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All quiet on Nottinghill -- why? - Niednagel


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It's a reflection of the fact that my life is full now, that I only recently checked on the blog of Jordan Niednagel and found it hasn't been updated since the merry month of May!!

Did they run out of vacation money?

Have to work like, y'know, real 40-hour weeks?

Get distracted by brother Jer's 4th baby when there as yet is no evidence that the fair Meliss is preggers since birthing Maid Marian?

Maybe Meliss's sewing machine crapped out. No historic costuming, no fun!!!

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Oh, dear god, NO! WHY? The HUMANITY!

I think the boredom of his white male privilege has finally gotten to him. His captions are going from weirdly manic to weirdly depressed. Maybe he IS running out of vacation money.

On a brighter note, all the Ns and MThomases are still coordinating their outfits and making their friends do the same. And Mama Thomas is looking pretty sun fried.

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Jordan's Facebook page has been pretty active lately - philosophical posts with the usual backing-and-forthing about Narnia, brain-typing, atheism and Islam. Not to mention putting out a call for amateur medical advice when lil' Philip got hurt on the playground, and turned out to have a broken collarbone. :angry-banghead:

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Ermagherd, Marian, Nellie, I was just on FB and saw that hairline-fracture post!

Well, y'knowwwwww.......it takes a chunk out of a busy cosplayer's day to take a child for actual medical attention! And after all, Nottinghill, likemost good dominiionistic-homeschooler spreads, no doubt is a good hour's drive to the mean-and-evil city where not-really-necessary "medical" pro's (because what we truly need are essential oil stashes, and midwives and manically grinning mothers ([see all of the baby-birthing photos that Mama Thomas is in as coach to Meliss]).

Jordan's well aware that people visit his site and don't comment - he's mentioned it a couple times, most recently on the last [sic] blogpost from May.

Maybe he's circling the wagons for some reason. Maid Marian Katarina But They're Certainly Not Lutherans is one or nearly and Melissa Lee Beautifully is not evidencing another baby, perhaps?

Too easy. Maybe Jordan's father, the Brain Types Doctor/Not a doctor is increasingly unwell. I suspect all will be revealed, eventually. Jordan's just not the type to play it quiet and calm and close-to-the-leather-vest for very long.

And yes, I do love hyphens, thank you for noticing! :roll: :roll:

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Never fear MJB, Jordan has updated their blog. Reading it leaves me asking the perpetual question - how do these people earn money?? :think:

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Ah, Marian. What would I do without your sleuthing heart? Thanks! Hey another question for the Gen. assembly – Danielle's mother – wearing pedal pushers – isn't Danielle the daughter of someone who was unceremoniously dumped from Gothards bunch? Can anybody recall? Because her mama showing up in kneelength shorts makes me very very happy.

I know, it doesn't take much with this lot.

And for the record – I think Jordan and his family qualify as idle rich. That's seriously all I can figure.

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So you are saying there is no money in creating and starring in YouTube costume dramedies?! :o

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So you are saying there is no money in creating and starring in YouTube costume dramedies?! :o

Who knew, right???

Hey, I did remember something right for once:

.... the former head of the homeschooling curriculum, Jim Voeller, was dismissed for leaving his wife and seven children for his secretary.

That's from


Danielle Niednagel's dad - Jim Voeller = left his wife and 7 kids for his secretary. No wonder Mrs. V wears the dreaded pants ... at this point, who would care?

However, I can't help but suspect that Jordanyo and the fair Meliss consider themselves a bit above Jer and Dan. I mean, don't these folks have a kind of "you asked for it or God wouldn't have punished you" mindframe? I may be wrong.

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Jordan Niednagel lives off Daddy's business proceeds, doesn't he?

Given things like this, it looks like there's plenty cash to go around -- certainly enough for Jordan & Melissa's palatial estate and lives of ease -- and Daddy Neidnagel seems to have gotten a lot of lucrative contracts over the years.

After all, when a sucker is born every minute, it doesn't matter that brain typing is a heaping pile of bullshit or that Daddy Jon Niednagel is nothing but a huckster.

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Jordan Niednagel lives off Daddy's business proceeds, doesn't he?

Given things like this, it looks like there's plenty cash to go around -- certainly enough for Jordan & Melissa's palatial estate and lives of ease -- and Daddy Neidnagel seems to have gotten a lot of lucrative contracts over the years.

After all, when a sucker is born every minute, it doesn't matter that brain typing is a heaping pile of bullshit or that Daddy Jon Niednagel is nothing but a huckster.

But what happens to the boys when their dad dies? He certainly hasn't been in very good health lately, and I don't think Jeremy or Jordan will be able to fill his shoes. How can they run the business when so much seems to rely on their father rustling up contracts? It seems foolish to tie their futures to the business.

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Hey another question for the Gen. assembly – Danielle's mother – wearing pedal pushers – isn't Danielle the daughter of someone who was unceremoniously dumped from Gothards bunch? Can anybody recall? Because her mama showing up in kneelength shorts makes me very very happy.

I've noticed over the last year or so the Niednagel and Thomas women have started wearing pants more. They are still mostly in dresses/skirts but compared to a few years ago they're definitely wearing them more often, especially Melanie Thomas. Melissa seems to wear them a lot when she's working outside, and there have been a few pictures of Danielle in jeans on Jordan's blog. And in the new blog post Marian is wearing a normal bathing suit for a 1 year old! Who knows maybe they're getting a little more relaxed on the strict dress rules...we can only hope.

I also mentioned on the Upcoming Baby thread that I find it strange that there has been no pregnancy announcement from Jordan and Melissa. Even if they got pregnant right now, Marian and the new baby would be over two years apart, a pretty typical age space.

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Captioned: "My first best seller"

Someone please tell me this is fake. Please.

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Captioned: "My first best seller"

Someone please tell me this is fake. Please.

It is Jordan. Of course it is fake.

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I'm so embarrassed. I've been on FJ for a while but the Neidnagels were outliers in my concentrations ...

Somehow I never connected that smuggy boy arrogant Jordan N. with the known charlatan -- infamous and discredited by anyone with half a conscious brain -- Jon "Brain-type" Neidnagal before now.

So that's where the $$$ for the extravagant Jordan life-style come from.

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Oy. I should pay more attention. So many Fundies, so little time.

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I'm so embarrassed. I've been on FJ for a while but the Neidnagels were outliers in my concentrations ...

Somehow I never connected that smuggy boy arrogant Jordan N. with the known charlatan -- infamous and discredited by anyone with half a conscious brain -- Jon "Brain-type" Neidnagal before now.

So that's where the $$$ for the extravagant Jordan life-style come from.

:angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Oy. I should pay more attention. So many Fundies, so little time.

Discredited he may have been, but it just took one troo believer to let the guy amass an initial fortune and then a few more thought it might work and .... hand over fist, folks; hand over fist.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_types tells us Jon has a degree in finance, and that he's a Missouri native. I always wondered why he brought the family back to the mid-continent after having given them a taste of the suave southern Cali beaches.

This article from The Skeptic's Dictionary was illuminating.


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Discredited he may have been, but it just took one troo believer to let the guy amass an initial fortune and then a few more thought it might work and .... hand over fist, folks; hand over fist.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_types tells us Jon has a degree in finance, and that he's a Missouri native. I always wondered why he brought the family back to the mid-continent after having given them a taste of the suave southern Cali beaches.

This article from The Skeptic's Dictionary was illuminating.


There really is a sucker born every minute!

Neidnagal (pronounced Need-noggle!) managed to worm his way into college athletics departments and professional sports teams by sheer salesmanship and lots of pseudoscientific babble. I do have a reluctant admiration for his skills in that.

Brain-typing is basically 21st century Phrenology.

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