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Wedding TODAY! Mikaela of One Bright Corner


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Sadly no livestream, but a zillion pictures are surely forthcoming. Basically, fundie princess sits around at home waiting for a boy to come along, realises no one is coming, and very conveniently falls in love with the most successful young man at her tiny home church. Waited a really long time to marry because he went to Gothard's Law College, and surprise surprise couldn't find a job afterwards. The wedding invites are amazing, only a fundy could write "joyfully uniting for the glory of Christ" with a straight face. She is also moving from WA to MD to marry him, and leaving behind the only family and church she has ever known. I don't think she realises what that is going to be like in reality to move 5000 miles from everyone and everything you've ever known to marry some guy you've kind of known vaguely all your life but really only hung out with as a boyfriend about 4 times.

Edit: they are getting married in a church that WELCOMES GAY PEOPLE rather than telling them they will burn in hell. What next, ordaining women? I'll bet Mikaela has no idea... is Joel secretly more liberal than she thinks? http://www.emmanueltrinity.org/about/

Courtship story

http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... story.html

http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... -best.html

http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... plans.html

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Wow, I think this is our very first fundie wedding in a gay-friendly church-- a milestone here at FJ!

They homechurch with a small group of other large families, where all the women are skirts-only housewives and homeschool their children... bit of a jump! This must be Joel's church, she's in for the shock of her life when she has to call this place her sunday home!

This is her home church: http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... bible.html

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Bingo (gambling!), Christian yoga (false Eastern worldview!) Easter egg hunts (Romanism and idolatry!) and more:


ETA: Welcome our guest, Pastor Charlene Barnes!


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I wonder how hard it will be for her to leave her twin sister since they have always seemed so close. I also wonder if Raquel will be there. They used to be friends but there seemed to be a falling out.

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They homechurch with a small group of other large families, where all the women are skirts-only housewives and homeschool their children... bit of a jump! This must be Joel's church, she's in for the shock of her life when she has to call this place her sunday home!

This is her home church: http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... bible.html

So, this will be a world-expanding experience for her. Not bad!

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I hail from that part of Maryland, and I can tell you that she is in for a big eye-opener. Frederick, MD, is a "bedroom community" of Washington DC (I-270), and is connected by I-70 to Western Maryland and Baltimore, and US-15 to Gettysburg, and also Charlestown, WV... (gambling! races!) This will be interesting to watch. Do you think she'll open a family blog?

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From a tiny ultra-conservative home type to church to the ELCA in Maryland? I hope she's ready for the culture shock.

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I hail from that part of Maryland, and I can tell you that she is in for a big eye-opener. Frederick, MD, is a "bedroom community" of Washington DC (I-270), and is connected by I-70 to Western Maryland and Baltimore, and US-15 to Gettysburg, and also Charlestown, WV... (gambling! races!) This will be interesting to watch. Do you think she'll open a family blog?

I'm hoping she and Lauren will keep running the blog they have. Their mother isn't that fertile (5 pregnancies in 18 years of marriage) so I'd be surprised at a honeymoon baby and so hopefully she'll have time to share about her new life.

Her family have weird beliefs, but I can't help warming to her slightly... I think maybe with enough exposure to the outside world she might become a bit more moderate. She seems reasonably intelligent, just chronically oversheltered.

I've looked for her fiance (Joel Fischer) online to see where he works, but I can't find anything. All I know is that he went to Gothard's correspondence law school in OK and lives in Maryland. I wondered if he might be working at Focus on the Family like Josh Duggar but I'm seriously hoping not!

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Miss Raquel does appear to be going to the wedding. I bet she will make sure to catch the bouquet, she always does.

Mikaela always seemed like she was trying to force herself into the SAHD role and wasn't very happy. I think that if she gets exposed to more liberal beliefs she will adjust fine.

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I've read the blog posts cited by the OP. I think I like this girl. She's, in the words of Reese Witherspoon in "Legally Blonde", "not completely unfortunate-looking"... her dress could take a bit of revision, but she seems bright and articulate. I'd get these two a gift!

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Miss Raquel does appear to be going to the wedding. I bet she will make sure to catch the bouquet, she always does.

Mikaela always seemed like she was trying to force herself into the SAHD role and wasn't very happy. I think that if she gets exposed to more liberal beliefs she will adjust fine.

I think she's far too intelligent to sit around at home teaching a few piano lessons a week. You'd never think from her style of writing she was SOTDRT at all. She posted a few times about how she used to dream of going to college but was convicted by her parents to stay at home (her mother has some sort of chronic medical condition) and look after her siblings and remain under her father's authority. It's a TRAVESTY when she clearly is so intelligent and capable.

She's been raised QF but I hope for her sake she has her mother's fertility and only ends up with a few children. If she were able to be alone with her husband for a few years, she might have time to open her eyes to see what she's been missing out on that the world has to offer!

http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... irits.html

http://onebrightcorner.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... rsary.html

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You think they just rented the church? They seem too fundie to be as liberal as that church. It is an awfully cute, old fashioned, just renovated building

Joel is not a practicing lawyer but working as a legal assistant (if the school is not accredited, many states won't allow you to take the bar). She says in one post he is studying for the bar, but he should have results by now.

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You think they just rented the church? They seem too fundie to be as liberal as that church. It is an awfully cute, old fashioned, just renovated building

Joel is not a practicing lawyer but working as a legal assistant (if the school is not accredited, many states won't allow you to take the bar). She says in one post he is studying for the bar, but he should have results by now.

I would have guessed no at first, but this one does seem to have at least two of it's buildings that are available for rent per the website. I'm just used to our church, which is also historical and very beautiful (in my biased opinion). Because we have no desire to be a "destination" church for weddings, you can't be married there unless you are a member* or have a family connection. (We have lots of families who have attended for generations, so we do get out of town people who want to "come home.")

*Member in the sense of the Episcopalian church, which means you worship there at least occasionally and you're on the mailing list. :lol:

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I would have guessed no at first, but this one does seem to have at least two of it's buildings that are available for rent per the website. I'm just used to our church, which is also historical and very beautiful (in my biased opinion). Because we have no desire to be a "destination" church for weddings, you can't be married there unless you are a member* or have a family connection. (We have lots of families who have attended for generations, so we do get out of town people who want to "come home.")

*Member in the sense of the Episcopalian church, which means you worship there at least occasionally and you're on the mailing list. :lol:

Considering his background and hers, I tend to argue it is a rental. The church is probably covering its capital expenses for remodeling the old sanctuary by using it for public events. I just don't see two people in their early 20s from this background with limited real world experience suddenly deciding to be liberal Lutherans. It simply does not compute.

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