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Even Sasquatches want to throw rocks at Candy!


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Heck, she hasn't really "lied" about the number of kids she has, but she went from saying she has "4 beautiful children" to calling herself the mother of "a beautiful quiver full of children" (or something to that effect) to make it look like she has more than 4 children. Liar liar, modest flowing Deut 22:5-approved dress on fire!

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Heck, she hasn't really "lied" about the number of kids she has, but she went from saying she has "4 beautiful children" to calling herself the mother of "a beautiful quiver full of children" (or something to that effect) to make it look like she has more than 4 children. Liar liar, modest flowing Deut 22:5-approved dress on fire!

I'm sure her tale of "I used to spend all my time in the woods" is really "One time I went hiking". And she also once said her parents were Quiverfull too...just that she filled their Quiver.

Yes, and let's not forget that while your dress must be flowing in order to be modest (because Candy is an expert at Biblical Greek), it is OK if the top is a size too tight so that it really ACCENTUATES your femininity. Still modest, cuz it's long and flowy!

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Part 4


There were dark and bright spots in my teen years. I wanted to be a good kid, but after so many people telling me how horrible and rebellious teens supposedly are, I got tired of being good. No one seemed to notice that I was a "good teen," so, I became a bad teen for a while. Then, I got noticed. After doing some really stupid things, I decided I'd rather be good and not noticed than the other, so I cut it out.

The school I attended from first grade until after tenth grade was a small mountain school. It had elementary, Jr. high and high school all in the same building. I was pretty much with the same group of kids from first through tenth grade. Our class averaged 18 people or so. I always felt like most of my teachers were aggravated by me, or annoyed. The kids in school seemed to enjoy picking on me. I dreaded it when the teachers would have us all break up into groups. None of the kids wanted to be in a group with me, and I didn't know how to get into a group. I still don't, and hate when church has us break up into groups. I would then get in trouble with the teacher, because everyone else was in a group, but I was still sitting there by myself. When called on to explain my actions (or rather, non-action), here came my selective mutism, and I couldn't speak. I would then usually get yelled at or reprimanded in some way, then put into a group of kids, who would all protest that they didn't want me in their group.

Gym class was horrible. It seemed it was almost always some sport being played. I didn't know how (and still don't) to play any of those sports, and the rules were never explained. How did everyone else know how to play? When/where/how did they learn? Two kids would pick teams. I would be the last kid, with neither of them wanting me on their team. I would end up on the team who needed one more person. In volleyball, I would just stand where they put me, but was afraid to hit the ball, because I didn't know when I could, where, how, or if/when I was allowed to. I didn't want to mess anything up. In basketball, I hadn't the foggiest what to do. I'd dribble the ball, and someone would yell "she's traveling!" or something like that. What was that?! It must have been bad, because everyone would get mad at me.

There were all sorts of reasons for the kids to dislike me in school. I didn't make sense to them, and they didn't make sense to me. I'd unknowingly seem to ruin their groups and games, when I was forced to join by teachers. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. It felt like everyone was in some exclusive club, where they were all given the rules manual, and had training, and they all knew what to do. I was obviously never inducted into said club. I was on the outside, looking in, and wondering what in the world they were doing, and why. I felt like I was on the wrong planet. While we all spoke English, they didn't make sense to me.

While I was constantly called "weird" and "stupid," as I got older, I did, however, get noticed by boys.

I had several boyfriends. Usually if I had a boyfriend, he was from a different school, but I did end up having a few from my school. My first boyfriend went to the same school, and was in the same class as I. I noticed he stayed away from me in school, and seemed embarrassed to be my boyfriend. Outside of school he was fine. I felt like he was ashamed of me in school. Frankly, I probably unknowingly embarrassed him. I refuse to be in any relationship with someone who is embarrassed by me or ashamed of me, so I broke it off. In the eighth or ninth grade I dated a senior. He was sweet, and I really liked his personality, but I had NO physical attraction for him. Letting him hold my hand would turn my stomach, and I'd feel bad that I felt that way. After trying to get myself to like him "that way," I finally found I just couldn't, so I broke it off, and he went a bit ballistic. It was scary, but it all ended well. There were some other boyfriends here and there, but those two stand out a bit for me.

When I was around 12 or 13, I started keeping a journal, and scheduling my days. That was the predecessor to my Home Management Binder. I listed goals and things I wanted to learn, then created plans of action to help me accomplish my goals and better myself. I also started regularly exercising. When I was an older teen, I briefly considered being a personal trainer when I grew up.

I still exercise regularly - most weeks I try to do 6 days per week.

I went to modeling school. I enjoyed runway, photo shoots, public speaking, and dancing. I still enjoy public speaking, and still do that from time to time. For the first time in my life, people told me I was pretty and smart. Unlike in the false social environment of public school, modeling school was different. I was surrounded by girls of different ages, and various teachers who were models, and really nice. There were male models there too, but most of the time we were in separate classes. I was liked. I was friends with everyone. The girls there didn't act like the girls in public school. None of us knew each other, and the slate was clean. I was comfortable, and therefore was myself, and not too introverted, like in public school. In those classes, I discovered talents I didn't know I had. I now use some of those talents to help further the kingdom of God, but I will not let my left hand know what my right hand is doing, dear reader, so I will therefore not tell you, either. Going to modeling school was the happiest time of my adolescence - the brightest spot.

When I was 16, I just could not take public school anymore. It was too much. A group of boys had dragged me into the boy's bathroom, and I literally had to fight my way out. One day, a boy grabbed my bag from me, and I threw him across a table. A girl threw huge rocks at me, and ended up clocking me in the head. I was knocked semi-silly, and was sent to the nurse's office, and then sent home for the day.

I told my parents that I could NOT stand another year at that school, but I would finish out that year. They were planning on enrolling me into another school, and I said I would try it. Well, instead, I found a secular homeschool (I still had never heard the Gospel at this point in my life) that I could do myself, via correspondence. I got a job (and was soon promoted to manager), started keeping my room nice and doing my own laundry, paid for my own car, bought my mom an answering machine (she hated answering the phone) and also paid for cable to be installed. I had shown I was responsible. I approached my dad with the information about the home school, and told him I would pay for it myself, and I really thought this was a great option for me. He looked into it, and was impressed with the correspondence home school, so he said "yes," but that he was going to pay for it, and I needed to save up my money.

So, after I finished out tenth grade, I had the privilege of being in home school.

Meanwhile, it had gotten back around to me, that a certain teacher at my old school told my class that I was a "drop out," and he used me as an example to them to stay in school. I had a lot of trouble with that teacher when in school. No matter what I did, I somehow did it wrong, and he would get all red faced and yell at me. He would pound desks, slam chairs, etc. I don't know why he always yelled at me. I must not have been reacting properly to his tirades, because he would just get madder and madder, and call me a "smart ass." One day, in yelling at me, he told me to get out. I promptly left the classroom, as directed. I headed into the bathroom, shut myself in a stall, and read until that class period was over. Later, I was summoned to the principal's office. I was in trouble, because apparently "get out," meant I was supposed to wait in the hall for him to come out and "talk" to me. Well, he didn't say that. He said "get out," so I got out. I was given detention. I didn't show for it, because I know I didn't do anything wrong. There was no punishment for ditching detention, and the whole thing was dropped.

Let that teacher spread the rumor that I dropped out of school. I didn't care, because I was free of them, either way. The door of escape from public school hell was again opened, and this time it wasn't going to slam shut. I home schooled myself through the rest of high school, and yes, I have a diploma, and went on to do some home college, as well.



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....modeling school? Are those even real? This sounds like an ANTM situation.

LOVED the shout out to the HMB.

She has aspergers but is a natural public speaker?

I wonder what kind of Home School curriculum she used?

Must have been pretty good to prepare her for her high-powered career at IBM.

Oh wait, that was probably all the Home College she did.

Absolutely NOTHING that has happened in the story thus far has been Candy's fault or even influenced by Candy. Everything just happens TO her.

This isn't even a really believable account...and I'm reading it as fiction.

Candy is sooooooo modest, y'alls:

I now use some of those talents to help further the kingdom of God, but I will not let my left hand know what my right hand is doing, dear reader, so I will therefore not tell you, either.
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Him. My 17-y-o Aspie daughter would never be able to model because part of the Asperger's is that she can't read faces, so can't mimic them (as one would do when modeling). She also has never had a boyfriend. She hasn't been super interested because she just isn't that interested in people in general. part of the Asperger's. Not that Aspies don't date or marry, but the whole "I had sooooo many boyfriends" schtick is ridiculous.

And girls at a modeling school are so much less shallow and judgmental than regular high school girls?

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The only thing that rings true to me:

1. Depression after a surgery. When I had my appendix out I cried for a week.

2. Being picked on at school by students and teachers. Yup, been there, done that.

And... I could believe she's been sexually abused, just because its so friggin common.

The rest of it, even though I don't follow candy, seems incredibly fake.

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Part 5 is up, joyfulchristianhomemaking.com/ Where she skims over homeschooling herself while working full time, meeting Eric, marriage, and salvation.

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Another one of my Candy pet peeves: photo effects.

I get you might want to do some effects on photos to protect your privacy, but when you have to go so far that you can't even see the picture (like today's), then maybe you just shouldn't post the picture at all.

This is also a pet peeve of mine about social media: post about it or don't. But don't post something sort of vague about it and then refuse to answer basic questions because it's "too private". If it's that private, you shouldn't have posted about it!

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The modeling school was probably Barbizon. Remember those commercials: Train to be a model...or just look like one!

Darn, I wanted to imbed the video but I couldn't figure out how.

And I could believe her about being picked on so much. She writes that she went to a very small school. I was with the same class from 4th-8th grade and there were a couple people that were kind of the class whipping-boys. Its like they couldn't do anything right and people were always picking on them. And no matter what they did, they would always have that "reputation" because the school is so small. So I could see if she did no outside activities, that going to modeling school with kids who didn't automatically treat her like a pariah would be a happy time. If my child was in that situation I would pull them out of the school in a heartbeat.

That said, Candy reminds me of someone I know in my life and care about, but who is severely mentally disordered. I have my arm-chair diagnosis, but I will keep that to myself. With her feelings = facts. She is always, always, always a victim. She will take the most mundane interaction and spin it to where she is being persecuted by the other person. For example, she was visiting and a neighbor asked her to move her car because it was blocking the driveway. She talked about it for weeks, how horrible this person was, how mean, where does she get off, etc, etc, and the story got more embellished and she became more worked up and emotional with every re-telling. And the thing is, she really BELIEVES the things she says. I have witnessed her tell stories that are the exact opposite of the truth or even complete fabrications and she will be sobbing about how horrible it was, and she is truly feeling those emotions, however the situation never happened. She even called my parents sobbing, asking for information about me and telling them I hadn't spoken to her in months and she missed me so much. So my mom called me and was like, um well this was embarrassing, what is going on? I was shocked because I had a lovely, hour-long conversation with this woman the day before. So, maybe some of this stuff happened with Candy, maybe all, maybe none, but I would take it all with a HUGE grain of salt.

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Reading Candy's blog I have to wonder: Is anything ever Candy's fault?

What? Something be Candy's fault? Candy is the Lord's super speshul snowflake, and while she is perfect and good, she is ALWAYS the 100% victim when bad things happen. Nothing bad that happens to Candy is ever Candy's fault ever! Candy is only responsible for the GOOD things.

You must be thinking of someone else.

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  • 2 years later...
On 4/14/2014 at 1:01 PM, fundyduddy said:

Go read the craziness over at Candy's blog today. She's posted her life story part 1!




Favorite part:



Hahahaha eesh 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just had a look at her eyes2jesus YouTube (I only discovered FJ because I discovered Candy in 2016 in one of her prepper kind of videos and I wondered why this woman had a blog that had these 'past versions' you couldn't find and then Yuku and FJ popped up in Google) and she's made 3 videos recently vlogging about her flu LOL and she was encouraging people to party for Trump now he's inaugurated LOL. 

Other gems include 'what I ate in a day', several years of 'one day in my life ' videos, grocey hauls and she's cycled through dozens of Filofax or similar planning binders these past 3 years. She makes several videos a month, always with a new planner lol and her recent birthday shopping haul video had 2 new planners: I feel so sorry for her husband having to provide for a non-working spouse spending a huuge amount of money on multiple planners cause she's never happy with one for more than a week or so LOL.

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