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THIS from a youth pastor


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This guy is a youth pastor, with a very open Facebook page. He is friends with most of the teenagers from the church, and is typically seen as a very "cool" guy.

For the past few months, I noticed some posts on his page that made me wince. Some are racist, some are misogynic, and others are downright cruel. I feel like because he is "leading the youth in the church" he really should watch what he says.

Here are some gems.

My friend is dating a homeless woman. I think it's getting serious, she asked him to move out with her.

Remember kids, education is important, but deer season is importanter

Was holding the door open for an Asian guy and he said "Sank you." So I punched him. I can't believe he brought up Pearl Harbor like that. Merica.


According to a friend of mine who attends this church, he also makes off color jokes in front of his students too. One of them was hurt by one of them, and he made it out like the kid in question needed to lighten up. She says the kid didn't return, and she is seriously considering pulling her daughter from the group. She wrote to the pastor of the church, not sure if anything will be done about it. Her eldest daughter actually told him on facebook (on the Pearl harbor comment) that his posts were highly inappropriate for a youth pastor to make, and he deleted her comments and blocked her on facebook.

Anyway, are these kinds of things appropriate when you are a in a position of leadership like that, especially when you are supposed to be a role model for teenagers? I feel like if he were hanging out with a couple of buddies and made jokes like these, that would be one thing, but on a very public platform, and in the position he is in, saying these things where everyone can see what he's saying, including the students he is mentoring, and apparently in class too, its not cool.

Anyway, am I wrong for feeling like this?

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In my experience with a lot of evangelical churches, "youth pastors" are often some of the most immature young men imaginable. It's almost like they pick them *because* they're immature, believing that this will make them more "relevant" to the youth. :/

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No, you're not wrong for feeling this way and being irritated that this is the example leading the youth in the church.

Is the lead minister one of his FB friends? Meaning, is the lead minister reading all of this as well, or could he possibly be unaware that this is the public face one of his team is putting out there?

It might make sense to email the lead minister with your concerns, especially if you have a child or know a child in the program. I would keep your tone non-confrontational, but say that you are disappointed/concerned with the message that the youth pastor is sending to impressionable young people; that Jesus' message conflicts with this content, and that parents find this off-putting.

Youth ministry is often done by young men who are just a few years north of their youth groups, so this fellow may not have what fundies call "discernment" enough to keep the off-color stuff to his peer group (ew) and out of his youth group.

Let us know what happens.

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I would ask him why he is so concerned about the decline of ill-fitting suits on middle aged men and then add, that you personally have no problem whatsoever with preparing 1950s -style food (yet you even gladly accept the challenge!), you just want to know which food colour he prefers to go with the Sauerkraut-tuna-green-bean-Crisco-frosted-Jello mold you would like to invite him over after church service... :whistle:

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The first two items are definitely in poor taste - though I did giggle at the one about hunting. I grew up by the Poconos in PA and all schools were closed the first day of buck season. I seriously thought it was a national holiday until I graduated from college and moved out of state and was teased by my coworkers when I expressed shock that we had to come into work.

The one about the Asians is downright offensive though. I can't believe he blocked someone (a child, no less) who obviously has more intelligence than he does. Role model, indeed!

As far as what real women do - buy processed meat and store-bought rolls?

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For the past few months, I noticed some posts on his page that made me wince. Some are racist, some are misogynic, and others are downright cruel. I feel like because he is "leading the youth in the church" he really should watch what he says.

Save the content (before he wises up and deletes it) and contact the head pastor. Mail the content to him. It's inappropriate at best and shouldn't be disseminated by the pastor of a church.

IMHO, of course.

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We have screen caps and she emailed the head pastor. The head pastor's name is Larry Burton and posts on his wall all the time about how he is a wonderful minister to the youth.

I personally do not like the head pastor. My own discernment makes me very leery of him, and I googled him once, and he had left his old church due to a "minor sin" a year before he got on with this church. Before googling his name, I had no reason to NOT like him, but my gut said he wasn't a good man. I don't know what this "minor sin" was, but as soon as I read it I was reminded of DPIAT.

I don't know if anythiing will be done. My friend said if nothing is done, she will leave the church and make sure everyone she knows hears about this.

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What a disgusting prick. He'll get caught with his hand in the cookie jar, no doubt. These types- men who hold themselves above common standards of decency and morality- always fall. It's just a matter of when, and who gets hurt. Frankly, I wouldn't let an impressionable teen be alone with him, particularly not a teen girl. He's proven by his online activity that he's severely lacking in judgement.

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If you scroll through his timeline (and manage to not vomit from the level of douche-bro), you'll find that he's shared stuff from Ray Comfort, derailed Robin Williams' suicide with pro-Israel politics, and also has a young child.

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It's great when someone tells you, 'Jesus loves you'....unless you're in a Mexican prison.

Crime dramas would end alot sooner if these victims were concealed carriers.

(Daughter) LOVES olives. Except when she pronounces it, it sounds like "Allah." So if y'all see her running around screaming "ALLAH," I promise she isn't about to blow you up.

I'm a pacifist. I'm about to "pass a fist" across the back side of your face! Bahahahaha
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My 12-y-o Aspie thinks the "pass a fist" joke is mildly funny, but that kid is a sucker for a pun.

The rest? Sickening.

Trust your gut.

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I'm of the opinion that this stuff isn't appropriate period, so I don't think you're out of line for being upset or complaining to someone higher up about it. It makes me pretty sick that someone like this is in a position to influence young people.

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I work for a religious organization that serves college students. I'll try to meet them at their level by referencing TV shows, talking about things that are going on in their lives, and generally being friendly. Unlike this pastor, I believe I have a responsibility to be a good role model. I steer conversations in a constructive manner, follow through on tasks, and try to be moral in my speech and actions. That includes, you know, not being racist or homophobic or sexist. This guy is trying to be a friend, to the exclusion of being a good role model.

Also, a lot of my colleagues will set up two FB profiles:

1. A professional profile: uses their full name, they friend students, keep status updates strictly about work

2. A personal profile: uses "Firstname Middlename" they friend their actual friends and family, post about whatever they want

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Your friend should pull her children out and leave this church immediately. The problem is not the youth pastor, but the lead pastor himself. He is aware of what is being posted and has not stopped it. So their is leadership with no discernment, judgement, or basic grasp of the behavioral ethics of Christianity. You don't want these people to have leadership and teaching positions over teens. Over anyone for that matter.

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I agree with AreteJo. If the lead pastor sees what's on Facebook, too, and thinks it's appropriate, he likely won't do anything about it. The only new information might be that parents find it upsetting. But, reasonable people should be able to tell that those jokes aren't really appropriate, so therefore it shouldn't be a surprise that parents would be upset. Right?

All of that combined with the creepy feeling about the pastor means "find another church. Stat."

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Agree with AreteJo, and I would also add that your friend should write a letter explaining why she is leaving to the head pastor. If the church has a board of directors, she should also send the letter to the board's executive committee.

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She and her kids are going to a different church today. She is afraid to go back now that she has written to the pastor, because even if nothing is done, she is scared it will still get back to the Youth Pastor and he will take any anger about it out on her daughter.

I showed her what you all have said, and she agrees. She is definitely going to start writing letters.

Thanks guys.

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Something happened, that FB page is gone.

I can still see it, but it looks like it's been cleaned up somewhat.

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Oops! I was not logged in, indeed the FB page is still up.

I did see the homeless joke but not any of the other comments posted in this thread.

Mr. Brown - one page for your personal life, a different page for your ministry. Few teens are going to care about your paleo.

One page for your personal thoughts, ideas, funnies, to share yourself with your world, and none of the teens on it. A separate page focused on reaching out to the teens to whom you minister.

Boundaries are our friend.

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If my children every want to attend church I would allow them, but I'm actually worried they would end up with a youth leader like this. From my experience in various churches this sort of childish and inappropriate behavior isn't that uncommon with youth pastors. I do not ever want my children to look up to a person who acts like this.

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Yeah... the one about the Mexican Prison is gone.

I think something else went away too, but I can't find it right off. Maybe he started purging his facebook before first service? She sent the email Friday night but wasn't expecting anyone to see it until Monday morning, but maybe it was seen sooner?

Or he found us ;-)

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