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Women abusing men during childbirth is a serious problem


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My fiancée just said: "man, you're responsible for your wife being pregnant, grow a pair, STFU, and be there for your wife" just as I was about to say it.

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OkToBeTakei wrote:

Virtually all of us men have been hurt on many occasions at work or working at home. And when the searing pain is there, we do not abuse the people around us. And don't talk to me about the drudgery of carrying a child for 9 months. Well over 98% of you women in the western world, will never know what it is like to be a pack animal, to be a slave in a job where you are busting your guts for between 8 and 12 hours every single day for the 40/50 years of your working life. You women know nothing of what real drudgery is. All you get is some discomfort for 9 months a couple/few times in your lives, with a bout of pain at the end IF you have the child naturally. Then the rest of your miserable existence is just sitting around on your fat arses bitching about men and the children you now have to look after.

And no, housework and raising children as a full time parent is NOT a hard job. I have done that for the past 8 years (on my own as a single father) while at the same time suffering a chronic illness. After all the years I worked like a pack animal prior to my disability, raising children and doing housework is by a country mile the easiest job I have ever had to do. How could any human being, man or woman ever say housework and raising kids is hard, I will never know.

I'll bet this Shrek guy screams bloody murder when he has an extra large bowel movement.

How does it not occur to him that most women do "slave in a job where you are busting your guts for between 8 and 12 hours every single day for the 40/50 years of your working life" and carry and deliver children as well? :angry-banghead:

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There's really no reasoning with these MRAs. They want medals for doing the parenting the rest of us do simply because we want to be good parents. Then, they want to demoralize and degrade the work of mothers and primary caregivers because it *might* draw attention away from their colossal effort to be a decent human being....or I should say to play a decent human being in the spotlight.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a bunch of whiny babies, I've given birth to five children 4 vaginal births and one c-section and my hubby was genuinely surprised when I read him some of the stuff posted on the MRA website. Mostly because I wasn't a screamer and spent more time twisting the sheets into knots than trying to break his hand. I may have joked with him about attacking him during labor, but when it came down to it I was too focused on dealing with the pain to bother with trying to hurt him. I always dealt with the pain with meditation, so I had to try to stay quiet and focused. Thing is after spending a couple days on the maternity ward over the course of having my five children I don't remember ever hearing any other moms really screaming or swearing at their babies' fathers either. I heard a few scream during delivery, but it wasn't directed at the dad. Honestly, my husband suffered more "abuse" from the male doctor than me. My husband almost fainted when he watched our first daughter being born since he doesn't do too well with seeing blood. The doctor thought it was funny to show him the placenta by basically shoving it right under his nose.

The whole leaving his wife in the delivery room if she yelled at him or squeezed his hand too hard post is ridiculous, and I really want this poor abused man to explain to the judge how he's divorcing his wife over spousal abuse that occurred in the delivery room. What kind of asshole would walk out of the delivery room and then go home and put out all his wife's things while she's still in the hospital just because she called him a name during labor. Notice he said she would never see or hear from him again afterwards so he also believes his child doesn't deserve a father because its mother swore at him during labor. These assholes want lots of sex, but no responsibility towards the women in their lives or the resulting children.

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One of my friend's has a husband with many mra opinions. He's a pain in the butt and his views are opposite to his wife's views and lifestyle. Currently, he's not welcome to any of her friends' dinners, bbqs, or any other social events. Why are they still married after 20 years? I dunno, he does still look good without a shirt but that's not enough. Anyhow, their first child was born nearly 15 years ago and he did his darnedest to convince his wife to have a silent childbirth because he would find it more respectful to him.

I'll pause here for the laughter. I know we laughed when she told us.

Best part? When baby was born, her husband burst into tears. It's on video. And he cried each time his other children were born. And he thinks he was super brave and a an all around generous guy for witnessing the births. :wtf:

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I just had to go and engage the fuckers (anybody have some blood pressure meds) I tried to be nice and even held back on allot of what I was really thinking. Old Shrek blew a gasket when I suggested that if his wife indeed subjected him to abuse he might want to seek therapy for his anger issues. Apparently I'm stupid, have no sympathy for the poor poor menz and they're suffering, and I'm not a normal human being. I somehow managed to stay polite and not resort to name calling I wish these manly men were that mature :pull-hair: :angry-banghead: . I'm going to go fangirl Tom Hiddleston now and hope being reminded that true gentlemen do exist lowers my blood pressure a little. :wink-kitty:

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You have more patience than I would have. I don't have the energy to debate MRA assholes who lack the intelligence of an earthworm.

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Oh just had to post this it's probably the most breathtakingly misogynistic thing I've ever read.

Clint Carpentier Chris Williams • 12 days ago

You're right, it was pretty disrespectful. I know you're right, so let me rephrase that vile heartlessly cruel statement. A comatose retarded down-syndrome barely pubescent girl in a cave by herself, still has the necessary skill to give birth. I trust that makes up for my previous evil.

As for your first paragraph. Theory can only take you so far; at some point, you're gonna have to ask some questions. If you're living your life based solely on theory, you're one dumb fuck.

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