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Another Fundie Bites the Dust

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This one has to do with Paul and Gena Suarez from The Old Schoolhouse and one of their sons.

Since we know how fundies love to scrub their websites I am going to use some quotes before it all comes crashing down.

First off, Dr. James Dobson supports them.

Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk is pleased to come alongside The Old Schoolhouse, an exemplary organization and magazine, in serving families that care so deeply for the nurturing and development of their kids.

I have been a supporter of the homeschooling movement since the start, and have great respect for the parents who choose to take on the challenging, but important, task of educating their children.

- Dr. James Dobson- FAMILY TALK

I’ve decided to finally post this because of a discussion I had yesterday with my son. He had been the one who was repeatedly molested when he was six. I asked him what he thought about speaking out about what happened to our family. He paused for a long time then asked if ‘telling others’ was based out of anger or a way to ‘punish’ the Suarez’s. Then it was my turn to pause; I examined my motives (again) before telling him, “No, I’ve fully forgiven them and love them. My intent was purely to warn other familiesâ€. He told me he was glad to hear that and that he had forgiven them, too. But then he told me he wanted to speak plainly. He told me that he was angry — really angry — that his older cousin had forced him to live with such disgusting memories . He also told me that he hated the idea of being known as the kid who had ________ happen to him. He said he was fearful of having a tainted reputation and was nervous about being kept out of certain circles of friends who might look at him weird if they knew. I sat quietly and just listened to him as he spoke. And then what he said surprised me. He said, “I think that being concerned about how I’m viewed is selfish, though. I don’t want my reputation to be more important to me than knowing we might be able to help prevent others from having to live through what I have to deal with†This kid is 13, he’ll be 14 next week. All I could do is tear up and marvel at the grace and the strength and the maturity that God has blessed him with. He’s not a victim. The boy is a hero as far as I’m concerned.

I am sorry, but there is no way in hell I would love and forgive a family that would support evil being done to my child. HELL NO! :angry-banghead:

I’ve been accused of trying to ‘vindictively take down The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’. I reject that accusation. Paul and Gena made the choice to habitually divide with believers over secondary issues. They have also made the choice to condemn (multiple) families who spoke out against child predators.

They made the choice to continue pursuing the spotlight as national leaders after knowing their highschooler repeatedly molested more than one child. In my opinion, they should have stepped down and dealt with their family issues. Instead, they built an audience and created a following. I feel no obligation to protect their leadership position in the homeschooling community. It was their choice to push this issue public.

I went and did a little bit of digging. Creation Ministries International did an interview with them on, get this, "Raising Godly Children". I'm not sure that I would consider having a son molest other children godly, but then again, this is another fundie family and thus, do as I say, not as I do. creation.com/raising-godly-children

JenIG goes on and makes this statement.

Here’s a helpful motto: Don’t do things that you don’t want people to find out about. It’s not the job of the ‘abused’ to protect their abusers ‘popularity’.

YES! YES! YES! but then I remember she talks about how she loves them and forgives them?! WTF

She goes on with three questions that have not been answered.

2) Are you able to comprehend how excruciatingly painful it was for a family to deal with a six year that had been molested by a highschooler from your household? Are you able to understand the absolute agony they then experienced at your hands when you shunned them, slandered them and encouraged others to divide with them over the next 7 years?

No, fundies are unable to comprehend anything like this. They have been trained since babies to not be able to think for themselves. It is beat out of them.

You can read it all here. jeneralities.com/?p=542099

I am just in shock about how much evil is lurking in the Conservative Christian Homeschool community. They want to protect their children from the ebil public school teachers, but damn, they are the horrible, despicable ones.

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The Suarezes were HUGE supporters of Michael & Debi Pearl, back in the day:


Wonder what Mike & Debi Pearl have to say about this latest?

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That's nuts that she forgave the family of the kid who molested her son!!

Part of their reasoning has to do with Jesus forgiving people of their sins and to get into Heaven they HAVE to forgive. Hope that makes sense. It would be VERY difficult to forgive for something like that.

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Part of their reasoning has to do with Jesus forgiving people of their sins and to get into Heaven they HAVE to forgive. Hope that makes sense. It would be VERY difficult to forgive for something like that.

Gena Suarez and Jen Ig are actually sisters . . . and I feel like that may be a big part of it as well. Before their sudden estrangement their families were very close, and then suddenly Jen was a persona non grata on the Old Schoolhouse site and in the magazine (she was a staffer, and maybe editor?) and her blog was deleted from the homeschoolblogger.com site. I believe their younger sister had her blog deleted as well. I am not saying that they should forgive the Suarezes, but it makes more sense to view it as a situation where they were looking to repair family relationships.

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Is there anywhere besides Jen Ig's blog to read about this?

I'm assuming the Suarez son has been prosecuted, otherwise I can't imagine Jen writing openly about this?

And what's with these parents pushing families to socialize with known child molestors and then shunning families if they rejected these guys?

That is just bizarre. Who would do that? And why?

And then on top of that their own son is a child molestor?

Is there more to this story somewhere?

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Gena Suarez and Jen Ig are actually sisters . . . and I feel like that may be a big part of it as well. Before their sudden estrangement their families were very close, and then suddenly Jen was a persona non grata on the Old Schoolhouse site and in the magazine (she was a staffer, and maybe editor?) and her blog was deleted from the homeschoolblogger.com site. I believe their younger sister had her blog deleted as well. I am not saying that they should forgive the Suarezes, but it makes more sense to view it as a situation where they were looking to repair family relationships.

There's not that much family in the world.

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Just wanted to bump this thread to let you all know No Longer Quivering is also discussing this issue;


The allegations that this couple tried to get families in their circle to accept and socialize with known child predators just stun me.

Also, they were/are promoting themselves as experts in child rearing as their son is being accused of molestation.

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Bumping this thread once again as Homeschoolers Annon. is posting again about this issue.

TOS sent a private message to those who requested answers about this scandal. TOS is denying any wrongdoing and threatening legal action against those who are spreading allegations on the internet (one of whom is the sister of Gena Suarez).


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I'm glad more people are talking about this. I would hate to think this family would get away with this and thus, putting thousands of innocent children in harms way.

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