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Mr. Ramm is a proud sexist


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and all boys should play football. Not any other sport, but football. American football.

Being a sexist used to mean you believed one gender was superior to the other. This is now called “hostile sexismâ€. It’s pretty obvious to everyone today (except radical Feminists) that both genders are equal in value.

Biology demonstrates that men and women are different, and have a different set of strengths and weaknesses. This truth is pretty evident to everyone who hasn’t been brainwashed by the Feminist agenda. More often than not, men and women are mirror opposites.

Call me a sexist if you want, but your problem is with science, not with me.



I’m sure this will be hard for many women to understand (just as there are many experiences that come with being a woman that I find hard to understand) but up to this point in my life, I’ve not experienced a better feeling than smashing into another guy at full speed when he doesn’t see you coming.

He needs to get laid. I bet it's a way better feeling.

It’s all just incredibly exhilarating, which is why I can understand it when I hear some war veterans talk about enjoying combat. It’s not because they’re evil, sick, or twisted, it’s because that’s the way men are created. We’re created to relish such violence because—in the dark and dangerous world we live in—we need men to be protectors and defenders of what is good and right and true.

Today, this masculine trait is under attack, and boys are punished simply for being boys. Oh, your 5-year-old boy can’t sit still in a classroom for hours on end? Drug him. According to the Center for Disease Control, boys are almost 3 times more likely to develop ADHD than girls. (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/adhd.htm) We are trying to say there is something wrong with many boys when there isn’t.

The active and aggressive behavior of boys has come to be seen as a primitive and barbaric trait of a bygone age, and so now we’re trying to feminize boys and turn them into well behaved little girls.

It’s no surprise that the left is pushing for this change in boys. These repressed boys will turn into weak and passive men without a backbone, easily pushed around by the Liberal agenda.

Ahem, I have ADHD. I am a female. And it's not that he can't sit still for hours that renders a diagnosis of ADHD.

What is one thing that will happen if you don't 'channel the violent energy of boys'...

He will become a wimp

It has been said that football is the ultimate team sport. This is true. While most sports are about individuals, football is about teams. If one person doesn’t do their job correctly on a given play, the entire play could go for a loss, or much worse. Everyone has to work together, and you are only as strong as your weakest link.

Many sports are that way. Soccer, baseball/softball, basketball, cricket, lacrosse, dance teams, etc. Not sure why the focus is on football here. Sports like swimming, tennis, track/cross country are more individual sports, but individual sports are not bad sports either. I can point out the great things about individual sports too and how it teaches you to push yourself and work hard on your own.

Football requires a massive investment and commitment. I can’t count all the times I thought about quitting. Everyone thinks about quitting, and many do, but others stick it out. To be good, you have to spend hours and hours of time working out, lifting weights, training, and practicing. Playing football forced me to do hard things that I didn’t want to do, and I think this is a good thing for boys.

This is all sports. To be good, you have to spend hours and hours of time training and practicing.

In my experience, no sport is as physically demanding as football. No sport demands the combination of endurance, strength, speed, and flexibility that football does. This is why football demands so much more time than any other sport.

Really, no other sport, huh. Track and dance and gymnastics do as well. Oh, wait, those are girly sports and track isn't a real team sport so they don't count. :roll:

Funny, because out of all the sports I have known people play, no other sport has caused as much permanent injuries than football. Softball is a close second, but that's a girls sport. Which is why I actually hope none of my children will want to play football personally. But that's just me. I'm a woman, so I can't possibly understand.

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Really, no other sport, huh. Track and dance and gymnastics do as well. Oh, wait, those are girly sports and track isn't a real team sport so they don't count. :roll:

Funny, because out of all the sports I have known people play, no other sport has caused as much permanent injuries than football. Softball is a close second, but that's a girls sport. Which is why I actually hope none of my children will want to play football personally. But that's just me. I'm a woman, so I can't possibly understand.

It would be hilarious if his (future) sons grow up to be gymnasts... or ballerinos!

He probably wouldn't be happy to realize this, but his name is far more commonly a girl's name than a boy's! He's 20 and lives in Columbus, OH? If he's so footballsy and manly why doesn't he go try out for the OSU football team. He'd feel rather wimpy rather quickly.

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Reagan Ramm sounds like a porn star name. There, I said it.

ETA--I see he graduated from "Ramm Preparatory Academy" in 2012. Yes, 20 year old manchild, please do tell me all about how life works.

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Reagan Ramm sounds like a porn star name. There, I said it.

ETA--I see he graduated from "Ramm Preparatory Academy" in 2012. Yes, 20 year old manchild, please do tell me all about how life works.

Reagan Ramm sounds like the name of gay porn to star. Reagan Ramm stars in "The Missile Packed".

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Sooo, all those men who grew up in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where American football is not played are not true men I guess. Too bad for them.

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Where I live (at least amongst my friends), American football is viewed as a game with gay overtones.

Here, hockey is the manly sport. In the UK, the manly sport is soccer. Mr. Ramm sounds like a sheltered, childish American stereotype.

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Here in the South college football is a religion. Nearly every Saturday, my fiancee and I are at my father's house watching Bama play. Sandwiches, snacks, and sodas while watching the game....good times. Oh, and ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It’s all just incredibly exhilarating, which is why I can understand it when I hear some war veterans talk about enjoying combat. It’s not because they’re evil, sick, or twisted, it’s because that’s the way men are created. We’re created to relish such violence because—in the dark and dangerous world we live in—we need men to be protectors and defenders of what is good and right and true.

I've never heard any war veteran come back and say they enjoyed combat. My experience has been that they don't want to talk about it at all, and when they do, the anguish is very apparent. I've seen this in many WW2 and Korean war vets; it never seems to leave them.

Perhaps the oh-so-masculine Mr. Ramm needs to stop talking to fellow 22 years-old sitting in their parents' basements, playing war video games, and go to VA hospital and talk to veterans who lost limbs defending twits like him, and see how fondly they recall their experiences.

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Where I live (at least amongst my friends), American football is viewed as a game with gay overtones.

You mean like this?

I’m sure this will be hard for many women to understand (just as there are many experiences that come with being a woman that I find hard to understand) but up to this point in my life, I’ve not experienced a better feeling than smashing into another guy at full speed when he doesn’t see you coming.

I mean, c'mon. His name is Reagan Ramm and he likes nothing more than smashing into big, burly men who don't see it coming?

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