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Obedient to my Husband blog has already BLOWN MY MIND


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Another poster on FJ recommended Obedient to my Husband. I checked it out. I found a woman whose whole blog is about her obedience to her husband. In this post, she looks nostalgically to the past:

I will share with you a passage from the book "Customs and Fashions in Old New England" written by Alice Morse Earle in 1893.

"Dorothy Talby is chained to a post at the corner of Prison Lane

with the hot sun blazing on her matronly face, and all for no other

offense than lifting her hand against her husband."

This was a scene in the 1600's described by Hawthorne. Clearly the Puritans in those days were very harsh, to say the least. But, let us consider how far away from the Biblical commands we have come. Imagine if we were punished for our disrespect and self - will, our butting in, our nagging, our haughty looks, our nasty arguments, and even our lack of caring properly for our homes!

This is a great and fierce sin on the part of wives. We have to apply the Biblical teachings in every situation. Such as: How do we respond when our husband has made a decision that we want to veto? What if we know we are right? Can we . . . should we butt in?

I will give you an example from my own home: One day we were preparing for "big item trash pick up day" ( A yearly occurrence during spring cleaning). We had a few things to put out front, including a mattress. Early in the morning, before my husband left for work, he put out everything except that mattress, thinking that maybe it was the wrong day. Since no one else in the neighborhood had anything, and we would have been embarrassed to have the mattress seen out there. I thought he should have done it anyway, because I knew it was the right day. But, instead of speaking out, I warmly smiled at him and said, "Okay". And didn't give it another thought. The trash did, in fact, get picked up and when my husband came home from work later that day, he told me that he should have put the mattress out. Instead of acting like a know - it - all nag, I reassured him and calmed his tension by simply saying, "You did what you thought was best. Don't worry about it." And in that moment, I learned a good lesson on what it meant to give honour and respect to one's husband. (To this day, we still have that dirty old mattress behind our shed!)

After reading the first paragraph, it seemed to me that this lady wants to be tied to a post for punishment for having a messy house. Anybody else get that sense?

And I loved her post about divorce. Apparently we are meant to put up with lots of unkind actions and words from our husbands, but if things get really dangerous, we can always leave "for a time" till things are worked out. If you have to run away from someone for your own safety, how can things ever work out?

And check out the weeny nebbish who is her Headship.


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It is blogs like this that make me so glad I divorced my "headship" years ago. I am in the fast lane on the highway to hell. My housekeeping sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.

Guest Anonymous

I've got you beat.

Hassidic men addicted to porn!!! :dance:



Wait, what? We should punish wives for failing to keep a tidy home, but it's ok to leave a mattress behind the shed indefinitely to rot and mold and house vermin because the headship got the date wrong (read: was too lazy to take it to the curb that morning).


Dorothy Talby apparently had a mental illness, and was possibly the first account of post-partum depression/psychosis among settlers of North America.

: (


Anyhoo, she was reportedly punished because she was seen as dangerous to her husband, not because she did something little like remind her husband of the correct trash day. (Puritans: not so much with the mental health care.) Also also, the passage is from Main Street written by Hawthorne, why attribute it to some other book that borrowed it as a quote? Whatever.


This a found gem

Some things to consider and some questions to ask yourself, "Do I really fit in the category that is mentioned?"

Jesus said, "that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication..." Matthew 5:32

Question #1 In your situation, did your husband put you away because you were fornicating?

#2 Does this verse speak of a woman putting away her husband?

(2nd half of verse) Jesus said, whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

#3 If your husband divorces you, are you free to marry?

#4 What happens to the man who marries you when you are divorced?

#5 If the man who marries you is in adultery, are you innocent?

#6 Again, who does the putting away in the first half of the verse?

Mark 10:12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

#7 Are you a woman who has divorced her husband?

#8 What happens if you remarry?

Romans 7:2 For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.

3So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

#9 How long are you bound to your husband?

#10 What are you called if you marry another man while your husband is alive?

#11 When are you allowed to marry again?

1 Corinthians 7: 10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

11But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

#12 What does the Lord say to a wife? Should you leave your husband?

#13 If you have departed from your husband, what does the Lord command?

verse 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

#14 Are you a believing wife? Are you permitted to leave your unbelieving husband?

So I'm an adultress. I married a man who lied to me about his religion and how we would raise our children in our faith. He broke our marriage vows, he abused not only me but our 2 infant sons and slept with our downstair's neighbor who was only 16 at the time. He did not rape her as she was willing and wanted us to break up to have him. :roll: The only abuse he did not do was drug abuse against myself and babies. I left with my infants one night in a blizzard to save our lives after he beat the snot out of me and was talking about doing the same to our babies. I never went back.

I spent years battleing that I was at fault like he insisted I was and that by being with my now husband, who by the way has never once broken any word of our vows, that I was sinning against God. Before we got married I asked every form of religious leader I could think of if I had sinned against God. I was told not only no but hell no and was free to marry again. No one minister, priest or rabbi thought that I was breaking any of God's laws. So unless God Himself comes down and says that I should have never married the man who gave safety, love, self worth, joy and freedom of religion back to us then this bitch can shut the fuck up.

PS. I'm over it folks, but I still get pissed when I read stuff like this as she would rather see me and my sons suffer or more likely dead than be allowed to live a happy life. I just want her to SFTU.


I guess some people are happier not thinking for themselves.

Life just seems so flat and dull if all you're doing is following the lead of one person.


well, guess I'll take credit where credit is do. I found this gem of a blogger. Was getting bored, since we seem to be the reason for the rest of our fav fundies to go on lockdown w/ their blogs. HAd to find some new snarkworthy material. Enjoy :D Will keep looking for new fun stuff.


Hi everybody! I' ve been lurking here forever, but reading this blog made me realize that I need to do some actual snarking myself. (Or my head will explode if I read one more line of this blog. ;) )

First of all, don't you love it if people who have been married for a comparatively short time have all the answers and give advice (aka nag at) anybody from people whose headcoverings are too small to divorced women?

Besides, she keeps going on about how women are not allowed to speak up and teach...shouldn't she go and close her blog down asap? Just thinking...

But the impression that I get most is that this is somebody with a strong character who is not at all happy with her "headship" and his actions - and who desparately needs to convince herself that her life's okay. I mean, look at the topics she writes about. No "we had a great time doing this...", "the joys of homeschooling", "our wonderful trip to our quiverful friends..." - it's just "I've got to submit! I've GOT to submit!! I've GOT to SUBMIT!!!". This can't be easy for her, don't you think?

This whole submission thing is so WRONG. I mean, I love my partner dearly, but there are things he's just not good at (same goes for me) and it would complicate both our lives if I were to ask him for advice about these things. And annoy him. And annoy me. And isn't god supposed to have given us free will? Surely that goes for women too?

I don't know who this woman is married to but I hope he deserves her endless heartache and self-denial.


The GuardyourEyes website reminds me of the clips from Creationfest that Howard Stern played a few weeks ago. Apparently Wolfie went to several cons and interviewed people. Here's the audio from Howard Stern when he plays the interviews from Creationfest ("mostly guys struggling to keep from beating off").


Check out her husband's blog...love the blurry and out of focus photo of him on the side :)



I have to say, I'm starting to find these blogs dull, they're just so repetitive and cookie cutter. Wives have to submit to their husbands. Working outside the home is absolute evil. Anyone who thinks differently than me will have a one-way ticket to hell handed to them. All of this supported by the same handful of out-of-context bible verses.

Guest Anonymous
Another poster on FJ recommended Obedient to my Husband. I checked it out. I found a woman whose whole blog is about her obedience to her husband. In this post, she looks nostalgically to the past:

And check out the weeny nebbish who is her Headship.


Thanks, am perusing the blog with horror, now!

Needed to comment at his stage to ask where in the world you live - I need to move there so I too can use the fabulous term 'weeny nebbish' in my everyday speech! :lol:


This blog makes my brain hurt. Why is everything always the woman's fault? Why does modesty always equal ugly and frumpy? Why...why...why?? I can't read this blog anymore.


But the impression that I get most is that this is somebody with a strong character who is not at all happy with her "headship" and his actions - and who desparately needs to convince herself that her life's okay. I mean, look at the topics she writes about. No "we had a great time doing this...", "the joys of homeschooling", "our wonderful trip to our quiverful friends..." - it's just "I've got to submit! I've GOT to submit!! I've GOT to SUBMIT!!!". This can't be easy for her, don't you think?

I was thinking exactly the same thing as I was reading. The lady doth protest too much.


Oh, land, another one in the midwest. Go somewhere else, you weeners!

I have to comment on the mattress story.

First off, they'd've been embarrassed if they set out a mattress for pickup and it wasn't the right day?

What's to be embarrassed about? You lug the dang thing back in until it's the right pickup day.

Doesn't sound like a couple who are very confident in their righteousness before The Lord if they're so concerned about the neighbors' taunts: "You left your mattress out on the wronnnng day, neener, neener, neeeeener!"

Secondly, that mattress is still behind the shed, and she's just as proud as she can be about that.

Does she understand the concept of tick and vermin infestation? Does she? I think not, or she'd've prayed for Her Headship to shave that ratty beard.

It's so easy to dispose of a mattress without waiting for large-item pickup: You get out a knife or another cutting tool, you cut the mattress cover and batting into garbage-can-sized pieces, you send it to the dump a little at a time. The springs will need a more-serious cutting tool, but surely a he-man like hisself has a reciprocating saw or a cutting torch .... or can ask to borrow one from somebody at temple church?

...So people see these kind of folks and think, "that's Christianity & I want no part of it." Man! Frustrating.

Check out her husband's blog...love the blurry and out of focus photo of him on the side :)


OK, it's a perfectly lovely name, and I should be above snarking on someone's name, really . . . I should . . .

But my brain keeps sending me audio of Mr. Ed whinnying "WILBUR!"


Ugh, this blog makes me want to vomit....I would literally prefer to have someone point a gun at my head and fire, rather than live a life where I just grin and bear it when my husband's a tool. Look, if you know it's trash pickup day or whatever, what the hell is wrong with *gasp* getting your husband to take out the trash? Or hell, taking it out yourself?

I do get that "the lady doth protest too much" vibe though, so whoever brought that up, I totally agree with you.


Right? Why didn't she just take the mattress out herself if she knew it was the right day? Would her husband honestly have given a crap if she had? If so, what a baby.


I read a bit of her other blog, she's got six children and seems to be seriously overworked and overwhelmed. I remember when my child was a baby and I had so much to do, getting some help made such a difference.So with six kids and an old house to take care of, getting her husband to help her with that mattress might be a big deal for her.

I'm really sorry for this poor woman, trapped in a culture that places such impossible demands on her and tells her that if anything goes wrong, it's her fault. Doesn't exactly want me to join her church.


This is one very small step away from unpleasant spanko porn fiction blogs. Gross.


How much time and effort do these blogging people put in to finding all the Bible quotes and things like that? It just seems like one big research paper with badly included quotes to "support" their arguments and take up space so fool the reader into thinking they have a lot to say when really they don't. I skip that shit. It seems that the body of their posts are just Bible quotes.

Right? Why didn't she just take the mattress out herself if she knew it was the right day? Would her husband honestly have given a crap if she had? If so, what a baby.

Sheesh, this exactly! In my house, it would have been like, "Oh, he must have forgotten! Let me run it outside!" And when he came home and realized he had forgotten, I would have been like, "No worries! It's gone! No need to be concerned about unseemly critters infesting our backyard!"

I know I'm not submissive to my spouse and all that, but I truly think that if I behaved like this woman it would drive him absolutely crazy ...


I left a comment on her post "When is it the right time to divorce?" asking:

"What if one spouse is abusive? Towards the other spouse AND the kids?"

(Unfortunately, someone in my family has been in this situation).

She shot me back this gem:

1 Cor. 7:10-11 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.

What can I say? We do not have to be treated kindly to stay with our spouse. We can endure some hardship. But if you or the children are really in danger, find another place to stay until things can be worked out. You are not to leave your husband, and if you must be apart for a time, always be ready for reconciliation. Living apart because of danger is not necessarily Leaving your husband, I don't think. But again, we can meekly endure some things, we don't need to seek escape simply because he is unkind in speech or action.

I hope I was clear here. There is an epidemic of wives leaving their husbands when the Bible plainly says, Let not the wife depart from her husband. Put your full trust in Jesus, surrender everything and every situation to him and let him teach you. If you want to obey Jesus, he will make a way for you, If you want a loophole, well, there are plenty.


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