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The Next Best Thing to Taryn?

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Guest Anonymous

"Mrs. Laurie" may rival Taryn for word salad, oddball references, and general craziness. I found her commenting on "Who Can Find A Virtuous Woman?"

I'd love to get the two of them on the same blog and watch the fireworks. I'm sure that they would either invent their own language and take over the world, or fight to the death while armed with ladles and a dented colander.

We were reading about the 10 virgins for a few days and wanted to know more as we were wondering things like why did the Lord say a certain number and things like this and what are the lamps and what is the oil in our lives, that type of thing and we found this article today called The Ten Virgins Part 1, we don't think all of it is right but about the parts we were wondering about it was useful so we didn't toss the baby out with his bath water; http://www.khouse.org/articles/2011/990

Vines Complete Expository Dictionary says that the number 10 (Strong’s #1176, deka) is a very significant number. It’s used 248 times in the Bible and means “the measure of human responsibility†and also the number of “completion.†Virgin (Strong’s #3933) means “an unmarried woman.†The word wise (Strong’s 5429, phromiros) means “single-minded†(i.e., one life is being lived—God’s) and thus, these believers were full of light (Luke 11:34). The word foolish (Strong’s # 3474, moros) means “double-minded†(i.e., two lives are being lived—God’s and our own), and thus, these believers are full of darkness (Luke 11:34).

God always answers prayer when you want to know His righteousness and what Jesus meant just ask the Lord. He is always faithful to fill up.

Thanks for your time.

Side note to my first post, please. I want to make certain that the man who wrote this article clearly contradicts scripture and even the vain things he writes concerning most of what he's quoted because he says that the 5 foolish virgins are 'obviously in heaven'...it's odd, it's contradictory and therefore not of God and therefore confusion of which God is never the author so we were commenting on what we did in fact learn through what he wrote from the bible dictionary. We are for the Lord, on the Lord's side at every turn and wanted to stand for the Lord on His side and say that people, if you do not know the Lord intimately, you do not know the Lord or love Him...do not mess with your vain imaginations or listen to soothe sayers and ear ticklers *please*. Obeying Christ, Laurie.

We are only to have our portion and in our family we do not believe we should consume fake gmo, hydrogenated, basically processed 'food' any more than we believe we should take drugs, smoke, or be drunkards. The Lord commands to take care like this and to have our portion..daily bread isn't what Americans want to make it. We need to stick to frugal plain down home food made from scratch. If the Lord didn't eat it we don't want it near us either. Real sugar or maple or honey if we do sweeten and we stay out of the way of hcfs and normal corn syrup. This stuff is killing the gluttonous west. Then they hollar and complain about the little children here with diabetes. Well take the crud out of the stuff and stick to real food then, then they won't have to complain or have any crisis.
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Guest Anonymous

I'm fascinated - it's like she's Taryn's sister who was adopted by another family and raised in the South.

i'm trying to learn to sew to work more as i'm able in my home. i'd like to learn to garden in containers and knit too. seems like every time i try to grow anything in a planter pot, it dies on me even though i pay attention to the instructions. i grew up on a small produce farm and didn't have problems then. i get irritated with women sites having to do with decoration i never understood the point, i don't see or hear Jesus teach on it except for not to do it. people are starving and going without medicine in the world so why not go to another home interior party, seems evil to me. i was going to write selfish but selfishness is evil. lets praise the Lord.

this is unity, not cape dresses and black shoes. when one disobeys the Lord freely as in charging usury, that one is sinning and should be marked, warned and watched and if that one does not stop then that one should be shunned because we can not accept that one as Christian no matter what that one calls her/himself because that one does not obey Christ's words and rathers his/her own way than God's way.

so called Christian tradition does not amount to a hill of beans if it doesn't base itself on God alone..it is pagan, with an idol at the cause of that tradition. Christ does not say shoes, let alone set down His color preference so take your mind off it and repent of writing it in a rule book. this is shameful, it is pagan imaginary conjury, not based on God's ways. do not lead His lambs astray. tread cautiously.

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I can't imagine what it must be like to be them on a daily bases, MADNESS I TELL YOU MADNESS HAHAHA.

Precious indeed InkyGirl.

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Maybe I just live under a rock, but I can honestly say that before now I have only encountered the word "drunkards" in crossword puzzles and historical fiction...

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Her writing, it reminds me of conversations with my aunt who takes meds. Jeez.

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