hold your breath waiting for Lori to answer it.



I think there are way too many women not nursing their babies because of selfish reasons; they want to sleep and have dad give the baby a bottle,

Selfish she says?!?


Lori Alexander:


We trained our four children to sleep through the night when they were six weeks old. Waking up every few hours was taking a toll on my health and my emotions.


***It is worth noting that in other places she has claimed it was from 3 weeks on***



Many women disagree with this approach. They even tell me my advice will cause neurological and emotional problems. Some even accuse me of being selfish!

Selfish??? How can letting a tiny infant cry all night be selfish? Neurological smurological...mama needs her sleep!


Mothers hate letting their babies cry. I get that, but crying never hurt anybody. Not getting enough sleep can greatly hurt you.


Babies need to be taught this and the sooner the better


I don't trust medical professionals much when it comes to child raising


We let them cry until they feel asleep. If you keep consoling them, they will keep crying for more consoling.


once they were toddlers and older, they had to rest several hours a day...for my sanity!


This woman is beyond ridiculous. No one cares what YOU think is best for THEIR children Lori.

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Now you might be asking yourself where in the Bible it says that Lori is commanded to express her opinion on what she believes is best for children. Good question. Don't hold your breath waiting for Lori to answer it.

Selfish she says?!?

Lori Alexander:

***It is worth noting that in other places she has claimed it was from 3 weeks on***

Selfish??? How can letting a tiny infant cry all night be selfish? Neurological smurological...mama needs her sleep!

This woman is beyond ridiculous. No one cares what YOU think is best for THEIR children Lori.

She's so gross. How would she like it if one of her parents disappeared and she was sobbing, scared, alone, bereft, heartbroken, hungry, thirsty, cold, frightened ... and Ken just looked at her, "pfft'd" at her and then walked out of the room and shut and locked the door?

Really, Lori, how would YOU like to be blown off entirely while you were crying? And lacked the mental faculties to understand WHY? I had plenty of people telling me to let my kids cry themselves to sleep, and something in my heart always rebelled against it. I *knew* what was best for my babies. They did what they knew to be right for theirs, and I did what was right for mine. I will never regret those dozens (hundreds) of lost sleeping hours because I firmly believe that I did the right thing for my kids.

But again we come back to: Lori loves Lori. It doesn't matter that her kids were cold, scared, alone, whatever because Lori needed sleep. And Lori's sleep is more important than ANYthing else.

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Lori's 80+ year old father still comes over to rub her nasty feet :evil: :evil: :evil:

Maybe she should be giving lessons on "How to Manipulate the Men in Your Life"

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Many people think that I am judgemental about most everything I teach because they disagree with me.

No, Lori, we think you are judgmental because YOU ARE JUDGMENTAL. We get it. You are simply incapable of a delivering a message in a kind and reasonable manner, but that doesn't get you off the hook. You are mean spirited and rude and you seem to enjoy making young wives and mothers feel bad about themselves.

Some of the most Godly women I know have taught me plenty and, believe me, it's in the delivery. It's in the way they actually CARE about the young women to whom they are talking. It's in they way they deliver the message of Christ with kindness and empathy. You have neither. Also, if you were truly interested in spreading the message of Christ, you might examine your own life. Stop disparaging other women for doing the things did. Your hypocrisy negates any Biblical knowledge you decide to hatefully spew to others.

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Who told her to mentor younger women?? The young women I know have it quite well together, to be honest better than I did at their age..

Of course I am 66 now :( and I could advice or mentor a younger woman, but I don't, unless they ask me to.

She never seems to question herself at all. During the stages of of development, a rather frightening great percentage (check it Ken) of people remains in the puberty phase . Fundies are most certainly the ones who never went to the next phase of adulthood.

Their perception of the world and their associated behaviour is obviously infantile. The bible as their only guide to get through life without even thinking or question it. The cruelty (children can be very cruel) towards their fellowmen, the bullying (Zsu and PP), stuffing 39 persons to live in a bus and all the other stupid decisions without even thinking ahead (children). Lori is such an example of utter stupidity, providing young woman with flatout dangerous advices, again without even once question herself.

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:oops: Please cite your source Lori

Yes, I'm calling bullshit on that one.

No, the mainstream medical community does not follow Dr. Mercola, but they certainly do give suggestions on diet.

The American Cancer Society has a number of articles and guidelines on diet. Ditto the American Heart Association. Recommending omega 3 oils - such as salmon - is common among rheumatologists and other doctors who deal with inflammation. My husband has also been to medical conferences where the benefits of basil and omega 3 was discussed.

The problem is that:

1. Medical studies and recommendations change frequently.

Once upon a time, my family switched from butter to margarine after my dad was advised to do so. Now, we know that the trans-fats in margarine are more harmful than butter. The low-fat fad also led to people eating more sugar/carbs.

2. Many people don't really want to hear diet advice from their doctor

Many patients want a magic pill. This is true even in the "natural health" area - there is nothing particularly natural about supplements in a bottle. When people aren't doing well and are in pain, they often don't want to hear that there is no quick fix and that they need to change their lifestyle to eat healthy, do sensible exercise, sleep better and reduce stress.

I do think that there are areas where more research needs to be done - and properly funded (since industry won't be doing it) - but saying that doctors ignore nutrition altogether is just false.

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Who told her to mentor younger women?? The young women I know have it quite well together, to be honest better than I did at their age..

Of course I am 66 now :( and I could advice or mentor a younger woman, but I don't, unless they ask me to.

She never seems to question herself at all. During the stages of of development, a rather frightening great percentage (check it Ken) of people remains in the puberty phase . Fundies are most certainly the ones who never went to the next phase of adulthood.

Their perception of the world and their associated behaviour is obviously infantile. The bible as their only guide to get through life without even thinking or question it. The cruelty (children can be very cruel) towards their fellowmen, the bullying (Zsu and PP), stuffing 39 persons to live in a bus and all the other stupid decisions without even thinking ahead (children). Lori is such an example of utter stupidity, providing young woman with flatout dangerous advices, again without even once question herself.

God told her. In fact, he COMMANDED her.

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1. Medical studies and recommendations change frequently.

Yep. Medical science, unlike Lori, is capable of continuing to seek the truth, and admitting it was wrong.

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Lori, stray mama cats are wiser mentors than you are, you Fundy bitch!

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God told her. In fact, he COMMANDED her.

To cite the Dowager of Downton Abbey: I wouldn't know I am not familiar with the sensation.......

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So letting dad give baby a bottle during the night so mom can sleep is selfish, but Lori letting her babies cry in hunger so Lori can sleep is not selfish. Got it!

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You all have NO idea how badly I wanted to go back thru her blog and quote her...and call her out on her bullshit...but I'm at work and I doubt my boss would want to pay me to do that...

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Who told her to mentor younger women?? The young women I know have it quite well together, to be honest better than I did at their age..

Of course I am 66 now :( and I could advice or mentor a younger woman, but I don't, unless they ask me to.

She never seems to question herself at all. During the stages of of development, a rather frightening great percentage (check it Ken) of people remains in the puberty phase . Fundies are most certainly the ones who never went to the next phase of adulthood.

Their perception of the world and their associated behaviour is obviously infantile. The bible as their only guide to get through life without even thinking or question it. The cruelty (children can be very cruel) towards their fellowmen, the bullying (Zsu and PP), stuffing 39 persons to live in a bus and all the other stupid decisions without even thinking ahead (children). Lori is such an example of utter stupidity, providing young woman with flatout dangerous advices, again without even once question herself.

Lori has said that God has commanded older women to mentor younger women. She has thrown out Bible verses a few times on her blog.

She is shitty person and should not be giving advice to anyone about many topics. Luckily, some of the women at her church have rejected her as a mentor. She has lost some blog followers for different reasons. I still have to question the women who do take her advice, whether it is online or in person. I've said this before, but I wouldn't be surprised, if there is some tragedy linked back to Lori and Ken.

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Latest comment, from Ann:

I think there is a fine line between fulfilling the Titus 2 exhortation and telling others your opinion especially if it is unsolicited about how you think they should be keeping their homes. I believe the wisest way for older women to do this is to lead by example, be an encouragement to younger women and urge them to seek God and honor their husbands wishes when it comes to making specific choices.

Tactfully written, and a much more accurate (in my opinion) interpretation of Titus 2.

Lori's gracious reply:

"I think there is a fine line between fulfilling the Titus 2 exhortation and telling others your opinion especially if it is unsolicited about how you think they should be keeping their homes." Ann, I have never gone up to a woman who is giving her baby a bottle and told her she should breastfeed her baby. I have never gone into a woman's home that was a mess and told her how she should keep her home cleaner. You don't have to read my blog. No one has to. I am not making anyone read my writings. This is my blog, however, so I can decide what I feel compelled to write about. I am not forcing my blog or my ways upon anyone. I have always loved reading older and wiser women's readings who have gone on before me and raised godly offspring and have a good marriage so this is my ministry to other women. Please don't read if you don't like what I write. Blessings to you!

Touched a nerve there, Ann, didn't you? :lol:

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Latest comment, from Ann:

Tactfully written, and a much more accurate (in my opinion) interpretation of Titus 2.

Lori's gracious reply:

Touched a nerve there, Ann, didn't you? :lol:

I love the massively passive-aggressive "Blessings to you!" that she added at the end.

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I love the massively passive-aggressive "Blessings to you!" that she added at the end.

Yeah, she's good at that. She gets a LOT of practice with Ken.

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Latest comment, from Ann:

Tactfully written, and a much more accurate (in my opinion) interpretation of Titus 2.

Lori's gracious reply:

She gives NOTHING BUT her opinion...everyone must do things Lori's way, including the passive-aggressive bullshit masquerading as "submission".

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Lori, stray mama cats are wiser mentors than you are, you Fundy bitch!

This is so true! When I was a young girl my family took in a stray cat. Two months later she had the most adorable litter of kittens, five of them. She was a very loving, nurturing, protective and attentive young mama. Her babies thrived in her care. Thank goodness our cat (named Dickens) wasn't anything like Lori.

I'd call Lori a cunt, but cunts are vaginas and vaginas are useful. Lori is useless and a total sociopath.

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Lori says:

I have never gone into a woman's home that was a mess and told her how she should keep her home cleaner.

That's because she sends her nanny to clean the neighbor's home. Then later tells all her readers (and probably anybody else who would listen) how her neighbor lived in filth.

Tsk. Tsk, Lori. Your hypocrisy continues to show.

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She's so gross. How would she like it if one of her parents disappeared and she was sobbing, scared, alone, bereft, heartbroken, hungry, thirsty, cold, frightened ... and Ken just looked at her, "pfft'd" at her and then walked out of the room and shut and locked the door?

Really, Lori, how would YOU like to be blown off entirely while you were crying? And lacked the mental faculties to understand WHY? I had plenty of people telling me to let my kids cry themselves to sleep, and something in my heart always rebelled against it. I *knew* what was best for my babies. They did what they knew to be right for theirs, and I did what was right for mine. I will never regret those dozens (hundreds) of lost sleeping hours because I firmly believe that I did the right thing for my kids.

But again we come back to: Lori loves Lori. It doesn't matter that her kids were cold, scared, alone, whatever because Lori needed sleep. And Lori's sleep is more important than ANYthing else.

Maybe crying never hurt anybody, but not being fed when someone legitimately needs food has...

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