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Aloe (most likely not Vera) plant ...

Maggie Mae

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Has yellow "leaves" which shrivel up and die. Any suggestions on how to save this guy?

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Stop watering. More than likely it's being killed with kindness and too frequent watering. Depending on where you live it may only need to be watered once a week to once a month. I'm guessing it's in a pot not in the ground.

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Stop watering. More than likely it's being killed with kindness and too frequent watering. Depending on where you live it may only need to be watered once a week to once a month. I'm guessing it's in a pot not in the ground.

It is in a pot. I haven't watered it in a while, but I think the yellowing started when I repotted it and watered it. Stupid cactus! I thought they were supposed to be low maintenance!

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The potting soil could be part of the problem if it's different from what it was used to having. Usually it's too much water with those guys.

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When I plant succulents I usually use half sand and half soil FWIW. Were you able to save it?

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When I plant succulents I usually use half sand and half soil FWIW. Were you able to save it?

No, it died a long time ago :(

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