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Virtuous Daughters


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This came up on the Unmarried thread, but it deserves its own thread. Meet Samantha, a 30-year-old Fake Jew SAHD.


If you are wondering why she is still single, it might be because her parents have a 170-question survey for all potential suitors.


Among other things, I had to gawk at the amazement of this train wreck post.


1. She misspells "graham."

2. It is for Passover, yet none of the ingredients are kosher for Passover.

3. She calls it a FUCKING PLANTATION.

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That questionnaire, you know what is missing? How will you treat your wife? Will you love her? Will you treat her like a human being?

Oh for fucks sake.

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these people need to learn how to use a quotation mark

14. What are your beliefs concerning evil spirits or demons? Can a born again believer be “possessed†by an evil spirit? Can they be “oppressed†or “harassed†or influenced by an evil spirit? If so, how do you believe we should deal with them?

90. Do you believe that those in your family should be vaccinated? What about other “routine†medical procedures like “well baby†check-ups, women’s exams, etc.?

109. What do you think about “organized†or team sports?

116. What do you think about having a TV in your home? A “Video†player? If you believe that watching television is okay, what programs? How often? If you believe that watching videos is okay, which ones (please give examples)? What guidelines do you place in your own life concerning this? What guidelines do you envision for your family?

121. Do you like physical work? Do you enjoy computer “work�

I actually have to stop with these because its like every other one has scare quotes


32. How do you believe about intermarriage between people from different ethnic backgrounds; for example … blacks, whites, orientals? Is it OK for others, but not for your own family?
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Wow. That is...there are no words.

Isn't having a marriage more important than these little things? So what he believes in check ups for babies? He likes to play basketball at the gym but you don't. That is what stops you from being with someone?

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Actually, I could see myself asking the one about vaccines and checkups. If I was ever wanting to get married, it WOULD be a deal breaker if the guy didn't believe in vaccinating children. No way in hell are my future kids not being vaccinated.

Some of it though... Why are there scare quotes around the world video?

Also, what decade was this written in? Who uses videos anymore.

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Actually, I could see myself asking the one about vaccines and checkups. If I was ever wanting to get married, it WOULD be a deal breaker if the guy didn't believe in vaccinating children. No way in hell are my future kids not being vaccinated.

Some of it though... Why are there scare quotes around the world video?

Also, what decade was this written in? Who uses videos anymore.

it is so simple to see what the answers should be. why change it it is not like anyone with a sane mind would get through it.

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These are really good questions for the couple to discuss. Finances, birth control,sex, house roles, medical beliefs etc are all very important to a successful marriage. But to have to discuss this with the potential inlaws? Ummm no. And so much of it is just nucking futz.

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She has 14 brothers and sisters but I can't find much about them. I wonder if they are still as religious as she is?

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"What role do you believe God’s law has in a believer’s life? Mosaic law? Ceremonial law?

Sacrificial law? Unclean laws (both meat and lifestyle)? To what extent should they be

obeyed? What about “New Testament Law� Are Paul’s, Peter’s, John’s, (etc.) words to be


They profess to be born again christians, albeit messianic, but this question implies that the New Testament is not necessarily to be followed and seems to give preference to old testament laws, that most christians believe Jesus fulfilled.

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"What are your thoughts about Israel? The land, the people, the culture? Would you

want to visit? Would you want to live there? Do you believe that you are part of Israel? Do

the modern day Jewish people make up Israel? Is the church the “new†Israel? Although

volumes have been written about these subjects, please feel free to explain as much as you


27. Do you know Hebrew or have a desire to learn the language? Biblical … or modern

conversational? Would you want Hebrew names for your children?"

For fucks sake, just convert to Judaism already. Or be comfortable in your christian faith. Faux jews are the worst......

"31. Is polygamy forbidden in Scripture? Is it wrong today for a man to have more than one


Interesting......... She may finally get married if she can marry her sisters husband, who presumably passed the original version of the questionnaire.

"89. What are your thoughts concerning the medical field as it is today?"

That's such a broad question. I would have no idea how to even start to answer that.

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If she is 30 then maybe it was written 14 or so years ago. I still used vhs until 2001ish.

Is she now married? Because otherwise, this list might still apply. Even if it was written when she was 14 (though for people who believe dating should only lead to marriage, wouldn't it be moreike 17 or 18?) if she is not married now, the list still applies, and at the vey least has not been updated.

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If she is 30 then maybe it was written 14 or so years ago. I still used vhs until 2001ish.

Is she now married? Because otherwise, this list might still apply. Even if it was written when she was 14 (though for people who believe dating should only lead to marriage, wouldn't it be moreike 17 or 18?) if she is not married now, the list still applies, and at the vey least has not been updated.

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She is still single at 30. The questionnaire was updated in March.

updated to add more questions, or remove some? :O

I think my favorite is #125: "Are you a vegetarian? If so, please explain."

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These are really good questions for the couple to discuss. Finances, birth control,sex, house roles, medical beliefs etc are all very important to a successful marriage. But to have to discuss this with the potential inlaws? Ummm no. And so much of it is just nucking futz.

I think the key word here is "discuss", which isn't something the questionnaire seems to allow for. With discussion, you might find your goals/beliefs are incompatible, or you may reach a compromise. When you've just got to fill out a questionnaire, there's no room for compromise, so if your beliefs don't align exactly with what your potential in-laws are looking for (and it weirds me out just typing that), then you've lost your chance, so to speak.

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There enough WTFery with the questionnaire alone. The use of Comic Sans takes it to whole new level.

Honestly, given that fundies seem to view marriage as a job–with little thought to love, compatibility, shared interests, relationship-building and so forth—the questionnaire isn't totally out of line. It's pretty much a job application, that job being collaborating with your co-worker on producing an endless stream of little soldiers for Christ. And of course, if you don't work together well, it's not the fault of the team leader (the man). No, the failure is all the woman's.

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117. What do you think about swimming? Is it right or wrong? If you believe it can be done, what guidelines would you have for your family in this area?

I like "If you believe it can be done." Nah, all those people on TV aren't really swimming-- swimming is scientifically impossible! It's just the liberal media lying to us!

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Uhhh, one of the ways you get ready for passover is to rid the house of chametz... and you don't get rid of it by building a plantation with it.. fake jew who doesn't understand the point of passover? oy vey..

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These people take all of the fun and romance out of marriage. Whatever happened to two people both having feelings for eachother, then deciding they want to start a relationship, then marry. Not all this paperwork and million page questionnaire before you are even considered good enough.

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If she is 30 then maybe it was written 14 or so years ago. I still used vhs until 2001ish.

I'm going to have to be more old-fashioned than thou and say I didn't get my DVD player until 2008!

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1. She misspells "graham."


Hahaha, I hate spelling the word graham. I have to spell it all the time in reports as part of a medical test I give and I never ever get it right without thinking about it.

So for that I forgive her. Everything else I will be a judgey bitch about. :dance:

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Hahaha, I hate spelling the word graham. I have to spell it all the time in reports as part of a medical test I give and I never ever get it right without thinking about it.

So for that I forgive her. Everything else I will be a judgey bitch about. :dance:

Graham was my stepfather's name, so that made me go WTF too. But I can see how some people might find it tricky phonetically if they're not used to the name.

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Wow. This woman is a perfect example of the stunted growth and development of the whole stupid SAHD concept. She is like a ten year old in her thoughts, ideas, writing, and the way she lives. She brainstormed ways to prepare now for her future husband and kids. She makes uses multi colored pens to make her journal (which includes her own version of a check ledger) girly, gotta preach and save those Jews, obsessively post pictures of her in frumpy clothing (unless one of her sister's has nothing better to do)...I just can't. These people ruin the lives of their children with the whole mentality.

I know 12 year old's more mature and responsible and with more of a life.

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