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CM rounds up men like cattle


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Lol, he did a Q&A? What possible questions could anyone have left? He tells anyone who holds still too long every stray thought that runs through his mind.

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Who puts a rope around their cattles' necks? (argh. I am having grammar issues tonight, that looks wrong.) It's much more effective if you get it around their horns so you can get their head down, and anyway, if you have to rope them, you have WAY too much free time and should invest in farm help and/or a good stock dog.

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Woody Woodpecker, you don't know the first thing about cattle. I know several good 'ol boys that can teach you a thing or two. How about getting a couple o herd in dogs

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Seriously, Woody Woodpecker, you don't know shit about a cattle or farm work, and even less about women and the Bible.

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Well, so much for the people of the lawd having clean houses and obedient smiling children. WW is on about how he doesn't eat at church potlucks because his parishioners had filthy houses. He thinks a cat walking on the counters is gross? One, most people don't prep food directly on their counters, dude, that's what cutting boards are for. Mine are color-coded, hand-washed every time I use them, and then sanitized with vinegar. Because I don't want to get food poisoning. Yeah, my dumb cat jumps up on the counters. She doesn't do it in front of me, but come on, I know she does it. That's why I... hold your breath here... WASH my counters. The cabinets too! I know you didn't know that was possible, Bob, but it is. You should try it sometime.

But yep, people's houses can be dirty. It's true. You know what's dirtier? Gosh, it's a good thing you don't ever eat out, buy anything from the grocery store, or eat packaged food, Bob. Because the kitchens at restaurants? Can be FILTHY. Can be infested with bugs or worse. Mold. Cross contamination. Employees who don't wash their hands. Customers who don't wash their hands. People who change diapers on the tables. And food manufacturing plants? Totally disgusting. Why do you think the weirdest shit gets recalled for salmonella? And then there's grocery stores, places where a half dozen people, minimum, handle all your food before you ever buy it. Hope they washed their hands (they didn't). And if you think THAT'S gross, take your can opener apart and have a good hard look. Vile, huh? That's right! Everything is filthy. There's fecal bacteria on everything. Everything. Especially your cell phone, ew. We're all covered head to toe and inside out in microbes. Most of the DNA in your body isn't even yours: nih.gov/news/health/jun2012/nhgri-13.htm .

He'll probably try to claim he grows everything he eats, but come on. Just for one, the growing season where he lives isn't friendly to that, he's USDA zone 5.

Bon appetit!

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Oh, and, Robert? The reason you admit to those things is because you do not actually believe that any of those things makes you sub-par.

-10 years of a bad marriage? Ah, but it was all Amanda's fault.

She was not mentally ill. It appeared as mental illness. Not the same thing. She wouldn't control herself.

-Overweight? You still think you're hot shit. That's why you go on about being stronger than 99% of men on earth and "I WRESTLED A BULL AND WON". "I YANK CATTLE AROUND BY ROPES". Your weight has very little to do with whether or not you consider yourself a prize physical specimen. You clearly, obviously do.

-Dropped out of college and bounced around jobs? The only qualifications you need come from Jesus. You JUST posted about that. Remember?

Ultimately, the best of man’s credentials can never match up even close to God’s. We are His, and that is more than enough.

-Sin struggles? You mean porn? As in, the exact same "sin struggle" every male Christian blogger writes about? Admitting that you look at porn and masturbate, oh I'm sorry, USED to look at porn and masturbate... that's not exactly some big brave admission. What other shocking revelations do you have for us? Let's get some out of the way for you. You pick your nose. Sometimes you drink milk straight out of the carton. Leave the toilet seat up even though that's both rude AND unsanitary. Take a catnap when you're supposed to be watching the kids. Maybe you even eat a snack over the sink instead of getting a plate. Fart in bed. Sometimes you purchase stuff even though you don't actually need it. Covet your neighbor's truck. Any other Seven Deadly Boring Sins to regale us with?

You don't "lose 50 pounds, drive a Maserati, get a set of six-pack abs, and have a 3-way chat" because you don't place value on any of those things. A Maserati doesn't fit into your self-image anyway, you probably find those guys effete. And we already know, in so much more detail than we ever wanted, that you're getting your "needs" met at home. So your lies don't look like Brad Paisley's lies. Instead you're "terrorized by feminist nazis", "moving to alaska", "strong as a bull", know more about lady hormones than women and doctors, shooting your breeding stock, "donating all your money to the homeless shelter", and ever soooo much smarter than Sheila Gregoire.

Your big, ugly, obvious, odious sin isn't a little choking the chicken, dude. It's pride. You are one of the most self-absorbed, entitled human beings I've had the displeasure of meeting on the Internet.

Your kids aren't living in a Pack-n-Play in the bathroom, so I can't say THE most.
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okay, I have to ask: who sent the comment (and what the heck was it?!) that prompted his brad Pitt/Maserati tirade??
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[hidden]okay, I have to ask: who sent the comment (and what the heck was it?!) that prompted his brad Pitt/Maserati tirade??

No one. He reads here, somehow, or has someone send him all the info (Amanda? You wily monkey!!!) and then pretends it was "emailed" or moderated out of comments. Because, see, he said he wouldn't read here, so to save face (to whom, I can't imagine) he has to pretend it came another way.
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No one. He reads here, somehow, or has someone send him all the info (Amanda? You wily monkey!!!) and then pretends it was "emailed" or moderated out of comments. Because, see, he said he wouldn't read here, so to save face (to whom, I can't imagine) he has to pretend it came another way.

that's what I thought but I had to ask and make sure
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I read the comment and he damn sure does read here...

Regarding the kitchen...I, an evil working, unsubmissive wife, clean my kitchen daily...I used to work in the fast food industry and have sat through enough food safety courses to make me never want to eat out again.
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Cabinetman, I think you are lying.

You claimed to be living in Alaska and then you weren't.

And I think you are lying about shooting a $2000-$5000 bull because it was stubborn.

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My kitchen is also super clean. Now, there might be kid drawings and papers on the counters, but the counter under them is clean. ;)

Boobert, just wash your hands often and try not to worry about all the germies. I find when I think about it too much I get a little OCD. Don't touch your eyes or your hate-spewing mouth out in public. Amanda will keep the house clean like a good ol' griddle giggler. If not, it's to the cabin with her! And then she can clean that!

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Oh, and, Robert? The reason you admit to those things is because you do not actually believe that any of those things makes you sub-par.

-10 years of a bad marriage? Ah, but it was all Amanda's fault.

-Overweight? You still think you're hot shit. That's why you go on about being stronger than 99% of men on earth and "I WRESTLED A BULL AND WON". "I YANK CATTLE AROUND BY ROPES". Your weight has very little to do with whether or not you consider yourself a prize physical specimen. You clearly, obviously do.

-Dropped out of college and bounced around jobs? The only qualifications you need come from Jesus. You JUST posted about that. Remember?

-Sin struggles? You mean porn? As in, the exact same "sin struggle" every male Christian blogger writes about? Admitting that you look at porn and masturbate, oh I'm sorry, USED to look at porn and masturbate... that's not exactly some big brave admission. What other shocking revelations do you have for us? Let's get some out of the way for you. You pick your nose. Sometimes you drink milk straight out of the carton. Leave the toilet seat up even though that's both rude AND unsanitary. Take a catnap when you're supposed to be watching the kids. Maybe you even eat a snack over the sink instead of getting a plate. Fart in bed. Sometimes you purchase stuff even though you don't actually need it. Covet your neighbor's truck. Any other Seven Deadly Boring Sins to regale us with?

You don't "lose 50 pounds, drive a Maserati, get a set of six-pack abs, and have a 3-way chat" because you don't place value on any of those things. A Maserati doesn't fit into your self-image anyway, you probably find those guys effete. And we already know, in so much more detail than we ever wanted, that you're getting your "needs" met at home. So your lies don't look like Brad Paisley's lies. Instead you're "terrorized by feminist nazis", "moving to alaska", "strong as a bull", know more about lady hormones than women and doctors, shooting your breeding stock, "donating all your money to the homeless shelter", and ever soooo much smarter than Sheila Gregoire.

Your big, ugly, obvious, odious sin isn't a little choking the chicken, dude. It's pride. You are one of the most self-absorbed, entitled human beings I've had the displeasure of meeting on the Internet.

Your kids aren't living in a Pack-n-Play in the bathroom, so I can't say THE most.

Ding, ding, ding! You hit the nail on the head! From my first reading of Bobby Boy's blog, I was astounded by the amount of pride and arrogance he possesses. It is ALL about him. From his responses to my comments on his blog, I found him to be incredibly defensive in addition to being prideful and arrogant. He does not like being disagreed with and I cannot IMAGINE what it would be like living with this person. One of us would have to die!

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No one. He reads here, somehow, or has someone send him all the info (Amanda? You wily monkey!!!) and then pretends it was "emailed" or moderated out of comments. Because, see, he said he wouldn't read here, so to save face (to whom, I can't imagine) he has to pretend it came another way.

Actually, this time there was a comment. I didn't post it right away because I didn't expect any response from him whatsoever, or perhaps just in an email to me. But since he posted a public reply, here is what I sent to him:

I know you won't post this but that's ok, you'll see it and that's all that matters.

I was with you on this post until you got to the crack about seeing your wife in the morning without make-up on. What an insulting thing to say! Even if you didn't mean it about your wife in particular (which will of course be your claim), it's still highly insulting to women in general that you think that way.

What any woman looks like without make-up is... HUMAN. Shame on you if you have come to think that make-up makes a woman look "good" and without it she looks "bad". The word for how women look with make-up is... "made up". Shame on you if you have gotten so used to seeing your wife in make-up that you think she (or any woman, specifically or generically) "needs" it to look good.

And shame on you for either not knowing, or not caring, that you express things in such insulting ways.

You have a considerable amount of reasonably useful things to say in your blog, but you couch it in such mean-ness and a few other perspectives that are such utter nonsense, not to mention the lies and exaggerations, that it truly undermines whatever good might have been there originally to be shared. What a shame.

and here is what I just sent back to him in reply:

I understand your analogy and have no problem with it. My point was that you were using insulting phrases to make that point. If you think that insults only matter if they are literal and intentional, well then, that explains quite a bit about other people's reactions to you, eh?

And as for my comment that you exude mean-ness -- yes, that's what I said and what I meant. I did not say you were the only example of mean-ness anywhere ever. I was just giving you my perspective.

And oh, that group I'm a member of that you hate so much? You're a member of it too, dude. And just like you, I have my own opinions and I sometimes express them, whether they are the popular ones or not. That group is not of one mind about many, many things -- a wide variety of people with a wider variety of views, who all happen, for a wide variety of reasons, to choose to participate in an online conversation. That's the only commonality, that everyone there chooses to participate there. Even you. And no, you are not the only person in your situation who has participated there. Not even close. We all have our circumstances and you only know what people have chosen to share with you. Lumping everyone together only shows your ignorance. I read your post, had a strong reaction, and decided to share it with you. Period. Feel free to assume whatever you want beyond that, but rest assured that your assumptions are incorrect.

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" But I will tell you this, So & So was surprised to see us. When we got back into the truck after our visit, I commented that they seemed surprised their pastoral team dropped into to see them. “You bet they were surprised,†he said, “I usually don’t announce when I coming by to check in on folks. How else will I know how my flock is really doing? How will I know who is beating their wife? Or cheating on their husband? Or which kids are playing hooky?†Surprising folks might not be the polite way to do things in America, but I had to admit that you were much more likely to get an accurate reflection of how your flock was behaving themselves. So that is the way we did it."

It seems to me that this minister was trying to catch people at their worst. It's one thing if he would have said "I don't want people to go to a lot of trouble for me," but this pastor evidently had a plan to embarrass his congregation. That's the part that really bothered me.

Edited to fix the quote. Sort of....

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I'm just a city slicker (thank gawd, there is no way in hell I could raise something and then eat it - no offense to the carnivores, I've just been happily vegetarian for 20 years), but aren't cattle super expensive? And don't you check to make sure no predators have gotten them more than once a year when you round them up? And, lastly, VERY limited experience with cows, but I can't help but notice they are quite large and stubborn (refusing to get off the trail in this hiking area I enjoy). Is it normal to throw a rope around their necks and lead them off, one by one??? Oh, and lastly, farming is a full-time job, right? How the hell can you do construction, blog every day, AND maintain a working farm? Like I said, city slicker and my only animal husbandry experience comes from two dogs and a childhood pet rat, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Lastly, I like the idea of someone taking one for the team and posting his ramblings here, so he doesn't get page views. Is that okay with everyone?

Non-city slicker here. Grew up on a farm, actually - Dad still has beef cattle, and we had hogs back in the days when you could raise them without being contracted to Cargill or whoever.

- Cattle are not cheap, although store hamburger costs more per pound than Dad gets when he sells feeder calves.

- Bulls even more expensive, and if you keep your own heifers to breed later, you can't keep the same bull very long, because inbreeding.

- Dad's is a small operation, less than 100 head, and we're not out "on the range" or in a heavy predator area, but he counts them almost every day.(*) Twice a day or more in calving season, especially if they're calving in lousy weather. Because cows are not geniuses and can get into trouble - chased through a fence, stuck between 2 trees, lay down with their back downhill, etc.

- Even a smallish cow will weigh 700+ pounds, so if they don't wanna move, a neck rope isn't going to do a whole lot if you're on foot, unless they're halter-trained (show cattle, etc). Dad's aren't, but we always managed to get them where we wanted them without roping them. Cattle actually work better if you try to herd them away from you - it's a "personal space" thing, and you can actually kind of aim them, depending on where you are in relation to them. (**) Also, getting between a cow and her new calf is a sure recipe for trouble, because they outweigh you.

- Farming is sort of a full-time job, depending. Small farmers, though, usually have to work off-farm either for steady income, or for health insurance, etc. Dad was the school district bus mechanic and transportation director for years, and a lot of the bus drivers had farms too. Perfect job, since it was a couple hours morning and afternoon, and farm work the rest of the time. But that means you do farm work evenings, weekends, and any other time. Winter sucks because it gets dark so early. No long vacations unless you have someone you trust to keep an eye on things while you're gone.

(*) Dad floored one of my college roomies once when he mentioned "getting home to check the cattle" - she couldn't believe you had to keep an eye on them. And then there's the story of the time Dad moved a cow from one field to another, forgot to write it down, and had us looking half the day for a cow that wasn't really missing, after his count in that field came up short. Yes, we still mention it. :)

(**) Bottle calves are an exception, they don't have the personal space concept and tend to follow you like an overgrown dog. This can come in handy sometimes, if you need to move some cattle and happen to have a former bottle calf in the bunch that you can use to get things going in the right direction. The rest of the time, it's a little annoying to have a 700-pound pushy cow trying to mug you for treats. The personal-space thing is easier to explain with diagrams.

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(**) Bottle calves are an exception, they don't have the personal space concept and tend to follow you like an overgrown dog. This can come in handy sometimes, if you need to move some cattle and happen to have a former bottle calf in the bunch that you can use to get things going in the right direction. The rest of the time, it's a little annoying to have a 700-pound pushy cow trying to mug you for treats. The personal-space thing is easier to explain with diagrams.

The first cow we got growing up was bottle-fed by humans from the time he was a day old. We got him from a kind of nasty dairy when beef prices were really low, so they would just let the male calves die ( :cry: ) unless someone bought them for suuuuuper cheap.

Anyway, after he was grown, we actually had to keep the front blinds shut a good portion of the time because he would see us walking around in the house and start mooing incessantly to be fed. :lol: And my dad STILL couldn't man-handle him into the trailer because it was new and scary. Following him around though... that definitely happened!

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"As far as talking mean you have got to be kidding me, coming from your group, that’s rich…thanks for the laugh."

Whether he's assuming or he knows for sure...I guess he's talking about FJ here. It really irks me that he and Ken continue to derisively refer to "your group" when each of them took the time to become members and comment here quite frequently. Granted, Ken might have broken a posting record, and Robert stayed only a brief time, but they both knew the nature of "that group" before becoming members, and yet decided to put their names on the roster, so to speak. Maybe one of us (ahem...Koala...) needs to do a search of Robert's mean and hateful comments.

I will say it again, if he had not presented himself as a cruel abuser who hates women, none of us would think these things of him. He's never shown a bit of humility or regret for the words he's written or for his own actions. He's never conceded that perhaps he presented something wrong and that he could see how we reached these conclusions about him. He simply has doubled down on his words and his methods. Also, as he continues to disparage FJ members, I don't think he's ever told his followers that he is indeed a member here - a registered commenting member. The hypocrisy seriously makes my eye twitch.

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Actually, this time there was a comment. I didn't post it right away because I didn't expect any response from him whatsoever, or perhaps just in an email to me. But since he posted a public reply, here is what I sent to him:

and here is what I just sent back to him in reply:

Now see, if I hadn't read your comments, then I might have assumed that they were hateful and that CM felt the need to defend himself. That's just not the case. You weren't insulting or rude as far as I can tell. This also proves my point that CM is incredibly defensive. He MUST be right at all times. He can never be wrong. Not only that, CM lacks the integrity to stand by his words (that women without makeup don't look their best). Instead, he gushes on about how beautiful his wife is without wearing it. Oh, I see. NOW he tells us this since he's been called out.

In addition, after today's entry, I'm learning that he always sees the glass half empty. That's just who he is. As a pastor, if you're popping in to see the brethren on the spur of the moment just to catch them at their worst and to judge them for it afterwards, then I'd say you're a negative and judgmental person who generally sees the worst in people.

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"As far as talking mean you have got to be kidding me, coming from your group, that’s rich…thanks for the laugh."

Whether he's assuming or he knows for sure...I guess he's talking about FJ here. It really irks me that he and Ken continue to derisively refer to "your group" when each of them took the time to become members and comment here quite frequently. Granted, Ken might have broken a posting record, and Robert stayed only a brief time, but they both knew the nature of "that group" before becoming members, and yet decided to put their names on the roster, so to speak. Maybe one of us (ahem...Koala...) needs to do a search of Robert's mean and hateful comments.

I will say it again, if he had not presented himself as a cruel abuser who hates women, none of us would think these things of him. He's never shown a bit of humility or regret for the words he's written or for his own actions. He's never conceded that perhaps he presented something wrong and that he could see how we reached these conclusions about him. He simply has doubled down on his words and his methods. Also, as he continues to disparage FJ members, I don't think he's ever told his followers that he is indeed a member here - a registered commenting member. The hypocrisy seriously makes my eye twitch.

it's because the big sin that he will absolutely not admit whatsoever...is pride. his arrogance will not allow him to back down on ANYTHING.

which, honestly, makes it so much funnier when he obviously lies about things, thinking because he's "so knowledgeable" he can't be wrong, because he can NEVER be wrong...and yet others are able to easily poke holes through his fabrications and fictions.

cm, you may fool some people who don't really know anything, but to those of us who do, you aren't fooling anyone and you just look more foolish for it.

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The part about "Why hasn't anyone asked Amanda if she's been abused?"

Dude, I KNOW you read her email. I would never ask her that in an email because it would cause you to abuse her MORE.

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The part about "Why hasn't anyone asked Amanda if she's been abused?"

Dude, I KNOW you read her email. I would never ask her that in an email because it would cause you to abuse her MORE.

people who are in abusive situations don't usually just come out and say, "yeah, i'm being abused."

when they found elizabeth smart, it took them a while to even get her to confirm who she really was. that was after only nine months. how long has cm had amanda under his thumb? a lot longer than nine months. granted, the abuses may be different (i hope) but the principle applies that it becomes difficult to extricate yourself from that situation.

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The part about "Why hasn't anyone asked Amanda if she's been abused?"

Dude, I KNOW you read her email. I would never ask her that in an email because it would cause you to abuse her MORE.

I believe Amanda's response to the abuse question was to call us all a bunch of angry bitches. After seeing some of her writing, that response seemed very out of character for her. It certainly isn't the response I'd expect from a submissive, Christian wife - even one who felt attacked. For instance, I can't see Anna Maxwell (Christopher's wife) every typing such a phrase. I still don't know if Amanda wrote that specific post or not.

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people who are in abusive situations don't usually just come out and say, "yeah, i'm being abused."

when they found elizabeth smart, it took them a while to even get her to confirm who she really was. that was after only nine months. how long has cm had amanda under his thumb? a lot longer than nine months. granted, the abuses may be different (i hope) but the principle applies that it becomes difficult to extricate yourself from that situation.

Exactly. And she has been convinced that being pushed around and locked in sheds is totes normal and not abusive at all.

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CM seems to think he's the Wolf of Woodworking with all this chest thumping.... the clip includes swearing, but I suspect it is much what CM's dream church would be like.

Not work safe, Rated R.

[bBvideo 560,340:1pmu6jbf]

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