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7 Sisters "EPIC" birthday party


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Whipped cream was in involved....almost as snark-worthy as some of the Duggar pickle photos...... 17 and the best you get is canned whipped cream with your siblings while you wait for Prince Charming to ride up to the Farmstead and rescue you from another year of head-covered hell at home....... 17 and gifts and dress that would embarrass a 7 year old......


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I wonder how the youngest girls (early teens) don't question why their sisters of nearly 30 are still at home not getting married, when that's all they seem to have been raised to do.

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Why oh why do the fundie men dress more or less like the rest of the population while the fundie women get asked if they are Amish when they aren't. Seriously, guys, either man up and wear 1880s clothing too, or let the women look a bit normal.

Yes, they need to meet the Ardnts... the Ardnts could get the girls some nicer clothes and the Girls could get the boys out of mommy's house.

Even if they all breed a dozen kids... on second thought, enforced celibacy is probably fine.

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Why oh why do the fundie men dress more or less like the rest of the population while the fundie women get asked if they are Amish when they aren't. Seriously, guys, either man up and wear 1880s clothing too, or let the women look a bit normal.

Yes, they need to meet the Ardnts... the Ardnts could get the girls some nicer clothes and the Girls could get the boys out of mommy's house.

Even if they all breed a dozen kids... on second thought, enforced celibacy is probably fine.

well they do wear these shirts... so i guess that makes up a little of the disparity.


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i actually really like this site. It's such a good description of regular life for a ton of fundie kids. Everything is awesome... (in a good way lol). All those photos of ordinary mundane stuff being so fun to them. :lol:

It's just that when they have to get out and support themselves, or husbands don't materialize for the girls, that the difficult days will start. But hopefully they won't have to experience much of that. Fundie land can be a pretty nice bubble to live in if nothing bad ever happens, and they don't try to harshly impose their views on other people.

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I really don't get the feeling anyone is making those girls/young women do anything. They really seems to genuinely like the frumpers and head coverings. But out of seven of them you would think the odds would be at least one of them wants something else. They really are fascinating.

There are seven of them and 14 Ardts, I think. They can each have two!

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Someone should have given her the birthday gift of Clearasil.

I'll just be over sitting in bitch corner if anyone needs me...

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It would be way too much shock for them to wear the required Arndt female white shorts and low cut tops.

However they and the Arndt boys would have a lot of fun together ( not meaning anything dirty there!).

Editing because I can't spell on my phone.

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Someone should have given her the birthday gift of Clearasil.

I'll just be over sitting in bitch corner if anyone needs me...

But what makes them really amazing is that they really don't seem to give a fuck if they are broken out, or making weird faces or they are photographed at an unflattering angle, orif they are just doing silly stuff that makes them look goofy. How many other teens ( or adults!) are that secure in themselves?

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If would be way too much shock for them to wear the required Arndt female white shirts and low cut tops.

However they and the Arndt boys would have a lot of fun together ( not meaning anything dirty there!).

Both of these families seem to have trapped their children in forced immaturity. They seem to all progress to a certain age of maturity then never move past it. The oldest of the 7 Sisters seems to act the age of one of the youngest. I know that children will mature differently but it seems that it is a deliberate action by the parents to infantilize their children.

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I looked at their blog, does anyone know how old any of them are?

It looks like the oldest sister is in her mid twenties, she did a post in 2011 about turning 25.


The next sister was 23 that year and since then they haven't really done any birthday posts about them, just the younger girls, 20 and under. Seems like after that, they don't add age, just a casual happy birthday.

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Their place still looks like more fun than Maxhell, by far.

And they have an etsy shop. I don't know much about much, but their petticoats seem nice and they sew clothes for dolls. Even matching outfits for owner and doll. Even a subscription to doll dresses, which is pretty cute, IMO. I don't know what the money goes to, but they seem to run the Etsy themselves.

I honestly can't tell if they're more immature or not than an average SAHD? I guess it depends who is writing the post at the time (cause I don't know them well enough to know which is who and how old they are). They have memes on their Pintrest boards though! That is not what I expected.

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Someone should have given her the birthday gift of Clearasil.

I'll just be over sitting in bitch corner if anyone needs me...

I always have seats ready in the bitch corner for my girls

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Ain't gonna lie - I'd be comfortable if I were stuck there for a day or two, I think. They look like a creative, energetic bunch - but I'm probably biased by the fact that the one loves Ford F-150s and another calls herself "my dad's daughter" because of her love of planes (I think it's planes).

They seem like fairly normal, intelligent young women who choose to dress dopily (MHO & I'm stickin' to it). As far as staying home .... it looks like a nice home to stay in. Not sterile like Maison Maxwell, not illogical like Arndt Acres.

I just imagine if one gets the urge to merge, the parents will find somebody suitable .... or choose from among the friends they have.

In this family's case, living on adjacent acreage wouldn't be a bad thing, in my mind's eye anyway.

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But what makes them really amazing is that they really don't seem to give a fuck if they are broken out, or making weird faces or they are photographed at an unflattering angle, orif they are just doing silly stuff that makes them look goofy. How many other teens ( or adults!) are that secure in themselves?

This. Plus they're often photographed with friends and relatives who are far less or not at all conservative. Friends! They have friends! Take that Stevie. I just think they seem far more relaxed than the Maxwells, and more normal in their abnormality (if that makes sense).

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I've always thought of the 7 sisters as goofy, but harmless. Unlike the other fun does we snark on, they don't go out of their way to say offensive things.

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They live near my grandparents and I have seen them once or twice with friends visiting the LARGE missionary church in their area. Only the younger girls and never the older ones. They seem well adjusted and normal, just with different beliefs and head scarfs. The younger girls seemed a bit awkward being around so many "normal" people but it was church so nothing bad could have happened in their parent's eyes, I suppose. They did stare at me and my heathen dress pants.

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I wonder how the youngest girls (early teens) don't question why their sisters of nearly 30 are still at home not getting married, when that's all they seem to have been raised to do.

I think because these kids have no critical thinking skills, and have no way to counter against the crap their parents tell them... All they know is what they're told. But you would think they would start to pick up on it eventually...

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Both of these families seem to have trapped their children in forced immaturity. They seem to all progress to a certain age of maturity then never move past it. The oldest of the 7 Sisters seems to act the age of one of the youngest. I know that children will mature differently but it seems that it is a deliberate action by the parents to infantilize their children.

This is the POINT of this movement. You are a "child" until you are married. The terms "teenager" or "adolescent" do not exist. You are always under someone who is "wise" and can direct you. Older "children" are always kept with the whole family so they cannot think things thru and disagree and thereby corrupt the little kids. BUT, the minute you marry (if you are a guy) you have to be suddenly mature and wise and ready for responsibility.

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I just don't get the parents' desire to have 30 year old children living with them. Literally just like children. Not a 30 year old adult who works and has a life but still lives in the family home for whatever reason. They keep them children and it's just so weird.

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This is the POINT of this movement. You are a "child" until you are married. The terms "teenager" or "adolescent" do not exist. You are always under someone who is "wise" and can direct you. Older "children" are always kept with the whole family so they cannot think things thru and disagree and thereby corrupt the little kids. BUT, the minute you marry (if you are a guy) you have to be suddenly mature and wise and ready for responsibility.

This is a disconnect i've seen lots of times. Some fundie parents don't think, "hey do my kids have the ability to call and negotiate a cell phone contract, set up utilities, manage a bank account, make sure that their car insurance is adequate?" Just because the parents know how to do that stuff like second nature, they somehow don't realize their 30 year old children haven't experienced it. And yes it does feel like being a 10 year old stuck in a situation you haven't been prepared for. Deer in the headlights feeling. :angry-banghead:

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