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Anyone Ever Get PMs from 19K FB Duggar Humpers


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I got a pm from a Duggar humper on 19KFB saying I was sick and twisted and should keep my opinions to my self have responded to them before, but only if they are nice. Otherwise, I ignore.

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No, but then I don't Facebook. I did get into rather a heated exchange with a leghumper on some other site. I was getting nowhere and I had other stuff to do so I bowed out of the convo.

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I read the thread title as "Anyone ever get PMS from 19K FB Duggar Humpers" and couldn't quite figure out how someone would get PMS from them. :lol:

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I read the thread title as "Anyone ever get PMS from 19K FB Duggar Humpers" and couldn't quite figure out how someone would get PMS from them. :lol:

I thought the same thing!

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I'm not sure...it seems those leghumpers are always PMSing, especially if you disagree with them. I get synchronous pains (hesitate to call them sympathy pains. I don't sympathize with those fuckers) just from being near them.

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i'm glad i'm not the only one who thought it was PMS (but that just made it more fun anyway)!! i'd be a little uneasy engaging in debate with DuggarHumper strangers; I have actual old friends on FB who try to start political "arguments" and just won't listen to logic; it's always a losing situation, and these are people I have a history with. but if anyone has had any success, i'd love to hear about it....

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I hate arguing with fundies online, it really does makes you feel like a more productive use of your time would be to beat your head against a wall.

I will never forget the time I posted a question in a forum about a character on a TV show who had a baby. I was unfamiliar with the forum at the time, so the mods moved the thread to a part of the site that had more to do with the topic I referenced. Finally found the thread a month later, and there was at least 15 pages worth of browbeating from a Bible thumper about abortion to this poor girl who had engaged him and was trying to explain that the female character shouldn't be shamed for having a baby outside of marriage. I mean, this guy was a total loon who came with the full package - full page responses that were walls o' text, Bible quotes, plenty of CAPS LOCK RAGE, and a heaping helping of eleventy!!11! all around. I posted just long enough to tell him what an obnoxious jerk he was for completely missing the point and derailing the original topic. He told both of us that we were evil feminists who were going to hell, naturally. :roll:

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I actually used to post on a site that was pro-Duggar. Just questions for clarity about beliefs, etc. And then I started posting her (I lurked here for a while trying to make sure I understood how it worked, loving the snark and the people here.) Almost as soon as I did, they stopped responding to me on the site. Apparently, they stalk, I found out, FJ and now that I had posted here they would no longer acknowledge me. Oh well. I lost no sleep over it.

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I actually used to post on a site that was pro-Duggar. Just questions for clarity about beliefs, etc. And then I started posting her (I lurked here for a while trying to make sure I understood how it worked, loving the snark and the people here.) Almost as soon as I did, they stopped responding to me on the site. Apparently, they stalk, I found out, FJ and now that I had posted here they would no longer acknowledge me. Oh well. I lost no sleep over it.

We're the site fundies and leghumpers alike love to hate. None of them will admit they read here, but I do believe that way more of them than we think peruse our threads on a near-daily basis. One could even call it an ungodly addiction. Shame shame! :naughty:

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I've noticed on the tumblrs that we always get disparaging remarks...but they love to use the information and photographs we dig up.

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  • 3 months later...

I know this is an old thread, but i dont get on much now that work has dropped the ban hammer on Internet blogging sites, but anyway...

I got into a nice debate with some whacko on an MSN news article about one million moms. Eventually I gave up because he was ignorant and it was pointless, but he started messaging me on FB, and stalking pages I had 'liked' (he couldn't see much because my page is private), and sending me info about the area I lived in. I had to report him (fb police, who knew) and block him. I was kind of freaked out. Ever since then, I try to stay away from engaging with the crazies.

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I know this is an old thread, but i dont get on much now that work has dropped the ban hammer on Internet blogging sites, but anyway...

I got into a nice debate with some whacko on an MSN news article about one million moms. Eventually I gave up because he was ignorant and it was pointless, but he started messaging me on FB, and stalking pages I had 'liked' (he couldn't see much because my page is private), and sending me info about the area I lived in. I had to report him (fb police, who knew) and block him. I was kind of freaked out. Ever since then, I try to stay away from engaging with the crazies.

Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. That's beyond creepy. Was he doing this in a nasty/predatory way, like "I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE" stalkerish, or was he being leg-humpery towards you and chatting you up about the pages you liked and such? Every now and then, I've commented on People articles pertaining to the Duggars and others, and gotten into arguments with weirdos. I've always worried in the back of my head that the same thing might happen to me.

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I wouldn't post on FB unless I had a "secret" account. Wouldn't want the leghumpers after me on my real FB page.

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It was definitely creeptastic. He said something about showing up at the local bar I had liked, so he could school me on the fiery pits of hell, and i recall he made a reference to the dealer I bought my car. I was like Uhoh. There were no actual harmful threats to my FB page, but he did call me a worldly whore and said something about how a man would come along one day and put me in my place. Whatever that means. That was enough for me! The scary part is that people actually believe the hate they spew.

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The duggars humpers are a waste of time to agrue with. They always say don't judge or speak out against the Duggars because they're such a wonderful christian family. But then turn around and judge people who aren't virgins, are on welfare, who aren't married, and are teen moms.

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The duggars humpers are a waste of time to agrue with. They always say don't judge or speak out against the Duggars because they're such a wonderful christian family. But then turn around and judge people who aren't virgins, are on welfare, who aren't married, and are teen moms.

The amusing thing is that some of them are teen moms themselves, or had sex before marriage. I've come to the conclusion that leghumpers have no idea of what Duggar life is actually like in real time. They see the pretty, glossy family in magazines and on TV, praying joyfully and loving one another, hurting nobody.

What they don't understand is that if they had to be a Duggar, they'd have to ditch the Katy Perry CD's (not happening), stop playing sports, give up dreams to go to college or have a career, and undergo the physical toll of being pregnant constantly for about 20-25 years. They don't get to have nights out on the weekend with just them and their friends. In fact, they wouldn't be able to go anywhere without a sibling or have any alone time, unless they shoved themselves in a prayer closet. They would be stuck taking care of their kid siblings 24/7 with no off time.

Still sound fun? Well...

Let's talk about being dragged to ten million boring conferences with 18 siblings in a tiny RV and talking to a million different strangers all day while having to still appear cheerful. Oh, and did I mention the insane amount of housework (because there are always visitors and cameras and the house has to always look nice)? Duggar life ain't all pickles and hairspray, folks.

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I once argued with a Duggar fan about J'Chelle. She thought that since I was a feminist, I shouldn't criticise J'Chelle since she chose her life, and that's what feminists want, right? That women should be able to chose what life they want to live? And I was like; right, that was indeed J'Chelles decision to live that kind of life, and that should be her right. But her daughters (and sons) are a whole different chapter. While she and Boob could decide freely, they force their kids to live their life after a certain cult-pattern. And that's what I criticise. That her kids (especially her daugthers) never had any choice.

That's one fact that a lot of Duggar fans like to overlook.

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The thread title made me giggle. I'd hate to be inundated with PMs from 19,000 Duggar humpers on Facebook! [FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH][FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]
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The thread title made me giggle. I'd hate to be inundated with PMs from 19,000 Duggar humpers on Facebook! [FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH][FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]

Thanks for that description, Tapatalk! :techie-error::text-bravo:

And someone else made a joke like this up thread. Christ, this day.

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OT again, but every time I see this thread I read it as "Anyone get PMS from the leghumpers?" The first time I thought to myself, "well, not PMS per se, but definitely the occasional headache. :angry-banghead: :lol:

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