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New Raquel Stuff

fiery redhead

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The person trying to sing along wih Raquel... I'm not a musician so I don't know how to put this... It was just weird. It sounded like Raquel was supposed to be singing alone and then here's this other voice that we kinda sort not quite hear very well....

I have heard it that slow before. I didn't think it was supposed to be very fast paced? I'll have to listen to a good version again. It's been a loooooong time since I listened to Christian music.

I don't necessarily think Raquel has a bad voice. She sounds like she could be singing up front for church for special music. Not bad, but not something I'd buy a cd of either.

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Raquel's has received comments and emails saying that all of her focus on romance makes it hard for some girls to read her blog since they are single and trying to focus on being content where God put them, not on finding a husband. Raquel's response is that these people probably don't have a good relationship with God, they probably aren't really content being single(and Raquel is?), and they just shouldn't read her blog. But please don't discuss their struggles with her when it comes to romance, she doesn't want to know if her blog is causing her sisters in Christ to struggle. It isn't her fault that they aren't good Christians like she is. :roll: She has NEVER had any problems with romance making her not be content. Which is rather funny since she has had tons of tweets of romantic pictures where she says "I need a man to do this with me now!!" and that doesn't sound like a person who is content being single.

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Raquel's has received comments and emails saying that all of her focus on romance makes it hard for some girls to read her blog since they are single and trying to focus on being content where God put them, not on finding a husband. Raquel's response is that these people probably don't have a good relationship with God, they probably aren't really content being single(and Raquel is?), and they just shouldn't read her blog. But please don't discuss their struggles with her when it comes to romance, she doesn't want to know if her blog is causing her sisters in Christ to struggle. It isn't her fault that they aren't good Christians like she is. :roll: She has NEVER had any problems with romance making her not be content. Which is rather funny since she has had tons of tweets of romantic pictures where she says "I need a man to do this with me now!!" and that doesn't sound like a person who is content being single.

Her lack of self awareness is truly epic. I'm serious - I'm in awe of her ability to be so far up her own ass.

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Sigh. I get that ALL THE TIME. It's ok sweetly, you don't have to pretend you're happy, we all know you secretly want a man.

Erm, as an aromantic asexual, no, no I don't. I'm not pretending, I really am quite happy to be single.

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Ew she even pinned a photo of octogenarians in a lip lock.

Doesn't she know that being in a relationship is about WAY more than nookie? She needs to stop reading romances and watching sappy movies and find some guy friends, so she'll have some companionship to offer the guy once the new wears off. She'll never be happy in a marriage when her hubby irritates her or acts gross. Does she have brothers??? She just has a weird fantasy life and needs to grow up. All her ideas of romance seem tied to a guy who acts like a girl. :twisted:

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On the no-sex-movement tumblr, that photo of the murdered "flesh" crime scene -- wow. When it gets to that point of desperation it's time to start training for a marathon or something physical to get an outlet. WTF.

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What is really scary is that there are so many girls on her blog and dudes who have cyber crushes on her on twitter who hang on to her every word. Can they not see how fake she is?

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The #nosexmovement gets on my nerves, which may sound odd coming from a virgin who wants to stay that way until marriage. The reason being, they turn Christian sexual purity into this fad by saying stupid crap like "purity is the new HOT!". If I did not stay pure for Christ then I would not be pure at all, there is no reason for me to be. There are girls bragging about waiting for marriage, and yes it is a big deal, but why are they talking about this way? What about walking. Humbly with your God? And I am sorry #nosexmovement but you are not going to actually change the colloquial definition of "hot", and it's stupid to say that purity and modesty are.

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Apparently Raquel has been trying to raise $2,000 since last fall for a mission's trip to Peru this July. This is the same girl who whines about not having a job (she was relying on a job-offer from a friend at a fro-yo shop that failed to even be constructed, she insinuated that was the only way she could have worked outside the home). If she had gotten a job back in fall, she could've had well over $2,000 by now even if she worked only worked ~10 hrs a week. If she doesn't believe in women working outside the home, she then she has no business asking for money for a trip to a different continent. If she really had a conviction that women should be keepers of the home and that ministry should be geared towards her own family or local families, then she would encourage a guy to take the trip. She really is just lazy. Sorry, I am the double standard police.

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The #nosexmovement gets on my nerves, which may sound odd coming from a virgin who wants to stay that way until marriage. The reason being, they turn Christian sexual purity into this fad by saying stupid crap like "purity is the new HOT!". If I did not stay pure for Christ then I would not be pure at all, there is no reason for me to be. There are girls bragging about waiting for marriage, and yes it is a big deal, but why are they talking about this way? What about walking. Humbly with your God? And I am sorry #nosexmovement but you are not going to actually change the colloquial definition of "hot", and it's stupid to say that purity and modesty are.

Ironically, modesty doesn't seem to apply when Christians are discussing how modest they are... :shhh:

People like Raquel should read the Bible verses where it talks about how Christians shouldn't show off their good deeds like hypocrites. Too lazy to look it up, but I think it's good advice for anyone.

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I'm only allowed to work 28 hours a week. If I didn't have to pay rent, groceries, etc, I could have way more than $2,000 by now.

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10 Tips on Winning a Godly Woman's Heart

Some "highlights" (this was written by some dude she knows)

"Disclaimer: Every woman is different. These are not guaranteed to work for every guy on every girl, but these are guidelines that are definite suggestions and may help you. And of course, just 10 of them."

"5) Flirting isn’t bad if there are intentions behind it."

And now we have contradictions! Yay:

"7) Ask intelligent questions.

Be interested in her and what she does, what she loves, what she hates. Remember to listen to her answers. And try (as hard as you can) to remember them. A man who remembers is a man who gets points. You have no idea how much a woman will be impressed (and feel special) when you remember things that she’s told you. Especially things about HER. "

10) Don’t try to impress her.

http://god-sdaughter.blogspot.com/2014/ ... l?spref=tw


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Oh dear...as a Godly woman (His daughter no less!) Raquel must have a hard time finding a man who's Godly enough to fit her standards. ;)

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10 Tips on Winning a Godly Woman's Heart

Some "highlights" (this was written by some dude she knows)

"Disclaimer: Every woman is different. These are not guaranteed to work for every guy on every girl, but these are guidelines that are definite suggestions and may help you. And of course, just 10 of them."

"5) Flirting isn’t bad if there are intentions behind it."

And now we have contradictions! Yay:

"7) Ask intelligent questions.

Be interested in her and what she does, what she loves, what she hates. Remember to listen to her answers. And try (as hard as you can) to remember them. A man who remembers is a man who gets points. You have no idea how much a woman will be impressed (and feel special) when you remember things that she’s told you. Especially things about HER. "

10) Don’t try to impress her.

http://god-sdaughter.blogspot.com/2014/ ... l?spref=tw


Maybe he means don't try to impress her in the 'redneck's last words' way :lol:

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Here is her ask.fm:




I think she has pinned every couples kissing/girl lounging on guy picture she can.

She has this picture pinned, as well as many others from Sherlock:


That's Irene Adler wearing Sherlock's coat. ONLY Sherlock's coat. This in the same series in which John and Mary find out they're expecting at their wedding (ie, premarital sex is a given), and John, Mary and Sherlock are pretty much the only characters who DON'T think John and Sherlock are in a relationship. How is this appropriate fundie-lite watching?

The more I think about it, the more I think that even Raquel realises that, no, it's not, but she just ignores the things that don't correllate with her beliefs because she enjoys the show and she has no concept of sacrifice or putting in effort. As much as she goes on (and on) about purity and waiting for marriage, it would not surprise me one bit if she had sex before marriage. It's easy right now, because she's not exactly had the opportunity for sex, but when she does? She'll bang someone then turn around and try to justify it.

If she does actually wait for marriage, it'll probably be because she's found someone who ticks all the godly boxes but doesn't turn her on.

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