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Richard Dawkins rape comments


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http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... weets.html

Somebody tell this guy to STFU already.

If you want to make the logical point that X can be worse than Y, but that doesn't mean that Y isn't bad, use something other than rape. You know, like stealing $100 is worse that stealing $1, but that doesn't mean that stealing $1 is good.

If you decide to make your examples date rape and stranger rape, you deserve the resulting shit storm.

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Ugh, I agree. You don't just choose rape as an example without thinking about the ramifications. It sounds like he was trying to be a controversial ass for the sake of being a controversial ass so that he could say, "Hey! You should use LOGIC!" and feel superior to all those terrible emotional wimmenz.

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Who's he to say that "stranger rape at knifepoint" is worse than date rape? Date rape can be just as violent and traumatizing, especially if the rapist is someone the victim has grown to trust.

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It's not a contest. Both involve a lack of consent, period. How each woman deals with that will vary.

He's also whining that some topics are too "emotional" for "logic and reason" to play a role.

No, Richard, this topic is emotional because a huge chunk of the harm caused by rape and pedophilia is emotional. That doesn't mean that it's not real. Furthermore, "logic and reason" are fine in a discussion, but insensitivity and ignorance are not. You are displaying the latter.

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