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Another Fundy Baby Boaz


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I found this blog on the blogroll on Hateful Sarah from Ireland's Heartsdesire a/k/a I Worship Zsu blog.


This little hate filled IFB zombie had a baby born in June she named Boaz, only one month after Zsu popped a Boaz. The blog is not terribly interesting save for the fact that the blogger, whom I hereby christen Hateful Arkansas Sarah, courted (so she says) and has had about 456 children since 2009.Also, this chickie, like Hateful Irish Sarah, is definitely one of PP's YouTube acolytes, judging by various links to the Church of the Holy Storage Unit scattered about.

Thought it was odd to see another Boaz in such a short time in such a small circle of lunatics.....

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Just had to check the kids ages since that little guy smacking the baby on the head looks about the same age as my littlest.


5,4,2,1,2 months and she's my age. This would be the life if i'd stayed a fundie. :fainting:

i wonder why they courted for NINE years and didn't have kids for four years after they married?

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Just had to check the kids ages since that little guy smacking the baby on the head looks about the same age as my littlest.


5,4,2,1,2 months and she's my age. This would be the life if i'd stayed a fundie. :fainting:

i wonder why they courted for NINE years and didn't have kids for four years after they married?

Nine years? Jesus. Maybe he was saving his cash to buy a home debt free or working his way through her father's 73 page courtship questionnaire and completing the bible study prescribed to bring his philosophy into complete alignment with his future father in laws.

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We used to know a couple who had to go through years of courtship like that, but it was because the father of the girl was being manipulative. He just didn't think the guy's family was good enough for his daughter. But the couple stuck it out all that time and still submitted to the authority of her dad, who finally gave his consent. Now the courting guy is in leadership of the church and they have a few kids. SMUG to the max though; very self-righteous, we did it right, we have the answers types. I wish they'd just bypassed the dad instead of 'staying under his authority', it would have made them so much more relatable to all the other young couples. None of the guys his age really respect him, it's just because he is in church leadership and employs a lot of the guys in the church in his fundie construction company that he gets to throw his weight around. :roll:

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HA, my uber crunchy midwife friend just posted something on FB today that she does NOT allow essential oils during pregnancy and labor and has actually seen a birth go bad because a mother violated the restriction of not using EOs for pregnant women and was using EOs in the bathroom during labor.

Some of the stuff I am seeing about this EO craze is starting to concern me. At least when homeopathy was all the rave, it only works if you believe in the molecule memory of water and there's no real substance that can do harm to the person.

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She used peppermint essential oils to turn her breech baby....is this a real thing?

She also has a post in there tagged "perverts" and "sodomites" in which she claims lesbians are pedophiles out to snare your children. Yep, she's totally someone who knows all about everything. So sure, it's a thing. :P :P :lol: :P

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Unless you were stuffing the peppermint oil up he vagina, would peppermint oil even help?

I use diluted lavender oil on my wrists and it helps my anxiety.

I can't imagine peppermint oil HURTING anything, unless she snorted it or something,... Or drank it?

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This time around, I came across a midwife's recommendation online to use peppermint oil on the top of the belly to encourage baby to turn. She stated that the baby would get the cooling sensation of something frozen along with the smell which babies don't like. I figured it was worth a try. I did the forward-leaning inversion for 30 seconds and then applied the oil across the top of my belly, and within 20 minutes the baby was moving away from the oil. I applied it again the next morning. By my appointment that afternoon the baby was head down. He stayed head down for 2 weeks, so I stopped using the oil for a few days, he was once again breech. I started the oil again and my midwife checked him again the next day and he was again head down. I continued to apply the oil every morning and every evening as well as any time I felt the baby was starting to turn breech again. He stayed head down and was my first baby to be anterior as labor started.

Hmmm.... right. So she believes that a baby can feel and smell something through an inch or more of the mom's epidermis, muscle, and protective fat layer.

People have some crazy ideas about turning babies: ipod in undies so the baby will turn toward the music (seriously, my doula suggested that but it didn't seem worth the effort), shining a bright light on the tummy, making the top of the tummy cold and the bottom warm, etc. etc. The only thing that worked for me was head-down on an ironing board with the end propped up on the couch, and downward dog when the backache of the ironing board became unbearable. For hours. But, it did work. Then, staying constantly vertical once he was head down. For two months no laying down flat - he would try to go transverse or head up. Just sleeping in a recliner did the trick. Pregnancy can suck sometimes. :lol: But it resulted in a vbac! The hospital wouldn't allow a vbac breech so it was really worth it.

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