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Rise of discrimination in Israel


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Over the past few years, discrimination and hatred of women has greatly risen amongst chareidim (ultra-Orthodox Jews), especially in Israel where it's spilling over into the public sphere. It's really concerning, especially because businesses and government cave to the pressure from the chareidim.


Note: the regular orthodox public (dati'im) are not in favor of this




  • leafletting and posted signs about tzniut (modesty) for women
  • not printing photos of women in advertisements, especially in chareidi neighborhoods but also in general
  • not printing women's names
  • street harassment and violence
  • separate entrances and hours for men and women, even in non-religious businesses such as grocery stores and health clinics
  • segregated sidewalks
  • segregated buses and frequent attacks on women who sit in the wrong area
  • segregated elevators
  • segregated all sorts of things




There are two good threads on ishtetl with news and everyday examples of the problems:





I find it disturbing and I'm saddened to see a democratic, socialist nation slide backward into religious fundamentalism. It looks to me like Israel is going to rip itself apart from within as the chareidi population grows. I've been following orthodox blogs and message boards for many years (they're my fundamentalists of choice) and it's been shocking to see this go from a really fringe thing and increasingly mainstream.


(I broke the links but it looks like the forum software is reconstituting them.)

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