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The Smuggars: Josh, Anna and the M'kids


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Wow, I'm learning so much in this thread. The bold above knocked my socks off.

I'll admit it, I was one of those ignorant parents who turned my daughter's car seat around on her first birthday (twenty years ago). I was always in a hurry for my kid to reach the next milestone. :doh: :embarrassed:

So here is a dumb question from someone whose kids have long been out of safety seats, and I could never quite figure out: where do the kid's legs & feet go, once they're over a year old, in a rear-facing seat?

I had to answer. My almost 2 year old is still rear facing. Her seat is made for rear facing up to 40 lbs and forward facing up to 65 lbs. the minimum height for forward facing is 34 inches and she is 32 inches . The way the seat is angled she has room still, her feet rest on the carseat bottom. It's angled kind of like a recliner chair I guess. She only weighs 25 lbs. I will turn her when she reaches 34 inches. I do think if she was rear facing until 40 lbs she would be more cramped. Most newer seats are designed for rear facing until 2.

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I had to answer. My almost 2 year old is still rear facing. Her seat is made for rear facing up to 40 lbs and forward facing up to 65 lbs. the minimum height for forward facing is 34 inches and she is 32 inches . The way the seat is angled she has room still, her feet rest on the carseat bottom. It's angled kind of like a recliner chair I guess. She only weighs 25 lbs. I will turn her when she reaches 34 inches. I do think if she was rear facing until 40 lbs she would be more cramped. Most newer seats are designed for rear facing until 2.

I'm jealous that your 2 year old is only 25 lbs. the 9 month old I take care of was 23 lbs at his 6 month appointment and is currently in size 18month soon to be graduating into 24 month clothing.

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If I remember correctly (my youngest is about to turn 13) it is because they are made of plastic and eventually the plastic will degrade, especially after years of sitting in a hot car. Car accidents can put stress on the plastic so that they can later fail, even if that stress isn't evident to the naked eye. Someone please feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm wrong!

You're right! I work in a plastics/polymer research laboratory and basically plastics just get crappy over time. Often the case is that you have a plastic made out of super duper long chains of molecules and the light from the sun and the heat and esp. the UV light can cause those molecule chains to break and the chains get shorter, and the shorter the chain the more brittle the plastic becomes.

You know how rubber bands get crappy over time? Like when you find an old one in your desk drawer and it is all crumbly or it breaks really easily? Same exact thing happening except it is happening to a different plastic and the consequences are much worse.

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Wow that sounds like a big baby! My back couldn't handle that !

He's huge. I'm afraid he'll be in 3T by his first birthday :p

He eats about a pound (10 oz of formula and roughly 6 oz of solid food, which is mostly finger foods because he likes to feed himself) a meal, plus two snacks a day (also self fed). Then he takes two 2-2.5 hour naps a day. He's ALWAYS growing.

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Kind of off topic, but I live in the DC area and I'm just waiting for the day I run into them on the Metro or something. And then I'll suggest they go to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, because it has a lot of fun things for kids. :twisted:

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yes, quite often. the controversial carseat pic shows him in shorts and Mac in some leggings-that-look-more-like-pants. Naughty Anna!

The male children of Boob and j'chelle never wore shorts as children. (Except that one time they wore them as a "costume" in that movie)

I wonder if Josh is remembering how hot he must have been at times wearing long pants and probably wishing shorts were allowed; or if he and Anna are just more rational that Ma and Pa Duggar.

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Carseats also expire because of the straps. Over time they can wear out. As someone else posted, it's a lot like how a rubber band gets stretched out over time and doesn't work as well.

The safest places is the middle, then behind the passenger, then the driver. For three rowed cars its middle middle, middle rear, middle passenger, rear passenger, middle driver, rear driver. www.car-seat.org is fabulous resource.

Everyone needs to go by their child. Some adults are technically small enough to be in a booster. And I have no idea how little people work with that.

The resources today are infinitely better than they were just ten years ago. Don't feel bad for not knowing information that wasn't readily available twenty years ago. Seriously.

Michael wearing pants isn't that big of a deal. They let the little girls wear pants. I'll be impressed with Josh wears shorts. Or Anna wears pants.

I don't live that far from DC but I am curious what an random encounter would be like. Moreso with Anna than J'chelle/JB. My kids are roughly the same age. Would she let them play together at the park and be open to play dates and just have some mom conversations or would she turn a fun trip to the park into a change to preach Jesus? (Which can be done tactfully, btw. I have had that happen to me and it wasn't rude or pushy or anything like that, but I doubt she could pull that off.)

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Do you think that the M names might be to honour Michelle? Since all of Michelle's kids are J names which I'm sure Jim-Bob feels are to honour him.

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Do you think that the M names might be to honour Michelle? Since all of Michelle's kids are J names which I'm sure Jim-Bob feels are to honour him.

Maybe, but it may also have been that Josh and Anna tried to find a letter that came with many name options that they agreed on.

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My pediatricians are carseat gurus. as soon as at American Pediatric Association changed their guidelines for rear facing to 2 years old we got an email from our doctor. We just recently turned my 30 pound, 34 month old son forward.

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Maybe, but it may also have been that Josh and Anna tried to find a letter that came with many name options that they agreed on.

They have specifically stated that the M names were in honor of Michelle (during the pregnancy/name announcement for Mackynzie).

IIRC the name origins were:

Mackynzie = cousin's name

Renee = Anna's middle name

Michael = Anna's father's name

James = Jim Bob

Marcus Anthony = ?

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They have specifically stated that the M names were in honor of Michelle (during the pregnancy/name announcement for Mackynzie).

IIRC the name origins were:

Mackynzie = cousin's name

Renee = Anna's middle name

Michael = Anna's father's name

James = Jim Bob

Marcus Anthony = ?

Marcus Anthony is so close to both Marc Anthony and Mark Antony that is weird me out because they don't seem likely to be aware of either figure but it is such a famous-sounding name. It would crack me up if he was actually named for Marcus Antonius.

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Did anyone see the interview with Smuggar on the Duggar Family Blog? :ew: Contraception is of the devil!

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WTF?! Since when is contraception even in the same category as abortion?? And now birth control causes abortions?? These people have no idea what they're talking about it.

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Did anyone see the interview with Smuggar on the Duggar Family Blog? :ew: Contraception is of the devil!

I just watched. He is a jackass. I better give up my monthly abortion...kidding

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WTF?! Since when is contraception even in the same category as abortion?? And now birth control causes abortions?? These people have no idea what they're talking about it.

Michelle has long claimed that. Her story with "Caleb" is that she had been taking BC and ended up miscarrying. She was told by her pastor and doctor that her use of BC caused the miscarriage. In other words, BC = abortion. That's why they went quiverfull.

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Michelle has long claimed that. Her story with "Caleb" is that she had been taking BC and ended up miscarrying. She was told by her pastor and doctor that her use of BC caused the miscarriage. In other words, BC = abortion. That's why they went quiverfull.

I know that but it still infuriates me. I always heard them just say that it can cause a miscarriage. Now this asshole is saying there's a special component to them designed to cause abortions? WTF? That's complete and utter bullshit.

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I know that but it still infuriates me. I always heard them just say that it can cause a miscarriage. Now this asshole is saying there's a special component to them designed to cause abortions? WTF? That's complete and utter bullshit.

:agree: It's really ridiculous. So supposedly all these "un-caught fertilized eggs" are actual people who are going to be in heaven? Because out of all the people who are sexually active, unprotected intercourse, fertilized eggs that just for whatever reason don't implant and the women have normal periods and just never realize they were almost preggers, that's a significant percentage of missed pregnancies. I love children but i can't handle any more than two, and it makes me furious that these jerks judge people who are making sensible choices. Birth control might mean that you choose to take hormones that make your body unable to keep a fertilized egg, (for people who can't afford sterilization and for SURE can't afford another child to raise) but calling that abortion is just cruel. Women can't always abstain or get the other person to use protection, quiverfull peeps should give them a little power without condemnation, please.

Michelle claiming that BC made her unable to maintain a true pregnancy is a little bit off... probably there was something else wrong with the DNA unfortunately. BC hormones are generally out of the system within a fairly short amount of time.

From medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=53641:

It's safe to get pregnant the day after you stop the pill. Once you stop the pill the hormones are gone. There are some women who even get pregnant while on the pill, and there are no studies showing that there is an increased risk to the fetus. The birth control pill works by preventing ovulation. Once you stop taking the pill, the hormones are out of your body quickly, usually within a couple of days. When the hormones are gone your body needs to start again on its own to function. That mean it will start producing follicles again, which eventually lead you to ovulate. Everybody acts differently, some may take a couple of weeks to ovulate, other may take some months, but in general your body should be in "normal mode" within less than two to three months after stopping the pill. So if you now ovulate normally, that means your body is back to its normal rhythm. No matter how long you took the pill it's the same if it's six months or 10 years. Your body should get back to ovulating normally quickly.

I've known quiverfull women IRL that will take drugs (progesterone, etc) and jump through hoops to hold onto a pregnancy that just wasn't meant to be and should have been allowed to naturally end, but it turns into a health issue because they manipulate hormones. They have twisted logic. It's okay to manipulate health in one direction but not another (and the way that they immediately know they are pregnant is that they check their cervical mucus :ew: and then bang like rabbits :hand: when it's possible to conceive. One of my previous friends had fraternal twins conceived SEVERAL DAYS APART, they know this because of the babies' measurements). It's not truly letting go and letting God at all.

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:agree: It's really ridiculous. So supposedly all these "un-caught fertilized eggs" are actual people who are going to be in heaven? Because out of all the people who are sexually active, unprotected intercourse, fertilized eggs that just for whatever reason don't implant and the women have normal periods and just never realize they were almost preggers, that's a significant percentage of missed pregnancies. I love children but i can't handle any more than two, and it makes me furious that these jerks judge people who are making sensible choices. Birth control might mean that you choose to take hormones that make your body unable to keep a fertilized egg, (for people who can't afford sterilization and for SURE can't afford another child to raise) but calling that abortion is just cruel. Women can't always abstain or get the other person to use protection, quiverfull peeps should give them a little power without condemnation, please.

Michelle claiming that BC made her unable to maintain a true pregnancy is a little bit off... probably there was something else wrong with the DNA unfortunately. BC hormones are generally out of the system within a fairly short amount of time.

From medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=53641:

I've known quiverfull women IRL that will take drugs (progesterone, etc) and jump through hoops to hold onto a pregnancy that just wasn't meant to be and should have been allowed to naturally end, but it turns into a health issue because they manipulate hormones. They have twisted logic. It's okay to manipulate health in one direction but not another (and the way that they immediately know they are pregnant is that they check their cervical mucus :ew: and have copious amounts of "sweet fellowship" :hand: when it's possible to conceive. One of my previous friends had fraternal twins conceived SEVERAL DAYS APART, they know this because of the babies' measurements). It's not truly letting go and letting God at all.

Most fraternal twins are conceived several days apart. Hell there are some with different fathers.

As you already stated, the pill prevents ovulation. That's why conceiving immediately after stopping it can increase your risk of twins, just like it increases when you conceived on your first cycle after giving birth/breastfeeding. Your body hyperovulates to make up for lost time. I'm really not surprised that after a miscarriage and stopping the pill that J'chelle conceived twins. That's not terribly uncommon.

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What is it with these fucktards trying to dictate women's fertility issues, but then going on to say that they have either done limited or no research on the issue? Smuggar actually admitted on camera that he did "limited research." Are you kidding me???? He's done limited research, but of course he's an expert on the issues of a sex he does not belong to. He disgusts me.

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Most fraternal twins are conceived several days apart. Hell there are some with different fathers.

As you already stated, the pill prevents ovulation. That's why conceiving immediately after stopping it can increase your risk of twins, just like it increases when you conceived on your first cycle after giving birth/breastfeeding. Your body hyperovulates to make up for lost time. I'm really not surprised that after a miscarriage and stopping the pill that J'chelle conceived twins. That's not terribly uncommon.

Thank you for the clarification, i really didn't do much research :lol: ;)

But these twins are supposed to be 5 days apart, is that normal? It just grosses me out that quiverfull parents hump like crazy because babies are some kind of status symbol. At the same time they ignore their own health, stupidly neglect planning to afford the other kids beyond the basics, barely keeping them from starving. Anyway, this friend of mine just makes want to :angry-banghead:, because just like Michelle she tends to focus on a new baby and get depressed with the child after it's grown a little instead of enjoying each child at every stage.

And they go around like they're wearing a halo. Looking down on people who are smart about family size. The hypocrisy and conceit. :angry-fire:

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Thank you for the clarification, i really didn't do much research :lol: ;)

But these twins are supposed to be 5 days apart, is that normal? It just grosses me out that quiverfull parents hump like crazy because babies are some kind of status symbol. At the same time they ignore their own health, stupidly neglect planning to afford the other kids beyond the basics, barely keeping them from starving. Anyway, this friend of mine just makes want to :angry-banghead:, because just like Michelle she tends to focus on a new baby and get depressed with the child after it's grown a little instead of enjoying each child at every stage.

And they go around like they're wearing a halo. Looking down on people who are smart about family size. The hypocrisy and conceit. :angry-fire:

Ugh, don't say that about fraternal twins. My brothers are fraternal twins. :brain-bleach:

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Do you think that the M names might be to honour Michelle? Since all of Michelle's kids are J names which I'm sure Jim-Bob feels are to honour him.

I've wondered that too.

I'm waiting for a Margaret.... :pray:

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