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Bring Baby Serenity Home


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She got a total of 15 dollars on GoFundMe. And I haven't checked reddit so I have no idea about that.

She regrets it now that she has it all thought out and her sister doesn't want to cooperate, but all she can do is try to make things work and do the best she can to forge a relationship with her daughter and work towwrds integrating her back in her life. She visited her daughter and she didn't know her. I can't imagine what that would be like. Yeah, it wasn't the best decision, and its certainly not what I would have done, but I feel like she did what she thought was best in that moment.

And I highly doubt THIS is the strangest thing. I can think of one off the top of my head, although I suppose that doesn't count because I'm not the one who released most of the info.

Anyway, lots of crazy hard to believe stuff happens to me or omes into my life. Yeah, a lot of it is unbelievable, but it can all be verified in one way or another.

She doesn't seem to have the greatest coping or planning skills.

Getting slowly reintegrated into her daughter's life isn't a bad plan, but I hope she realizes that it won't be like she can suddenly show up at court and say "now I'm all ready!", and suddenly expect to get her daughter back no problem. Visiting is different from parenting.

I do get the sense that these sisters got into a power struggle, each vying to be the boss and control things, and forgot to think about actually making realistic plans that took Serenity's needs into consideration first.

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