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Senate Grills Dr. Oz on Bogus Weight-Loss Claims


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The Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Insurance held a panel where they took Dr. Oz to task for promoting bogus weight loss supplements on his show.

http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/17/health/se ... ?hpt=hp_t2

I've taken a dim view of Dr. Oz ever since I read an entry on Pinstrosity where a woman followed a pin for "Dr. Oz's Natural Teeth Whitening." It was a recipe on his official website for whitening teeth "naturally" by making a paste out of lemon juice and baking soda, then rubbing it on your teeth. The woman ended up needing a root canal. The info I've read about him has only gotten worse since then. I'm glad someone is finally calling him out on some of the bullshit he peddles--now if only they can criticize him for all of the other pseudoscience he promotes.

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What a quack. Even less excusable because he had the knowledge and skills to do better.

Glad he is being held to some accountability.

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I can't stand him and I'm so glad they called him out on that BS. :worship: What in the world is "flowery" terms? He should have said I'm feeding them a line of BS so they'll go buy this crap. I only watched a few episodes when it first came on, but I do see the promos for it. He'd have you believe everything is bad for you and going to kill you.

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I'm glad one of my Senators was in on the grilling (Claire McCaskill). It's so nice to see one of them in the news for a reason that doesn't make me :angry-banghead:

I hear way too much about Dr Oz - my sister's big into the alt-med, has a degree in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and is always telling the parents about Dr Oz and sending them more bottles of pills to take. Meanwhile, I'm reading Paul Offit's books this month, for the sanity. Oz may be a cardiologist, but he seems to have gone over to the bullshit pseudoscience stuff pretty hard. Everything he talks about is the bestest, easiest cure for everything.

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Gosh, yes. And it's one of those shows where they tease the viewer with great information, then take half the show to get around to actually giving the information, with another teaser every 5 minutes at commercial break. I've even seen them edit out or skip over some of the display tables. It's just frustrating. (Hey! i wanted to know why blueberries help with salt levels... or whatever quack thing it is.) :lol:

So glad he's finally getting in trouble for misleading people.

**eta a shout out for Pinstrosity too! love them, so funny. 8-) pinstrosity.blogspot.com/

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