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James McD: Severe Kidney Pain, No Doc Needed


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James McDonald on Facebook: "Severe kidney pain three days ago. Today, nothing! Oh, and no doctor either. Thankful for the freedom to take care of most of our health needs without the cost of professionals."

Friend Diana replies, "Amen! Herbs, vitamins and YL essential oils...no dr visits for 20yrs for any of my 7 children."


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OMG, are you fecking kidding me? What an ass. As one who's dealt with kidney stones in the past, there is no way in HELL I'd suffer through any kind of kidney pain without heading straight to my 'professional,' regardless of cost. Not to mention you just don't mess around with suspected kidney problems.

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I find this funny, in an ironic way. Not too long ago, the Bayly's were blathering on their blog about Gluten Intolerance. One of the commenter's is Nancy Wilson and part of what she said was this:

These food fads have got to go! I have a big problem with "alternative medicine" too. Knowing several families that are into naturopaths and homeopathy I've researched the roots of it and found it highly revealing. Basically they're anti-Christian at their roots and are based more on Eastern spirituality and false religion than anything else. The placebo effect really does figure highly into the results they get. Our local Christian station promotes a lot of this "hooey" by promoting a nurse practitioner on their program. She owns a local alternative medicine wellness clinic and sells all kinds of weight loss supplements, fad diet items, and hormonal balancing testing and products at her place of business. She has said some laughable things on the radio such as liver spots on the skin come from liver toxins (instead of sun damage) and she can sell you something that will "cleanse" your liver ("Cleanse" your wallet is more like it...). I find her and others in the alternative medicine business spiritually dangerous to a lot of naive Christians.

Tim Bayly comments and says he loves her spirit (first part of her comment) but never disagrees with her view on "hooey" medical practices.

Tim Bayly and James McDonald are FB friends. :lol: Sometimes I wonder if these people are not passive aggressive on their blogs and FB feeds.

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I had a friend who had kidney problems off and on. He blew it off for quite a while and was eventually diagnosed with late-stage Multiple Myeloma.

This fundie fool needs to get himself to a doctor, stat.

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Kidney stones that are small enough to pass through are going to cause some discomfort but require no medical attention.

If James McDonald can successfully not seek medical treatment then either he's wrong in his diagnosis, or he had a stone small enough to be passable. My poor brother gets stones large enough to hurt every six months, large enough to require medical treatment about every 18 months. He'll do the same thing of flushing at home if possible.

When you reach the point that you are on the ground, vomiting because you cannot see through the pain, no homeopathic, alternative at-home treatment is going to get rid of a stone that is simply too big to pass and has to be gotten out through medical means (usually surgical). And when you experience that kind of pain, you become very thankful for the first person who decided to take the pod of a pretty reddish orange flower and see what human consumption of the sap in that pod would do.

My UTIs have always had flank pain and they tell me that I have likely had small stones for most of my life. I've now had two stones big enough to require medical attention. I pray I never get another one.

I know people who call an ambulance for kidney stones, the pain is that severe. My first officially diagnosed one was 10mm (8mm is the max that will fit through the ureters). I was hyped up on morphine and Zofran until they finally took me to surgery.

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My husband had an enormous staghorn stone in one kidney. Had to be removed surgically, with a nephrostomy bag on his back for 2 weeks after. Never had any pain until he started pissing large quantities of blood one day. The good news? The scans showed an enormous tumor on the other kidney. He never went to a doctor or missed a day of work in almost 30 years. Severe pain that lasts more than a few days should be checked out, big dummies. The urologist said that a stone should always be checked out for size b/c if you try to pass a stone that is too large, it will F up the kidney.

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Or just anti preventative medicine. Or no insurance...

A few days? I waited exactly 24 hours to go to the hospital with what turned out to be appendicitis. And I wish I'd waited less, because it took them 12 hours to diagnose me.

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