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definition of "authority"


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What does it mean, exactly, to be under a father or husband or brother's authority?


Are there specific things that the man in authority controls for the woman under his authority?


Does the man have specific responsibilities?


Is authority supposed to protect the woman in any way?

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Authority means the man makes all decisions. The women may voice their opinions if the man permits, but he is under no obligation to acknowledge them. She, however, is obligated to follow him.

The hierarchy of authority is "Jesus" (in quotes because the man determines which religion is followed and how to interpret passages), husband, wife, then children. In some families it is "Jesus," husband, wife, male children (even if female children are older), then female children.


When you're engaged, authority is shared between your father and your husband to be. Then the hierarchy is "Jesus," father, husband to be, daughter. So the husband to be has as much authority over you as your mother did. But your father still controls everything, including your sexual interactions.

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The definition of authority is the possessor the penis makes the rules.

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I really wanted an answer. Are there actually no parameters for this concept? What do you mean that the authority controls everything? Does it mean having the final say about modesty behaviors, finances, education, policy on hosting guests, color of the living room walls, or what?

Are the rules about authority spelled out anywhere? Who arbitrates them?

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I really wanted an answer. Are there actually no parameters for this concept? What do you mean that the authority controls everything? Does it mean having the final say about modesty behaviors, finances, education, policy on hosting guests, color of the living room walls, or what?

Are the rules about authority spelled out anywhere? Who arbitrates them?

It kind of depends on the church, but usually they'll say Christ is the head of the man, man is the head of the woman... and yes it may apply to every area of life. Some guys are great at delegating authority and couldn't care less about the details, some guys are micro managers from hell.

The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood cbmw.org/ has some resources. But they're on the biblical authority side. (i.e. penis = power, regardless of the ability of the brain) Core beliefs: bmw.org/core-beliefs/

Julie Anne at Spiritual Sounding Board has done quite a few posts on the council and what they believe, and the comments on her posts are very helpful: spiritualsoundingboard.com/2013/04/04/council-for-biblical-manhood-and-womanhood-when-did-roles-become-a-primary-doctrinal-issue/

Karen Campbell at ThatMom also did a series called Patriarchy on Trial thatmom.com/2014/04/21/patriarchy-on-trial-part-one/

imo This verse makes it all equal and allows women to be under the direct authority of Christ Galations 3:26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Good luck I hope you find the answers!

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I really wanted an answer. Are there actually no parameters for this concept? What do you mean that the authority controls everything? Does it mean having the final say about modesty behaviors, finances, education, policy on hosting guests, color of the living room walls, or what?

Are the rules about authority spelled out anywhere? Who arbitrates them?

Most of authority is established in the bible, "honor thy father and mother" (Ephesians 6:1-9). The Bible gives the parents authority to punish/train their kids to be suitable to the Lord. This CAN encompass everything from looks to chores to relationships with peers. Anything the father deems to be ideal to God, he can insist on in regard to the behavior of his kids. The main targets of this are obedience, godliness, modesty (in both genders), and work ethic.

Ultimately, God has the authority, but parents are granted the authority to raise their children as God wants them. The degree to which this is enforced depends on the family's church leadership and social norms.

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As another note, the reason the man is put in front of the wife (Despite many parenting scripture listing "parents" or "father and mother" is due to marital scripture"

ie, Ephesians 5:22-33

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything

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not to beat a dead horse lol but here's another quote for you:

"In today’s world of seemingly unlimited choices for women, making the best choice can be an overwhelming responsibility and it’s extremely tempting for a woman to choose to have no choice. " Vyckie Garrison

...which is why submitting to a strict version of biblical authority might appeal to some women.

(quote from Born to Breed: An Interview With Quiverfull Walkaway Vyckie Garrison by Sarah Jones ontd-political.livejournal.com/8343995.html?thread=513759163#ixzz34S3F3w14)

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