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Former Gay Activist Says Homosexuality Is Addictive ‘As drug


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Have not seen too many x gay woman but here you go. and of course she is utter batshit nuts.

http://www.addictinginfo.org/2014/10/28 ... as-a-drug/

Linda Wall used to be gay, an activist for LGBT rights, even. And, as do most converts, she is attacking her former way of life. She says she was “seduced†and was instantly addicted to “teh gay.†Because “teh gay†is “like a drug.â€

Appearing on Mission America, hosted by Linda Harvey, Wall spoke about her new group called Virginia Mass Resistance. Anti-gay? Check. Fundamentalist? Check. Promoting lies about teh gay? Oh, yeah.

According to Wall, she was in college when teh gay took her in. It seems that a temptress went to work on this poor rural Virginian and, before she knew it, she was gay! A little wine, a little pot and voila!… a lesbian! She admits that she had been intrigued by lesbianism and decided to explore it. But, horror of horrors, she was addicted to it that very night:

“I was intrigued and so under the influence of a glass of wine and marijuana, I decided one night to explore and try this. It was as if it was an instant addiction as to a drug and for ten years almost I wanted to get out of it and could not.â€

Not only does Wall’s conclusion beggar belief, it’s insulting to actual addicts. She “tried to get out of it†for ten years and she couldn’t? Seriously? It’s not as though being gay is like having a heroin habit or getting hooked on meth. Those are truly addictive. Being gay is, despite Wall’s nonsensical claims to the contrary, something that you are born with. It’s not a drug. If it took her ten years to “get out,†there is something in her own psyche that prevented it, not an addiction.

Wall also states that this sort of seduction and addiction scenario is “epidemic.†She and others like her are promoting the idea of recruitment by gays when it is actually the other way around. The basic concept behind reparative therapy is that homosexuals can be converted to heterosexuality. You know, recruited to the ranks of the “normal.†This has been debunked many times, but that never stops the “pray away the gay†folks.


Any seasoned lesbian will tell you to avoid flipping a straight girl. :lol:

Obviously we're not as good at recruiting these days. I mean, we used to joke that you'd get a free toaster for converting a straight girl, but nowadays it seems you only get heartbreak. Soooooo

Not going to spread teh gay! Keeping it ALL TO MYSELF.

BUT FOR REAL, I feel so bad for her. She must be really terrified of the consequences of her earthly actions to so desperately want to control even her romantic desires to fit into a proscribed schema. Sad.


The x gays think they fool God. At least the ones that admit they are gay and choose abstinence are more honest and less full of hate


Good sex is addicting. That's why it's hard to get out of shitty relationships. It's why I stayed with my exboyfriend even while he was in jail.......twice.

I imagine she stayed because she had a sense of real belonging. Some people screw around with people of the same sex then move onto other relationships. I have known people who at young ages had same sex relationships some lasting 1 or two years even, then get I to hetero relationships. I don't know what the mindset was, they don't seem to be anti gay they just enjoyed that relationship at the time.Ten years is a long time.

*****want to clarify this woman is nuts and was not defending her.


A lot of bi/pan/whatever people, myself included, dated multiple genders but still settled down with the opposite. I didn't stop being bisexual, I'm just monogamous now. My aunt, her wife, their (lesbian) daughter and I hang out a lot. So I've heard the sentiment- what, we're good enough to sleep with but not good enough to marry?

Maybe that's true for some people, I don't know. In my case I've dated more cis men than anything else because (lots and lots) more cis men have been mutually interested when I was single than anything else. It's not that we all flip some switch when we get out of college. It's based in two things- a numbers game and the incredible amount of stigma gay people still endure in our society. Numbers- if you don't have a strong preference one way or the other, you WILL meet far more heterosexual(ish) members of the opposite sex than anything else.Which means it's likely that you will fall in love and marry someone of the opposite sex. Social stigma- is it right to make your life decisions based on the amount of bullshit society is going to put you through for choosing differently? Nope, but it happens anyway. Just 8.4% of US marriages are interracial (all categories), and I suspect the reasons are similar.

A lot of bi/pan/whatever people, myself included, dated multiple genders but still settled down with the opposite. I didn't stop being bisexual, I'm just monogamous now. My aunt, her wife, their (lesbian) daughter and I hang out a lot. So I've heard the sentiment- what, we're good enough to sleep with but not good enough to marry?

Maybe that's true for some people, I don't know. In my case I've dated more cis men than anything else because (lots and lots) more cis men have been mutually interested when I was single than anything else. It's not that we all flip some switch when we get out of college. It's based in two things- a numbers game and the incredible amount of stigma gay people still endure in our society. Numbers- if you don't have a strong preference one way or the other, you WILL meet far more heterosexual(ish) members of the opposite sex than anything else.Which means it's likely that you will fall in love and marry someone of the opposite sex. Social stigma- is it right to make your life decisions based on the amount of bullshit society is going to put you through for choosing differently? Nope, but it happens anyway. Just 8.4% of US marriages are interracial (all categories), and I suspect the reasons are similar.

I love the way you put that. I was trying to have a discussion about this with a relative who just couldn't seem to accept that being bisexual didn't mean you were automatically a sex addict who had to constantly be switching between men and women. :angry-banghead:

I guess it just feeds into the confirmation bias of the belief that gay people can be "cured" if they can point to people who have been in same sex relationships but at the current time are in monogamous, straight relationships. ("See, they got better." :roll: )

Good sex is addicting. That's why it's hard to get out of shitty relationships.

Yup. Been there. The sex, along with the feeling of being desired, was a major reason I stayed with Mr. Wrong such a long time.


What a boring xgay. No xgay mobile? No multi year pregnancies? No desires for a motorcoach?

Sorry but Greg Haislip is FJ's #1 xgay Queen!


Joseph Sciambra gets my vote.


I'm pretty sure my suture SIL and her partner aren't addicts. The are intelligent, caring, loving women who have good jobs, function well in society, and love each other deeply. I'm not the least bit uncomfortable around them. I actually like hang out with them. I'm still straight and engaged. So, how the hell that is addictive? That whole article is insulting!

As for good sex being addictive....HELL YEAH!!! But I don't want out of my relationship. My fiancee isn't an abusive ass. He's the very opposite. I want him to be my husband for life.

A lot of bi/pan/whatever people, myself included, dated multiple genders but still settled down with the opposite. I didn't stop being bisexual, I'm just monogamous now. My aunt, her wife, their (lesbian) daughter and I hang out a lot. So I've heard the sentiment- what, we're good enough to sleep with but not good enough to marry?

Maybe that's true for some people, I don't know. In my case I've dated more cis men than anything else because (lots and lots) more cis men have been mutually interested when I was single than anything else. It's not that we all flip some switch when we get out of college. It's based in two things- a numbers game and the incredible amount of stigma gay people still endure in our society. Numbers- if you don't have a strong preference one way or the other, you WILL meet far more heterosexual(ish) members of the opposite sex than anything else.Which means it's likely that you will fall in love and marry someone of the opposite sex. Social stigma- is it right to make your life decisions based on the amount of bullshit society is going to put you through for choosing differently? Nope, but it happens anyway. Just 8.4% of US marriages are interracial (all categories), and I suspect the reasons are similar.

Exactly. I'm pan but monogamy-inclined (and I respect existing relationships), which means I'm either single or in a fairly serious relationship. Tell me how I'm promiscuous again, ex-gay people?


I totally read "Virginia mass resistance" as "vagina mass resistance."


I did a bit of googling on this lady. Honestly I did this because this kind of conversion narrative always triggers my bullshit sensors... like "Oh I was a radical feminist atheist who'd had forty-five abortions by the time I was twenty and was addicted to SMACK until I found God."

Tragically, I didn't find any evidence for my initial hypothesis, that she was a lifelong fundamentalist who kissed a few girls and smoked a bit of weed in college.

I did however, find this article, which tells us that she confessed to molesting a junior high school student (a girl, btw) back in the seventies. She would have been in her early twenties at the time.


Sadly, child molestation out of an anti-gay activist never triggers my BS sensors any more.


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