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Michelle and Priscilla it's all about prayer - MERGED


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so David and Priscilla just put up this new video. Michelle and Cil send a message to Mothers and Daughters in Australia. What I get out of this video is that mothers and parents don't really talk to their children. All they do is pray for them. Pray pray and more prayer. :roll: and Cil even drops something about how she had to pray to guard her heart against someone she knew wasn't an option. :o


oh. my. god. I never realized how much Michelle and Priscilla are alike. Not only in their wayward way of speaking, using words like "mama" and their weird mouth movements. They are both practiced experts at Keeping Sweet.

Jesus. (And not in the good way.)


Ugh. So this is a new video posted by the Pecan Thief of Michelle and Priscilla (odd combination, I thought) talking about the communication between mothers and daughters regarding guarding their hearts. At least I think that's what it's about. It sounds like it was to be played at some sort of retreat as "encouragement". FWIW, Priss sounds a little less stilted and scripted than usual, so David must not be behind the camera with the cue cards.



Prissy says she struggled with sharing her heart with "God's best". Really, isn't that a founding principle of Christian faith? You're supposed to embrace even the wicked, aren't you? So to hear "God's best" and her struggles with associating with them just really offends me.


Maybe I missed it, but did they ever get around to their big gender reveal party? If they wait much longer, they won't have to open the envelope to find out :shock:


Really cannot stand the way Michelle talks.

A few years ago I had to do a speech on Jackie Onassis for a speech class in college. During the research, I was surprised to learn she also spoke in a breathy, childish way on purpose.

Is it really such great advice from Michelle when she says to talk to your daughters every day? I wonder how that works out in her house.


I gotta tell ya, the minute old sugar tits Duggar started flapping her jaws, my sleeping dog got up and fled the room. Lol. I won't do that to him again. Lol.


I can't imagine what her "talking points" are, and I'm too lazy to go to her website to find them (although she said they are there). Her daughters are trained like all daughters are to leave out the lust thoughts and only use the right jargon for seeking advice and sharing their hearts.


Is this implying that Priscilla will be having a girl? She must be more than halfway through by now, so Im presuming she knows what shes having?

Is this implying that Priscilla will be having a girl? She must be more than halfway through by now, so Im presuming she knows what shes having?

Michelle was speaking from the mother PoV and Priss from the daughter PoV. Weird.

If Michelle is qualified to speak as a 'successful' mother, why weren't one or more of her own daughters doing it with her?


Michelle was speaking from the mother PoV and Priss from the daughter PoV. Weird.

If Michelle is qualified to speak as a 'successful' mother, why weren't one or more of her own daughters doing it with her?

Yeah - that is odd. It would have been a great m/d bonding moment. Or if it's David's project, why isn't Cilla doing it with her own mom?

One of my 13YO daughter's best friend's gave me the greatest compliment a few weeks ago. She said my daughter tells me everything -to the point that her friends are surprised how much she tells me. I am not naive, this is my 4th child, I know she doesn't tell me everything. But I know she is pretty open about her life without us "purposing to pray about guarding her heart". My girl is also more religious than I am - she goes to church and youth group and on retreats. She has me fasten her cross around her neck every morning. She is a genuinely good person with a generous, loving and forgiving heart. She's been raised to be tolerant and kind, which when combined with her ability to confidently confide in her mother and her spirituality, makes her a really neat person to be around. I don't have to go by a list of questions and purpose to pray and guard her heart, etc. to nurture this bond. It happens because I care about my child and her life and her choices in her life, and I let her be herself within the confines of our well established family values. It isn't a project, it's just about being real with your kids and not making everything so damned complicated where really the only "purpose" is to craft a talking head.

Think about it - could you stand outside of your house and talk about your own parenting with a combination of Biblespeak and deliberateness? I think most parents would have a TH that would go something like this: "I try to be the best person I can be, and model that for my kids. Yeah, I mess up sometimes but I admit that to them and we move forward because we are human. I try to not be a tyrant or a judgmental bitch so my kids can come to me when they are in trouble and I can help them find a workable solution. When they are out at night I pray hard they don't wreck the car or get into alcohol or drugs or get someone pregnant/get pregnant, but I understand that this is part of growing up and learning. They understand the consequences of such things and know they have a lot to live for and don't want to mess that up. They've dreamed their own dreams of what they want to do when they are adults and I just explain those things can be cut short by poor choices as teenagers and we discuss that a lot. Because they are exposed to a lot of different experiences they can see choices that others are making and we discuss the impact of that choice on their acquaintance - good and bad. They know they can come to me at any time - including knocking on a closed master bedroom door - and I am here for them. And I may yell and scream and carry on but I can't help it - that's how I am feeling at the time and it will blow over and we'll get through it together. I respect that they are other individual human being separate from me and work hard to help them develop their unique and wonderful individual selves. I understand that God gave them to me to raise up and send on their way - that they are not my possessions to rule over."

And my talking head would ramble on and on more because I honestly DON'T know what I am doing, I just try to do my very best every day. I don't have lists of what to ask my kids. I don't have to "make time" to pray with them. I don't have to pray away their attraction to another person - I just say, "I think they are a bad influence, and this is why" and we discuss it. I don't think I am some phenomenal parent - I think I am normal. I call bull shit on organized parenting. There's no way to have lists and every day talks, etc with a real normal teenager. Parenting a teen is like participating in a ping pong game that never ends. There is no way that Mrs. Duggar has prayed away PMS, hormone swings, etc. for her girls. Although I guess she's managed to take away other teen girl pressures like making grades, making the team or hoping the boy asks her to Homecoming, which she would put in the "win" column.

UGH. I am fired up about this bull shit video. I take it this will be played for a group of moms and daughters, who are then going to take this as "expert gospel" and try to work it into their lives when it is unrealistic as hell. Which then makes those girls and women who are already going through the land mine that is teen parenting feel even more incompetent because they "only have 1 (or 2 or 3)" girls and they can't achieve what the Queen Mother has accomplished with her brood of 95.


It would have been so awesome if Prissy's struggle with sharing her heart with "God's best" was a jab at Michelle, Jim Bob, or Josh.


Between this video and the one she posted a month ago about "encouraging your husband" I feel really bad for Pris.

You can see the other video here

http://youtu.be/qsVBf1OIfcQ?list=UUnzcb ... lW7PfXNOFQ

That video makes it seem like she is trying to convince herself that she needs to be grateful and praising of her husband for who he is and the amount of time he commits to the family. She goes on to say that you should not expect things from your husband or expect him to be the kind of leader he isn't. She rambles in Priscillese and its hard to follow, but there is something about forgiveness too.

When you combine that video with this one, it really seems like she is unhappy with her marriage. She talks about how she may have wanted to court someone else but her family said no. Her family pushed her towards David and now she is trying to convince herself that she is happy with him.


Jim Bob must be missing a can of hair spray.

I don't know why the two of them were discussing mother/daughter relationships when they aren't mother and daughter. There must have been at least a few actual Duggar daughters around, though perhaps attempts were made and they kept losing it at the "talk to them every day" part. I don't know what Pris was trying to say but it sounded like she may have once had a crush on someone it wasn't going to happen with.

I've also been wondering about the gender reveal. They must have found out by now and instead we're seeing...this.


I took this as proof that these daughters have almost zero say in who they end up with. I mean Priscilla says I had to gaurd my heart against someone I knew wasn't an option.

It would have been so awesome if Prissy's struggle with sharing her heart with "God's best" was a jab at Michelle, Jim Bob, or Josh.

I didn't watch the video, but what if she was referring to TFDW? I mean, I could easily see how hard it would be to share her heart with him.


Wow, Michelle's hair is especially gorgonesque in this. Priscilla does sound more natural than usual—at least in the portion I watched, which wasn't very far, admittedly—but man, is it painful watching her brow as she tries to knit words together.

I wonder whose phone kept going off?


Wow. Talk to your daughters everyday. We've got a real genius MOTY on our hands here.


I'd never be awarded MOTY...but I know more about my kids than I EVER wanted to know. I could have gone to my grave not knowing some of what they've told me...I asked them once why they feel the "need" to tell me everything. Their response (almost word for word from the three of them)..."because, mom, you're cool like that, you don't freak out and you give us good advice. AND...we know you love us no matter what we do"

It doesn't get any better than that!


Used to wonder why news anchors regularly turn their heads to look at each other - now I know. To have two faces just chattering on and on and on while they look at you steadily is unnerving.

I love that PT chooses to tape outside without any anti-wind mufflers. Makes everything sound *so* bad, surely that and the staring lecturers will turn *some* people off!

Jim Bob must be missing a can of hair spray.

I don't know why the two of them were discussing mother/daughter relationships when they aren't mother and daughter. There must have been at least a few actual Duggar daughters around, though perhaps attempts were made and they kept losing it at the "talk to them every day" part. I don't know what Pris was trying to say but it sounded like she may have once had a crush on someone it wasn't going to happen with.

I've also been wondering about the gender reveal. They must have found out by now and instead we're seeing...this.

Probably because most of Mullets daughters don't actually want to talk to her... :cracking-up:

Also Priscilla is not the sharpest tool in the shed, so she probably needed someone that would agree to do it with her without excuses? Just a thought though of course!


I think it is Davey who likes being assoc. with the Duggars and their fame,so my guess is it was his idea for Pris to do the vid with Michelle.

Notice the jam session he couldn't help but record also with them.


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