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hypothetical careers


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it is pretty interesting to think about what professions the fundies would've had if they'd been allowed to work and/or not fundie.

if they had not been raised fundie, they'd likely have different hobbies, different friends... different influences.

but based on the information and personalities that we know of... what careers would you peg for certain fundies?

i got the idea from this post:

I wonder what Priscilla would be if she had been born into a non fundie family. I considered nurse, but I'm not sure she has the IQ. I considered preschool teacher, but I think a lot of little kids would overwhelm her, and I don't see her as knowing how to discipline. I think I could see her as a non-medical caretaker for the elderly in a nursing home. I think she'd be really sweet and personally care for them, and they would be nice and tell her what a wonderful young woman she is.

jana is very quiet, and i'm not sure if she's just been so broken by all her training and sistermom duties, or if she is a quiet, shy person. so based off what we see, i'd think jana would make a great teacher. she's patient and nurturing.

i could definitely see jill as a doctor of some sort. maybe a pediatrician or OB/GYN!

jessa in the beauty industry, makeup artist, beautician, hair stylist.

when i look at jinger, she just exudes a certain something that looks like she'd be very creative - photographer, graphic design, journalist?

josiah - IT, definitely.

the rest of the kids, i don't know.

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Michelle duggar I could see being a hairdresser OE a secretary, something where you talk a lot but don't really say much.

Jim Bob, spokesman for new wonder products on late night TV. Or used car salesman.

Jana duggarni see being a teacher. She's sweet but could handle discipline.

Jill I'm saying a traveling nurse, maybe a nurses without borders thing, since she likes traveling.

David walller, I'll get back to you on :-)

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Brace yourselves ... I've thought a lot about this.

# Duggar males

Josh = selling used cars back in Arkansas (in partnership with JB) for the rest of his life

John & Joe = big machinery stuff together but not necessarily the tow truck, pouring concrete at building sites, a trucking company, demolition company or combination of the above

Josiah = IT

Jed/Jer = can't remember which is which but the chess playing one I see as a writer at a local paper

# Duggar females

Jana = librarian, it's quiet and peaceful work (MrMiggy worked as a librarian for a while and absolutely loved the calm in contrast to other jobs), it's not particularly challenging but certainly not boring, for those who say she's not a great reader - come and visit my uni library some time, the staff vary from highly intelligent to ditzy blondes - being a great reader neither helps nor hinders you as a librarian

Jill = nurse or midwife (a uni trained midwife rather than what she does), I don't see her as a doctor at all, doctors need nurses to look after them and point them in the right direction - that's where Jill comes in

Jessa = my first thought was hair dresser/beautician as someone suggested above but then I thought that's really what ATI has done to her, I think that she would get very bored, very quickly doing that. Maybe starting as a barista as a teen, working her way up to shop management, doing a business course, then some type of career in management

Jinger = similar path to Jessa but lower down in management, so Jessa might end up as regional or state manager of something like Walmart, Jinger would own and run a local cafe but the cafe would be in New York or San Francisco, Jessa would be in Arkansas

Joy = business manager of a traditionally male business. Have you noticed that all construction companies, electrical contractors, transport companies, etc. are run by woman? They use to be called secretaries but they ran the company and the owner just signed the forms. Now they are the actual bosses. The men in these jobs seem to work best with a female at the top ordering them about. That's Joy. Not a bitch - just strong. She'd be rich too!

# Bates females

Michael = SAHM. I think she is really happy cooking, sewing, washing, cleaning and caring for kids. School and no ATI might have given her more choices but I think she would still choose to stay home

Erin = Private music teacher. She wouldn't cope in a classroom and I don't believe she has the mental toughness to be professional so she would be teaching 50-60 local kids and playing some local weddings

Alyssa = politician/businessmans wife hosting functions, maybe with a catering or party planning business on the side

Tori = vet/vet nurse/horse trainer, she's an outdoor girl who loves animals so any of these sort of careers, school would have given her a lot more knowledge about how to treat them

# Bates boys

Zach = fire brigade, police service, ambo, etc. (a service occupation)

Lawson = outdoor work (tree service or farming, lawn care, gardener), I think he would enjoy running his own cattle farm + music in his spare time (Lawson would have played football and maybe other sports at school - that is something he really was denied!)

Nathan = fire brigade, police service, ambo, etc. (a service occupation)

So, basically, the Bates kids are doing what I would expect of them or something similar and the Duggar kids are all being denied what they would truly enjoy and excel at.

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Josh- I think he would have been big into sports if he had not been raised by fundies. I can see him being a high school sports coach and teaching History during the day.

Jana- Financial analyst for a decent-sized corporation. Possibly a lawyer or a para-legal, maybe? Jana I had the toughest time with. She could go in any direction. Except for medicine.

John-David I see getting a business degree and/or going to tech school and owning some type of small business. Towing, plumbing, or car repair.

Jill- Would have become a certified nurse.

Jessa- Possibly a whistle-blower journalist. She's a pessimist and a bit of a realist, I think. I also think she would join a sorority in college and snag herself a med student who goes on to make a lot of money.

Jinger- Something artistic. I don't know if she can draw, but I can see her being an animator for movies. Possibly doing the artistic side of marketing or maybe a photographer.

Joseph- Probably would join in with John-David and his business. They could be co-owners.

Josiah- I see him doing something creative like Jessa. I see him working in a men's clothing store through college and then becoming maybe a photographer or fashion designer. Or maybe a music major and a symphony cellist who teaches at a university.

Joy-Anna- goes to school on a soccer or lacrosse scholarship. Gets a degree in chemistry and teaches high school students. Changes jobs a few years into teaching (but still in her discipline) to work for a crime lab and makes a pretty good living.

As for the rest? No clue. They're either too young to guess at, or are part of the indistinct pack of howlers.

Priscilla would probably still have been a SAHM, but might have worked as a substitute teacher or a receptionist part-time somewhere. Went to college on a MRS degree. Has 4 kids.

Now as for Davey Waller? He'd be gaying it up in the clubs for most of his twenties. A bartender or go-go dancer, possibly? I don't envision him wearing too many clothes for his job until his thirties. :lol:

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Wasn't Josiah Duggar taking accounting classes last year?

When they went college minus mad, there was talk about him doing accountancy. Then there was mention about him working with a local accountant. Nothing lately.

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David Waller would have been a dancer. Not necessarily an exotic dancer, I could also see him doing professional ballet or contemporary dance.

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Duggar females

Jana = librarian, it's quiet and peaceful work (MrMiggy worked as a librarian for a while and absolutely loved the calm in contrast to other jobs), it's not particularly challenging but certainly not boring, for those who say she's not a great reader - come and visit my uni library some time, the staff vary from highly intelligent to ditzy blondes - being a great reader neither helps nor hinders you as a librarian

I completely disagree. I work as a school librarian. My job is never quiet. Reading is very important because I need to be able to recommend books to my students.

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Your job is what we call a teacher-librarian. Definitely not quiet and definitely big on the reading. My husband worked as an academic-librarian and that is more what I pictured for Jana. His job involved (1) pointing students in the right direction (2) photocopying books / scanning books for students and (3) shelving. That's the role I imagine Jana in. Some of our librarians here at the uni are qualified librarians but many are students working part time. (This is a medical uni so they are dentists, nurses, doctors or pharmacists.)

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Your job is what we call a teacher-librarian. Definitely not quiet and definitely big on the reading. My husband worked as an academic-librarian and that is more what I pictured for Jana. His job involved (1) pointing students in the right direction (2) photocopying books / scanning books for students and (3) shelving. That's the role I imagine Jana in. Some of our librarians here at the uni are qualified librarians but many are students working part time. (This is a medical uni so they are dentists, nurses, doctors or pharmacists.)

A "librarian" has a masters of library science. Working at a library does not make you a librarian any more than working at a hospital makes you a doctor. Librarians don't shelve books; student workers and volunteers shelve books. A librarian's role is information management.

Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine. That MLS degree is hard earned and a librarian job is hard to get (just ask Razing Ruth hahahaha).

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David Waller, back up dancer for a drag queen.

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A "librarian" has a masters of library science. Working at a library does not make you a librarian any more than working at a hospital makes you a doctor. Librarians don't shelve books; student workers and volunteers shelve books. A librarian's role is information management.

Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine. That MLS degree is hard earned and a librarian job is hard to get (just ask Razing Ruth hahahaha).

Oh my gosh yes. I have nothing but respect for librarians. These days they have to scramble to keep the library relevant. Ours is turning into an educational event center, since so much they used to provide is available online. (We can even read current magazines for free online through our library numbers here.) Just imagine the stress of staying up to date with e-reader technology, e-lending, copyright laws... and every week our library hosts things like quiet concerts, book readings, author meetings, "It Came From a Book" film screenings, story hour and puppet shows, traveling exhibits, youth comic con-type things and gamer days, etc. They even have a huge fish tank, an aviary, a play area with educational toys (a wii and ipads bolted to posts lol) for small kids, and a homework area with vending machines. They still gripe at noisy kids, though lol I don't envy the librarians their jobs at all, though i love books. I would HATE it that they allow eating in the library, sticky stuff is such a pet peeve. And somehow everything stays clean. It's got to be a full time job for at least one custodian.

I do miss the days of card catalogs and signing your name by a date stamp on a card in the front of the book. We used to have a tiny library we'd visit as kids that held onto that old technology for ages after everyone else changed. Our mom took us there just so we could learn to use a card catalog. That's one of the places my sibs and i got a fix for our Hardy Boys addiction. lol If i ever get an iphone i'd love this cover :D


I can see Jana as a librarian but maybe a quieter university one, helping students.

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Sorry to have upset everyone. No offence was meant. Our uni employs people as student-librarian & academic-librarian class 1, 2, 3 & 4. Class 3 & 4 have no degree. They work on the floor and deal with books. There is one class 3 supervising a certain number of class 4s. Class 1 & 2 have librarian degrees but don't work with books - they are locked in offices staring at computer screens all day. They tell the 3s and 4s what to do and run staff meetings.

So when I described Jana, I was picturing her as an academic-librarian class 4 as described at our uni.

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David Waller would have been a dancer. Not necessarily an exotic dancer, I could also see him doing professional ballet or contemporary dance.

Love this one!!

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Anna I think would be an elementary school teacher. Her sister Rebekah's husband said that out of all of the Keller girls, Anna was the one who wanted a really big family, so we know that she likes being around kids, independent of her Fundy raising.

Anna is definitely smart enough to be a teacher, and I think her smugness could even be beneficial. Smugness is mostly confidence with enough superiority to make it annoying, but little kids need a confident adult in order to feel safe, and superiority usually goes over their heads so they don't find it annoying the way an adult would.

Jennifer Duggar would play varsity all of the sports in high school and go to UofA on a sports scholarship. I could see her degree in sports medicine, maybe becoming a personal trainer, or high school coach. I could even see her being a teacher or studying foreign languages or film.

Josie Duggar would in child beauty pageants, like a thin Hunny Boo Boo. I can so see Moosh as a pageant mom.

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I am not impresssed with Anna's attempts to home school. Don't think she'd be a good teacher but maybe with some pedagogical training. She is very calm and patient.

Joy Anna I could see working with animals maybe as a vet, vet tech or animal trainer. She seems to have an affinity for animals partnered with her rough and rumble, practical sensibilities it would be a good fit.

Jessa would work at some high end boutique or make counter where she gets to sneer at everyone.

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Anna I think would be an elementary school teacher. Her sister Rebekah's husband said that out of all of the Keller girls, Anna was the one who wanted a really big family, so we know that she likes being around kids, independent of her Fundy raising.

Anna is definitely smart enough to be a teacher, and I think her smugness could even be beneficial. Smugness is mostly confidence with enough superiority to make it annoying, but little kids need a confident adult in order to feel safe, and superiority usually goes over their heads so they don't find it annoying the way an adult would.

Jennifer Duggar would play varsity all of the sports in high school and go to UofA on a sports scholarship. I could see her degree in sports medicine, maybe becoming a personal trainer, or high school coach. I could even see her being a teacher or studying foreign languages or film.

Josie Duggar would in child beauty pageants, like a thin Hunny Boo Boo. I can so see Moosh as a pageant mom.

OH MY GOD, YES!! just imagine how many trophies she would have won with jessa, too! michelle is a total pageant mom! wow. i can't believe i didn't make that connection before now.

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When they went college minus mad, there was talk about him doing accountancy. Then there was mention about him working with a local accountant. Nothing lately.

This is so sad. I fucking hate Boob and Mullet.

Free Josiah.

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Had he gone to public school, Ben Bob Seesmug would have been a jock, but probably not good enough to get a scholarship, and I don't see him having the patience for college anyway, so I think he'd end up doing construction work or auto repair.

John Schrader would not have a private airplane and a new troupie!!! Maybe he would have converted to Scientology, I just can't see him not being a crazy tool.

Esther would have done much better than John. I see her as very serious and very professional. Paralegal. She would still wear skirts most of the time.

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I wonder about Zsu, too. She wasn't raised fundy but if she hadn't jumped into that vat of crazy, she probably would have been successful. Possibly a party planner?

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I wonder about Zsu, too. She wasn't raised fundy but if she hadn't jumped into that vat of crazy, she probably would have been successful. Possibly a party planner?
Animal hoarder, but one that takes good care of the animals. They would do synchronized tricks in matching outfits.
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David Waller would have been a dancer. Not necessarily an exotic dancer, I could also see him doing professional ballet or contemporary dance.

Davey would be in musical theatre--dancing, singing, emoting, costumes. Off-off Broadway, or some touring group. The national Hedwig and the Angry Inch troupe, maybe?

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Davey would be in musical theatre--dancing, singing, emoting, costumes. Off-off Broadway, or some touring group. The national Hedwig and the Angry Inch troupe, maybe?

YES. This.

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